In today’s world adoption is understood as legally making and accepting a child as one’s own, and the child becomes a part of the family with equal rights under the law.
In the New Testament writings Paul defined adoption a little differently. First through the new birth one was born into the family of GOD, and then the process of adoption places that son into the body of Christ with all the privileges and rights of a son of GOD.
Romans 8:15 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, "Abba, Father."
In the Old Testament Moses was adopted as pharaoh son; And Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words.
As an adopted son, Moses had all the rights and privileges as an heir of pharaoh.
There are many benefits of being adopted into the family of God through the new Birth. The repentant sinner is taken in; given liberty and privilege; a new name; and through the Spirit infilling is adopted, thus enabling the born again person to approach God with confidence.
While the new birth and adoption are a simultaneous act, each has an important part in understanding our standing before GOD.
First through the redemption process, we receive a new nature, sinless before GOD, and we stand righteous before HIM. Through adoption we are placed as a son with son-ship rights, and have the right to claim that which is ours.
When we pray we can approach the throne of GOD as his son, and we speak to HIM as his child and heir, this is the basis for our confidence when we pray.
While GOD doesn't need to be reminded of this fact, we do need to remember that we are heirs of his promise, and keep it in view when we petition HIM.
I have read many formulas for prayer but this one thing is important to remember; respect GOD for who HE is, and honor your position in Christ as a child of GOD.
Matthew 7:7-11 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. "Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? "Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
A song written by Paul Anka, and sang by Frank Sinatra tries to show the self sufficiency of man, who is able to live life on his terms, needing no one else.
Even if that was so, the one fact that remains is that he does have to face the final curtain, behind which is the accounting for a life, and the question that must be answered; ”Have you been born again?” That is born into GOD’S kingdom. If not having been born again, then any and all other declarations are a mute point.
Doing it my way, doesn’t lead a person to heaven, doing GOD’S way does. The godless equation can only lead to a Christ less eternity with the greatest remorse possible.
Perhaps you could do it your way, but it is not the right way.
Hebrews 2:6 For in one place the Scriptures say, "What are mere mortals that you should think about them, or a son of man that you should care for him?
The answer is: We are GOD’S creation, and we are to live life HIS way.
Listen to Franks rendition of my way and consider is it GOD’S way?
God’s way is best!
Even if that was so, the one fact that remains is that he does have to face the final curtain, behind which is the accounting for a life, and the question that must be answered; ”Have you been born again?” That is born into GOD’S kingdom. If not having been born again, then any and all other declarations are a mute point.
Doing it my way, doesn’t lead a person to heaven, doing GOD’S way does. The godless equation can only lead to a Christ less eternity with the greatest remorse possible.
The lyrics (in part)
And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.
I've lived a life that's full -
I've traveled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself - Then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.
Yes, it was my way
Perhaps you could do it your way, but it is not the right way.
Hebrews 2:6 For in one place the Scriptures say, "What are mere mortals that you should think about them, or a son of man that you should care for him?
The answer is: We are GOD’S creation, and we are to live life HIS way.
Listen to Franks rendition of my way and consider is it GOD’S way?
God’s way is best!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
There is an old saying among builders and tradesmen that says; “Measure twice, and cut once.”
While this is a common saying it is ignored frequently by many carpenters, and some times it causes them to be sorry for not obeying the rule.
Perhaps if we applied the same rule to our speaking, we would have less to apologize and feel sorry for; “Think twice and speak once.”
Language is the prime method of communicating with one another, and there are different kinds of languages several of which are manipulating by their very nature.
There is a difference between a clerk and a salesman. A clerk will be there to help you find what you want and assist you in other ways.
A salesman will try to make up your mind to buy his product even if you don’t want it.
This method of using manipulative language has reached it’s acme by the door to door salesman. Once they start their sales pitch it is almost impossible to get rid of them. It reminded me of trying to get rid of the itch back in the thirties.
Today’s version of manipulative language is best practiced by the politicians. It is; promise them everything, give them nothing, and convince them that you did what you promised. Alas, we fall for it or at least most of us do.
While being manipulated by them, we hear how bad their opponents are, and we are left to choose between the lesser of two or more evils.
The professional manipulator’s job is to bend you to their will, and get you to do what they want you to do. Then they convince you it was your idea in the first place.
Have I ever been manipulated? You betcha I have, and will I ever experience it again? You betcha I will, in fact I can hardly wait for it to happen again, and if it doesn’t happen I will feel disappointed for that has become a way of life for me.
