New FREE e-book: The Old Man and the Widow

New FREE e-book:  The Old Man and the Widow
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Thursday, July 28, 2011


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I haven't heard it so often recently, but when my children were young, the theme song around my house was, “I'm bored.”

I must confess it caused me to want to send them to the moon by fast express.

As a young child I had to “Work,” to make sure I was fed, so I did not experience boredom. I had little sympathy for those who were always bored!

I reckon there are too many people who are bored for they end up getting into trouble.

There are many kinds of trouble, such as going shopping and spending money you don't have. Over extended Credit Cards, this is high on the list of trouble makers.

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And then there is the feuding, fussing and fighting that some do when bored.

The cure for boredom is doing something you enjoy and that will take up a lot of your time so you don't focus on your imaginary pain.

I take pleasure in cross word puzzles!

How about you, what do you find enjoyable to pass the time, besides TV?

The URL below is an exercise which costs little and can be much fun.
So now let’s see how adventurous you are.

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