This post is shared at Hazel's: Tell Me a Story !! My fictional stories continue, please return to not miss any of the chapters.
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Bible Teacher courtesy free clip art |
Having served at the pleasure
of a local pastor yesterday, which was Sunday, it was back into class this
Monday morning.
Still engrossed in the duties
the pastor had given me to do yesterday; I knew that now I had to turn my
attention to the task at hand. Which
task was of course to listen to the teacher of the Bible School .
He was old and revered as the
patriarch of the school and I trembled whenever I came near him. He never spoke
to me directly, he would perhaps grunt in my direction if our paths
inadvertently crossed.
Trying to put yesterday's
failings behind me (for I had made a mistake during service) I now tried to
focus on today's lessons but it was going to be a struggle.
That minor error I made
yesterday loomed larger than it should and the thought of it still turns my
face red. While getting to my seat one of the classmates said, “Now Sammie
don't worry about that mistake you made during the service yesterday for we all
make mistakes.”
If that was supposed to make
me feel better it fell miles short of its intended target. Why couldn't he kept
his mouth shut and let me suffer in silence but no, he had to address it before
several classmates that now wanted to know wherein had I failed.
Everything I said just made
the whole thing worse (as if it could be any worse). Why is it when people try
to help a situation they only make it worse?
About that time the door
opened and the "teacher" made his way into the classroom without
looking at anyone or saying anything. He took his place behind the lectern as
the class monitor spoke up and said, “Everyone take his place and prepare
internally for today's lesson,” and then he sat down.
Prepare internally? Did he
know that there was turmoil raging within me?
That I could scarcely
restrain it from being manifested outwardly before the whole class?
As the teacher prepared to
utter his first words of the day it seemed as if he swelled up and became much
larger as I shrunk into becoming a small child, feeling unworthy of even being
I knew each word he spoke
would echo down into the recesses of my mind and I feared the import would be
lost in the process.
This day was somehow
different for the teacher looked out over the large class, saying nothing for
what seemed like an eternity.
He came down from the platform and then he moved
among the members of the class. Then he walked by me and I almost began to
shake as until he moved on past me to the next person and then he stopped and
turned to look directly at me.
I gasped for he had never
looked directly at me where we made eye contact. Now it was like he was looking
down into my innermost being seeing all my secrets. I stood ready to confess.
Confess to anything. Even things I wasn't guilty of.
It was like God himself was
leaning over the portals of heaven and examining me.
He then straightened himself
up to his full stature and spoke words I shall never forget, “This morning
Samuel will read from Daniel 7:1-18 and make his comments.”
It was like someone had
struck me in the stomach and I couldn't get my breath.
He then spoke the first words
he ever had spoken to me, “Do you have your Bible Samuel? I quickly reached for my Bible dropping
everything else on the floor. As I started to retrieve them the classmate next
to me helped me pick up my papers and straighten them.
The teacher took his place on
the platform and sat down leaving me standing holding my Bible. The teacher
irritatingly said, “Come up to the lectern and please read.”
I didn't know which was
worse, standing up where I was or going up on the platform and having to look
out at the class while every eye was upon me.
As I took my place behind the
lectern the teacher never looked directly at me which was a relief and I
quickly turned away from his steely eyes.
As I took a deep breath and
fumbled with my Bible a strange feeling came over me. Something that had never
had happened to me before.
It was as if I had been transported
to another room where all the faces of the people were anxiously waiting for my
words. Then I found myself beginning to speak out boldly.
I started by saying this book
is filled with words much like any other book. It will mean little more to you
than any other volume unless you know the author personally.
The better you
know him the more this book will mean to you. From the first word to the last
it is a personnel message to your mind and heart. The words are words of life,
life which by their nature are eternal in themselves.
Reading this book can be
likened unto taking a journey, a journey whereby you can seesights you have
never seen before.
At each stopping off
place you will enjoy all the scenery has to offer you, and will be refreshed as
you stop there to rest. The refreshing comes from hearing and obedience to
God's word.
‘Acts 3:19-21 Repent
therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of
refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord’.
Then further as Jude 1:20
states emphatically; "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most
holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit."
This is something one must do
without exception; because it is there you become acquainted with the author of
the Book.
1 John 2:20 says, But you
have an anointing from the Holy One. This anointing is that which comes upon
man and the result of a marriage between the Word and the Spirit in the heart
of the individual.
As I read the chosen scriptures ask yourself if you are prepared for the reading. It is possible to look upon the instructive words of the scriptures as suggestions when God meant them to be words to live by.
"Proverbs 4:20-22 My
son, attend to my words; Incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart
from thine eyes, keep them in the midst of thy heart, for they are life unto
those that find them and health to all their flesh."
Our selected scripture for
today is Daniel 7:1-18 and since I feel it would be wise to let those who are
well versed concerning prophecy teach on the subject that these scriptures are
directed to, I will limit my comments to the verse found in Daniel 7:18
"But the saints of the
Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for
ever and ever."
This kingdom is the kingdom of God Himself and we are admonished again
in Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness,"
Be aware that now, the burden
of being prepared to read the Bible is as important as reading it for it is
life unto all your flesh.
Jesus spoke of his words in
John 6:63; The Spirit alone gives eternal life.
Human effort accomplishes
nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
James 1:21,"Putting
aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive
the word implanted, which is able to save your souls."
1 Corinthians 14:20,
"Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil be infants,
but in your thinking be mature."
1 Peter 2:2 "Like newborn
babies, desire the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect
to salvation."
With those words the room
returned to normal and with every eye upon me I sat down.
After some time the teacher stood and instead
of challenging me and my performance he stood and said "Class
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