I should mention the master manipulator in passing, who is Satan himself for he has had some success with me. It is said sin is, “Missing the mark,” and there have been times I not only missed the mark but have missed the target all together.
I hope I’m alone in this, but in case I’m not - - when you feel that Satan is using his wiles (manipulating language) on you, remember; when you resist the devil he will flee from you.
Perhaps we need some Holy Ghost filled ear plugs.
While this is a common saying it is ignored frequently by many carpenters, and some times it causes them to be sorry for not obeying the rule.
Perhaps if we applied the same rule to our speaking, we would have less to apologize and feel sorry for; “Think twice and speak once.”
Language is the prime method of communicating with one another, and there are different kinds of languages several of which are manipulating by their very nature.
There is a difference between a clerk and a salesman. A clerk will be there to help you find what you want and assist you in other ways.
A salesman will try to make up your mind to buy his product even if you don’t want it.
This method of using manipulative language has reached it’s acme by the door to door salesman. Once they start their sales pitch it is almost impossible to get rid of them. It reminded me of trying to get rid of the itch back in the thirties.
Today’s version of manipulative language is best practiced by the politicians. It is; promise them everything, give them nothing, and convince them that you did what you promised. Alas, we fall for it or at least most of us do.
While being manipulated by them, we hear how bad their opponents are, and we are left to choose between the lesser of two or more evils.
The professional manipulator’s job is to bend you to their will, and get you to do what they want you to do. Then they convince you it was your idea in the first place.
Have I ever been manipulated? You betcha I have, and will I ever experience it again? You betcha I will, in fact I can hardly wait for it to happen again, and if it doesn’t happen I will feel disappointed for that has become a way of life for me.
I should mention the master manipulator in passing, who is Satan himself for he has had some success with me. It is said sin is, “Missing the mark,” and there have been times I not only missed the mark but have missed the target all together.
I hope I’m alone in this, but in case I’m not - - when you feel that Satan is using his wiles (manipulating language) on you, remember; when you resist the devil he will flee from you.
Perhaps we need some Holy Ghost filled ear plugs.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Along with millions of workers I would be tired and dirty after a days work.
A quick shower would be a welcome relief and my appetite was alive and well.
I had married a fruitful vine, and after about four years we had two children, and that was alright except for them waking up in the middle of the night and wanting some attention.
Usually Hazel would get up and quiet them down, but most often it would wake me up and having been disturbed I would get up in the morning exhausted for this was not a one time event each night.
Our neighbor decided to get a tom cat and he was all man cat. Every night when I would go to sleep old Tom would start to howl with a voice that echoed through out the neighborhood. I would be woken up several times a night. I would finally have to go out and run him off but he would return after a short time, because he had a lady friend treed up on the clothes line pole.
Then they both would begin to howl with their ominous sound. Sometimes it would be one and then the other and again they would try to harmonize.
Needless to say this was killing me so I went to the neighbor and told him he would have to deal with this, to which he said this was a force of nature, and he was unable to stop it.
This was NOT an acceptable answer so, after much thought, I came up with a solution.
I manage to capture the bad old Tom and took him down to my shop, and having worked on a farm, I knew how to neuter animals. So I wrapped a burlap sack around him, and removed the problem. As he got loose he sped off and was gone in an instance leaving only the evidence that an operation had taken place.
The neighbor told me his cat was missing, and he wondered what had happen to him. I said he will probably show up, which he did a couple days later.
That night I slept well, and arose refreshed for Tom had nothing to say. A few days later he decided to leave because there wasn’t anything to howl about anymore, and I think the other cats made fun of him adding insult to injury. It only took a snip or two to solve his problems for a life time.
Would that all problems could be solved as fast and easy.
A quick shower would be a welcome relief and my appetite was alive and well.
I had married a fruitful vine, and after about four years we had two children, and that was alright except for them waking up in the middle of the night and wanting some attention.
Usually Hazel would get up and quiet them down, but most often it would wake me up and having been disturbed I would get up in the morning exhausted for this was not a one time event each night.
Our neighbor decided to get a tom cat and he was all man cat. Every night when I would go to sleep old Tom would start to howl with a voice that echoed through out the neighborhood. I would be woken up several times a night. I would finally have to go out and run him off but he would return after a short time, because he had a lady friend treed up on the clothes line pole.
Then they both would begin to howl with their ominous sound. Sometimes it would be one and then the other and again they would try to harmonize.
