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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This is actually about me and Sarai. There is much written about me but I want to focus more on my personal side of it.

We lived in Ur; some claim that this is where the Garden of Eden used to be. You couldn’t prove it by me for the flood had wiped out all traces of it. My family is a little confusing so I’ll try to explain it to you.

Terah had three boys and one girl, actually he had some more but we don’t talk about them. My brother Haran had a boy named Lot and a girl named Milcah and he died in Ur at a young age. My brother Nahor married up with Haran’s daughter and had a boy named Bethuel who had a son named Laban and a daughter named Rebekah and then Laban had two girls; Leah who was a little homely and Rachel who was comely.

Well getting back to the important part, I married my half sister named Sarai. Terah first married Yona, by whom he had Abraham; afterwards he married Tehevita, by whom he had Sarah.” Thus she was my half sister being the daughter of my father but not my mother.

Sister or not she was hot and I had my eye on her from the time she was little and before someone else got her I closed the deal. I was excited about having a son but Sarai couldn’t get pregnant, no matter how hard we tried, it just didn’t work. We tried and tried but there was no issue of life coming forth.

Some of the men began to talk about me behind my back saying that it was my fault and maybe I needed some help.

This was embarrassing and was causing me to lose some self-esteem. Later it got so bad that Sarai told me to take her maid Hagar and spend some time with her. Well, presto change-o right off she was with child and that just caused another problem called jealousy. But I’m getting ahead of my story.

My dad had wanted to move up north so we packed up our goods and persons and headed for the city of Haran. Things worked out pretty good there and we accumulated quite a bit of wealth.

As it happens my father died having lived a long time and that left me with all the responsibility for the family. Then to complicate matters GOD had previously spoke to me and said to leave my country and the family clan.

I waited until Terah died before I headed south.

We were very comfortable in Haran but I determined to obey what GOD had told me. When all you have is what GOD has spoken to you it is hard to leave and go to a place where you haven’t been before. About that time my faith was being tested severely GOD spoke to me again and I welcomed that fresh word for the first word was slipping away.

We rambled from place to place without really finding the right spot until the famine struck. There was no rain, no crops. And I decided it was time to go further south, down to a country called Egypt.

Seems I have some chores to do so I will pick up on this later.

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