Needless to say this was killing me so I went to the neighbor and told him he would have to deal with this, to which he said this was a force of nature, and he was unable to stop it.
This was NOT an acceptable answer so, after much thought, I came up with a solution.
I manage to capture the bad old Tom and took him down to my shop, and having worked on a farm, I knew how to neuter animals. So I wrapped a burlap sack around him, and removed the problem. As he got loose he sped off and was gone in an instance leaving only the evidence that an operation had taken place.
The neighbor told me his cat was missing, and he wondered what had happen to him. I said he will probably show up, which he did a couple days later.
That night I slept well, and arose refreshed for Tom had nothing to say. A few days later he decided to leave because there wasn’t anything to howl about anymore, and I think the other cats made fun of him adding insult to injury. It only took a snip or two to solve his problems for a life time.
Would that all problems could be solved as fast and easy.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Once there was ole Uncle Bob, actually he was Great Uncle Bob to me. He had his own music he danced to I guess, for he sure was different from other people.
Great Grand pappy’s generation had checked out before my birth except Uncle Bob and he joined them shortly after my appearing.
There is one thing about being a little strange, and that is people remember many things you have done, and Uncle Bob’s modus operandi was off the wall. In today’s world he would have been place in a State run facility, but then you just kept them at home, and hoped they didn’t burn the house down.
Both Grandpas’ generation has long since gone to their eternal home, but still I can put the names and faces together and remember a few of their idiosyncrasies. Because of their being rural people, this lumped them into similar existences, but each had their own distinguishing traits.
Seton Moser thought that whiskey was supposed to be drunk, and he drunk his share and a little bit more. His wife aunt Mattie was a quiet shy little thing that was longsuffering and kind. Seton was easy to get along with as long as you drank with him. The last time I saw him he was in Waco Texas living with his two sisters.
They took his bottle away from him and took him to church. During our visit my dad took him for a ride and asked him if he would like a drink, and he said yes. He took a long swig and said, “Ahhhhh that sure was good.” That was the last drink he had, for he died shortly after.
My favorite, Great Uncle Henry, and his wife Cora whose only daughter married what was called a, “No good,” and died young. She left two boys for Uncle Henry to raise.
Brown Parish and Aunt Ada with her brood of several boys and girls contributed to a mass of cousins. And then there was Gus and Ethyl Herald with daughter Josephine who had four children.
Grandpa had fifteen children all of which are gone except Uncle Herman who married Aunt Geneva. He is a tough old bird and is going to live until he dies. He is the prototype of one with a positive attitude.
And so, when I think about where the old folks that I have known have gone, I realize that I and my generation have become the old folks and we have already began to pass from the scene.
Little by little we are changing, a little more weight, a little less hair. A little more wrinkles and a little less memory. A few more aches and a little less action.
This Christmas I'm going to shop for one of those mirrors that lie, because the one I have doesn't reflect the real me…. Or does it?
Soon the next generation will say; where have all the old folks gone and they will be talking about me.
The answer being "Gone to be with the LORD"
This post is linked to Peter Pollocks One Word Carnival
The word is; Old
This post is linked to Peter Pollocks One Word Carnival
The word is; Old![]() |
image courtesy |
Once there was ole Uncle Bob, actually he was Great Uncle Bob to me. He had his own music he danced to I guess, for he sure was different from other people.
Great Grand pappy’s generation had checked out before my birth except Uncle Bob and he joined them shortly after my appearing.
There is one thing about being a little strange, and that is people remember many things you have done, and Uncle Bob’s modus operandi was off the wall. In today’s world he would have been place in a State run facility, but then you just kept them at home, and hoped they didn’t burn the house down.
Both Grandpas’ generation has long since gone to their eternal home, but still I can put the names and faces together and remember a few of their idiosyncrasies. Because of their being rural people, this lumped them into similar existences, but each had their own distinguishing traits.
Seton Moser thought that whiskey was supposed to be drunk, and he drunk his share and a little bit more. His wife aunt Mattie was a quiet shy little thing that was longsuffering and kind. Seton was easy to get along with as long as you drank with him. The last time I saw him he was in Waco Texas living with his two sisters.
They took his bottle away from him and took him to church. During our visit my dad took him for a ride and asked him if he would like a drink, and he said yes. He took a long swig and said, “Ahhhhh that sure was good.” That was the last drink he had, for he died shortly after.
My favorite, Great Uncle Henry, and his wife Cora whose only daughter married what was called a, “No good,” and died young. She left two boys for Uncle Henry to raise.
Brown Parish and Aunt Ada with her brood of several boys and girls contributed to a mass of cousins. And then there was Gus and Ethyl Herald with daughter Josephine who had four children.
Grandpa had fifteen children all of which are gone except Uncle Herman who married Aunt Geneva. He is a tough old bird and is going to live until he dies. He is the prototype of one with a positive attitude.
And so, when I think about where the old folks that I have known have gone, I realize that I and my generation have become the old folks and we have already began to pass from the scene.
Little by little we are changing, a little more weight, a little less hair. A little more wrinkles and a little less memory. A few more aches and a little less action.
This Christmas I'm going to shop for one of those mirrors that lie, because the one I have doesn't reflect the real me…. Or does it?
Soon the next generation will say; where have all the old folks gone and they will be talking about me.
The answer being "Gone to be with the LORD"
This post is linked to Peter Pollocks One Word Carnival
The word is; Old
Thursday, November 25, 2010
For those who have experience the transformation that the new birth brings, Thanksgiving Day is a time to reflect on reasons for giving thanks to GOD.
We give thanks for the old ones who have gone on to meet their maker for without them we would not be here.
They gave us life and their culture that caused us to be what we are. The very fact that we are here reminds us we owe them our thanks.
We give thanks for everything that pertains to our life. The experience of growing up, brought new things of interest every day.
Even the boring times which we all have had, conditioned us for enjoying the exciting adventures of life. I’m thankful for life with its struggles for that is far better than not to have had a life at all.
We further are thankful for the younger generation who will carry on after we are gone. Some are now growing up and many are yet to be born. We precede their appearance with prayer and thanksgiving for them all the days of their life.
We give thanks for the gathering of family and friends and a day of feasting.
For all this and more we simply give our thanks unto GOD.
We give thanks for the old ones who have gone on to meet their maker for without them we would not be here.
They gave us life and their culture that caused us to be what we are. The very fact that we are here reminds us we owe them our thanks.
We give thanks for everything that pertains to our life. The experience of growing up, brought new things of interest every day.
Even the boring times which we all have had, conditioned us for enjoying the exciting adventures of life. I’m thankful for life with its struggles for that is far better than not to have had a life at all.
We further are thankful for the younger generation who will carry on after we are gone. Some are now growing up and many are yet to be born. We precede their appearance with prayer and thanksgiving for them all the days of their life.
We give thanks for the gathering of family and friends and a day of feasting.
For all this and more we simply give our thanks unto GOD.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Those days, I still remember for they took from me all I had to give and yet wanted more.
My answer; “There is no more,” was rejected with prejudice, and to be quiet, I was told.
Though I dwelt on land, I was in a tempest sea with a feeble light far and far away seemingly beyond all my resources. The comfort of others who were struggling did little to allay my distress for lack, and need surrounded me and mine.
From prison came one who wished to be a friend, but he added no strength to my ubiquitous wearisome state. To work with me was his desire but his sicknesses overruled his desire, and effort to the point where I must carry his load as well as mine.
He spoke well but could accomplish naught while on his knees, expelling the food he had eaten. While in prison his virulent daily fare had ruined his entrails, and from this he could never recover and surly not be my brother.
And so they came and went, leaving only a mark that spoke of their attempt at success, but only experienced failure.
Desire was lost in the darkness and hope had become thread bare, reason has become useless, and determination left the premises.
Sadness was the high point of existence and joy has never been known for all is darkness for the soul that is lost.
My answer; “There is no more,” was rejected with prejudice, and to be quiet, I was told.
Though I dwelt on land, I was in a tempest sea with a feeble light far and far away seemingly beyond all my resources. The comfort of others who were struggling did little to allay my distress for lack, and need surrounded me and mine.
From prison came one who wished to be a friend, but he added no strength to my ubiquitous wearisome state. To work with me was his desire but his sicknesses overruled his desire, and effort to the point where I must carry his load as well as mine.
He spoke well but could accomplish naught while on his knees, expelling the food he had eaten. While in prison his virulent daily fare had ruined his entrails, and from this he could never recover and surly not be my brother.
And so they came and went, leaving only a mark that spoke of their attempt at success, but only experienced failure.
Desire was lost in the darkness and hope had become thread bare, reason has become useless, and determination left the premises.
Sadness was the high point of existence and joy has never been known for all is darkness for the soul that is lost.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
”But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only - -
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered —
Till I scarcely more than muttered, “other friends have flown before —
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.”
Then the bird said, ‘Nevermore’.” (From The Raven by Edgar A. Poe)
Times were hard and comforts sparse, still, a serene state around all.
Those who were blessed with radio waves were satisfied with audio fare.
Hand me downs were the coveted dress, while those in rags bore distress.
Day by day, year by year, seemingly never to end with nothing in the pocket to squeeze or to spend.
Then the day that changed the world, with knife and gun in hand WW 2 began, and then it was “nevermore.”
So much dying, so much crying, joy departed to the lonely place and lay undisturbed for a season.
The years passed, the conflict ended, too many never saw that day. They gave it all and then faded away scarcely a memory, their unknown sacrifice by the men of valor departed to the land of “evermore”.
There are many sides to “Nevermore,” some are happy and others are sad. The past of sorrows, the loss of kin. None are exempt neither women nor men. The sigh of prayer, “Never again, please” the brokenness of hope, nevermore again. The strength of faith, it all transcends “Evermore”
Out of my ashes will rise a new phoenix.
A soaring being returning from death,
Proving once again that life is eternal.
I live forever because the spirit never dies.
I will return in another body,
In another time, but it is me.
The me who is me now will always be.
As long as I live, I learn.
And I live Forever - -
For I am in Him
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered —
Till I scarcely more than muttered, “other friends have flown before —
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.”
Then the bird said, ‘Nevermore’.” (From The Raven by Edgar A. Poe)
Times were hard and comforts sparse, still, a serene state around all.
Those who were blessed with radio waves were satisfied with audio fare.
Hand me downs were the coveted dress, while those in rags bore distress.
Day by day, year by year, seemingly never to end with nothing in the pocket to squeeze or to spend.
Then the day that changed the world, with knife and gun in hand WW 2 began, and then it was “nevermore.”
So much dying, so much crying, joy departed to the lonely place and lay undisturbed for a season.
The years passed, the conflict ended, too many never saw that day. They gave it all and then faded away scarcely a memory, their unknown sacrifice by the men of valor departed to the land of “evermore”.
There are many sides to “Nevermore,” some are happy and others are sad. The past of sorrows, the loss of kin. None are exempt neither women nor men. The sigh of prayer, “Never again, please” the brokenness of hope, nevermore again. The strength of faith, it all transcends “Evermore”
Out of my ashes will rise a new phoenix.
A soaring being returning from death,
Proving once again that life is eternal.
I live forever because the spirit never dies.
I will return in another body,
In another time, but it is me.
The me who is me now will always be.
As long as I live, I learn.
And I live Forever - -
For I am in Him
Monday, November 22, 2010
When I was young, and on my own, and I did something that was an error I usually ignored it.
For appearances sake I would pretend to be concerned but in reality I wasn’t too concerned.
Then I got married, and I had to change the way I felt about our issues of life. My wife’s interest had to be considered as well as mine. Then along came our three kids, and other adjustments had to be made. All of the sudden neither my wife nor myself viewed things as before.
We kept feeding and doctoring our kids, and they kept growing until they were old enough to get a part time job. All this time, they had been cataloguing all the ills they had suffered, and the mistakes we had made raising them.
This excluded the facts that as the parents we had to sacrifice much of what we could have done had they not been (I never asked to be) born. For us the raising of the kids was pay enough for our sacrifices of time and mental anguish at times.
As they began to work, they discovered that life wasn’t easier just because they were older. The jobs they obtained required them to do things the way the boss wanted it done. They learned from the mistakes others made, and they also looked forward to the time they could be in charge, and could simply avoid mistakes, and do it right.
Over all they felt we as parents were at fault at times when they were growing up, so now they are doing a better job of raising their own kids.
The possibility that they might be correct, bothers me and I feel; that is the reason they are such rotten kids, we did a bad job. LOL
Then I am brought up short and think; they aren’t rotten, they are great adults, including our foster daughter (actually she is much more than that). Oh boy, the next conclusion is a toughie, they are great kids in spite of their raising and it is because they overcame our short comings, wow that hurts.
All in all, they learned what to do, and what not to do from us, and have no excuse for not getting it right. If we were doing it over we would have done it better, but this was our first experience in raising a family …….
For appearances sake I would pretend to be concerned but in reality I wasn’t too concerned.
Then I got married, and I had to change the way I felt about our issues of life. My wife’s interest had to be considered as well as mine. Then along came our three kids, and other adjustments had to be made. All of the sudden neither my wife nor myself viewed things as before.
We kept feeding and doctoring our kids, and they kept growing until they were old enough to get a part time job. All this time, they had been cataloguing all the ills they had suffered, and the mistakes we had made raising them.
This excluded the facts that as the parents we had to sacrifice much of what we could have done had they not been (I never asked to be) born. For us the raising of the kids was pay enough for our sacrifices of time and mental anguish at times.
As they began to work, they discovered that life wasn’t easier just because they were older. The jobs they obtained required them to do things the way the boss wanted it done. They learned from the mistakes others made, and they also looked forward to the time they could be in charge, and could simply avoid mistakes, and do it right.
Over all they felt we as parents were at fault at times when they were growing up, so now they are doing a better job of raising their own kids.
The possibility that they might be correct, bothers me and I feel; that is the reason they are such rotten kids, we did a bad job. LOL
Then I am brought up short and think; they aren’t rotten, they are great adults, including our foster daughter (actually she is much more than that). Oh boy, the next conclusion is a toughie, they are great kids in spite of their raising and it is because they overcame our short comings, wow that hurts.
All in all, they learned what to do, and what not to do from us, and have no excuse for not getting it right. If we were doing it over we would have done it better, but this was our first experience in raising a family …….
Sunday, November 21, 2010
FBI Wiretapping of Internet Users. "All Your Data Belongs to Us"
TSA: "Airport Security Pat-Downs Are Here to Stay."
TSA head: 'Not going to change'
In airports, the public is guilty until proven innocent
Opposing view on security vs. Privacy: Honor basic human dignity
THE Obama political appointees are in the process of completely taking control of the American people and dictating what they can and cannot do. Under his guiding hand the Constitution has little if any protection from his dictatorial powers he has granted to himself.
What is the difference between Adolph Hitler and Obama?
Only the moustache.
TSA: "Airport Security Pat-Downs Are Here to Stay."
TSA head: 'Not going to change'
In airports, the public is guilty until proven innocent
Opposing view on security vs. Privacy: Honor basic human dignity
THE Obama political appointees are in the process of completely taking control of the American people and dictating what they can and cannot do. Under his guiding hand the Constitution has little if any protection from his dictatorial powers he has granted to himself.
What is the difference between Adolph Hitler and Obama?
Only the moustache.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The song above “Big noise flew right in from Winnetka” is a great piece of music, but the big noise that flew in from Chicago is nothing more than sour notes played on a kazoo.
From Washington DC, there is a big noise that is contrary to all reason, and the disconcerting part of it all is they are trying to get people to receive it as the truth when in reality it is failure in motion.
Old frumpy Reid is going to try to endear himself to the gay community by passing a law to allow them to be openly homosexual in the military. While some will applaud this act, in reality is a self serving action. There are far greater issues that need to be dealt with than that.
There is also big noise in the house, Pelosi becoming house minority leader is the best thing that could have happened for the republicans going forth to the next election.
More attention is being placed on the 2012 presidential election than what’s happening now; it’s too early for that big noise, we need time to catch our breath.
One of the big noises is the new Obama groping regulations. Expect an influx of job applications from the gay and pedophile community for airport screening jobs. Of course you can opt to having you picture taken and if you are lucky you may end up on “You-tube.”
Being a scanner will be a good job for people who are curious about what people look like without their clothes on, this should give them a measure of satisfaction.
Big noise in the auto industry is the new G.M. Stock is doing well at least for now. Those who had the old G.M. Stock lost out as their stock became worthless.
What I don’t understand is, why do all these big noises make me feel inferior and unimportant.
Maybe the next big noise will explain it to me.
The song above “Big noise flew right in from Winnetka” is a great piece of music, but the big noise that flew in from Chicago is nothing more than sour notes played on a kazoo.
From Washington DC, there is a big noise that is contrary to all reason, and the disconcerting part of it all is they are trying to get people to receive it as the truth when in reality it is failure in motion.
Old frumpy Reid is going to try to endear himself to the gay community by passing a law to allow them to be openly homosexual in the military. While some will applaud this act, in reality is a self serving action. There are far greater issues that need to be dealt with than that.
There is also big noise in the house, Pelosi becoming house minority leader is the best thing that could have happened for the republicans going forth to the next election.
More attention is being placed on the 2012 presidential election than what’s happening now; it’s too early for that big noise, we need time to catch our breath.
One of the big noises is the new Obama groping regulations. Expect an influx of job applications from the gay and pedophile community for airport screening jobs. Of course you can opt to having you picture taken and if you are lucky you may end up on “You-tube.”
Being a scanner will be a good job for people who are curious about what people look like without their clothes on, this should give them a measure of satisfaction.
Big noise in the auto industry is the new G.M. Stock is doing well at least for now. Those who had the old G.M. Stock lost out as their stock became worthless.
What I don’t understand is, why do all these big noises make me feel inferior and unimportant.
Maybe the next big noise will explain it to me.
Friday, November 19, 2010
What do clogging and blogging have in common?
First off both are:
Dependent upon the participant for their creativity.
Requires the whole person in order to express the action.
Allows for free expression of the personality.
Exposes the person to criticism by all who view the presentation.
Requires much effort of body and mind.
Reveals problematic thinking and actions.
Requires some input from others in order to progress.
Provides entertainment of a sort for those interested.
Gives others an opportunity to feel superior to the present actor.
This is one of my favorite Cloggers.
First off both are:
Dependent upon the participant for their creativity.
Requires the whole person in order to express the action.
Allows for free expression of the personality.
Exposes the person to criticism by all who view the presentation.
Requires much effort of body and mind.
Reveals problematic thinking and actions.
Requires some input from others in order to progress.
Provides entertainment of a sort for those interested.
Gives others an opportunity to feel superior to the present actor.
This is one of my favorite Cloggers.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The new regulations imposed by “Cop a feel for me” Obama, are more intrusive than just allowing strangers to feel the bodies of everyone who flies it is a process that has been going on since the sixties.
What is being attacked is the WILL of the people to resist government intrusion into their life.
The freedom of all Americans is at stake, and no matter which party is in office, the unrelenting pressure is breaking the will to resist the onslaught of power exerted against the constitutional rights of Americans.
There are no limits as to how far these fiends will go.
Bill Clinton used the army against Americans in Waco Texas. FBI agents, backed by “observers” from the US Army’s secret Delta Force commando unit, attacked the house occupied by the followers of the religious sect after a 51-day siege. The combat-equipped agents used tanks to punch holes into the structure and then pump in tear gas. A fire that quickly swept through the compound killed most of victims, but a number were shot to death.
More than six years after the massacre, however, the FBI was forced to admit that it had indeed used explosive munitions capable of starting the fire. This statement was drafted in the immediate aftermath of the violent siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas that took the lives of at least 80 people, 21 of them children.
Who among us can stand up against the force of the military when they are sent forth by the President?
Do you think that Obama would hesitate for one minute to do the same in order to force his will upon the nation?
Virtually every regulation passed by rulers of this country is designed to enslave this nation to some degree.
When prisoners are taken, one of the methods to psychologically disarm them is to strip them of their clothes and exercise control of them by force, making them to yield to the will of their captors.
This method of search and seizure is just one step back from that process. This is part of the training that is necessary to make the people submit to the ruling parties without mental reservations.
Who would have thought five years ago that you would have to submit to having someone run their hands all over your body, and to have your children’s genital areas felt under the guise of protecting us from terrorists.
The American people need protection from the political leaders of this country far more than from some few terrorists. This is what the big deal is about.
What is being attacked is the WILL of the people to resist government intrusion into their life.
The freedom of all Americans is at stake, and no matter which party is in office, the unrelenting pressure is breaking the will to resist the onslaught of power exerted against the constitutional rights of Americans.
There are no limits as to how far these fiends will go.
Bill Clinton used the army against Americans in Waco Texas. FBI agents, backed by “observers” from the US Army’s secret Delta Force commando unit, attacked the house occupied by the followers of the religious sect after a 51-day siege. The combat-equipped agents used tanks to punch holes into the structure and then pump in tear gas. A fire that quickly swept through the compound killed most of victims, but a number were shot to death.
More than six years after the massacre, however, the FBI was forced to admit that it had indeed used explosive munitions capable of starting the fire. This statement was drafted in the immediate aftermath of the violent siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas that took the lives of at least 80 people, 21 of them children.
Who among us can stand up against the force of the military when they are sent forth by the President?
Do you think that Obama would hesitate for one minute to do the same in order to force his will upon the nation?
Virtually every regulation passed by rulers of this country is designed to enslave this nation to some degree.
When prisoners are taken, one of the methods to psychologically disarm them is to strip them of their clothes and exercise control of them by force, making them to yield to the will of their captors.
This method of search and seizure is just one step back from that process. This is part of the training that is necessary to make the people submit to the ruling parties without mental reservations.
Who would have thought five years ago that you would have to submit to having someone run their hands all over your body, and to have your children’s genital areas felt under the guise of protecting us from terrorists.
The American people need protection from the political leaders of this country far more than from some few terrorists. This is what the big deal is about.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Theodore Leopold Friedman, better known as Ted Lewis was an American entertainer, bandleader, singer, and musician, He was known by the moniker "Mr. Entertainment" or Ted, "Is Everybody Happy?" Lewis. His’ genre was multifaceted in as much he did Dixie land, jazz. Popular songs and the movies, but over and over he would say “Is everybody happy?”
Today the question is; “Is anybody happy?”
How about the political arena, is everybody happy?
Surely in the area of religion everybody is happy or are they? You have the choice of being a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or one of the many hundreds of religions through out the world.
Within the Christian faith there are hundreds of choices from almost no belief to the other extreme of cloister.
Is there happiness to be found within the education system? Hmmm, I doubt it unless they have tenure.
Now here is the place where happiness prevails; “On the job,” everybody is happy there. Everyone is happy with their fellow workers, working conditions, hours, wages, and all other perks.
Self employed people are happy with all the regulations by the government and the threat of being fined and put in jail for an offence.
Everyone is happy with all the government officials and their policies.
Everybody is happy with their house, car and furniture and their TV, computer and other electronics they are paying on.
Everybody is happy with their mate, kids and relatives.
In the Bible being happy is often associated with suffering hardship and affliction;
James 5:10-11 Take, my brothers, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. Behold, we count them happy which endure.
Being happy is a product of circumstances, as circumstances change, our happiness also changes with it.
Paul said; I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
We find a different outlook, Contentment - - 1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
Paul didn’t worry about happy, he found contentment and that was his main stay in every situation.
Today the question is; “Is anybody happy?”
How about the political arena, is everybody happy?
Surely in the area of religion everybody is happy or are they? You have the choice of being a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or one of the many hundreds of religions through out the world.
Within the Christian faith there are hundreds of choices from almost no belief to the other extreme of cloister.
Is there happiness to be found within the education system? Hmmm, I doubt it unless they have tenure.
Now here is the place where happiness prevails; “On the job,” everybody is happy there. Everyone is happy with their fellow workers, working conditions, hours, wages, and all other perks.
Self employed people are happy with all the regulations by the government and the threat of being fined and put in jail for an offence.
Everyone is happy with all the government officials and their policies.
Everybody is happy with their house, car and furniture and their TV, computer and other electronics they are paying on.
Everybody is happy with their mate, kids and relatives.
In the Bible being happy is often associated with suffering hardship and affliction;
James 5:10-11 Take, my brothers, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. Behold, we count them happy which endure.
Being happy is a product of circumstances, as circumstances change, our happiness also changes with it.
Paul said; I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
We find a different outlook, Contentment - - 1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
Paul didn’t worry about happy, he found contentment and that was his main stay in every situation.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Back in the eighties I decided to learn how to use a computer. I enrolled in a class and showed up at the given time and when I entered the room there was no one there but a couple of guys using a computer. I didn’t know the first thing about computers and so I sat there for quite a while. Finally I asked one of the fellows what was going on, and he said to go over there and get a disk and boot up one of the PCs.
I spent some time trying to figure out how to turn the thing on. Eventually I found a switch on the back. Each time I went to class I learned something new, like I needed a book, which I purchased. After going to class a few times I found out that you had to have two disks, one to boot it up and one for a system disk. After that I discovered I was in a computer language class and that was the end of that. That was a bit of a fiasco, because the person who signed me up knew nothing, and there was no instructor.
Later I bought a $3500 Computer which was also a DOS operating system which I still have. I never learned how to use it but Hazel took a class that came with it, and learned how to use it somewhat. We continued to upgrade and miracle of miracles, Windows with it's icons on the desktop finally arrived and I at last was able to use the thing.
Just imagine the difference; I paid $3500 for my first computer and $299 for my last one which is very functional and has more memory and more of everything else.
From time to time we would have trouble with our machine and have to take it in to be fixed, until I took some Computer repair classes and learned to trouble shoot.
We live in an age where it is all about keeping up, adapting to change, while still keeping your mental stability and equilibrium.
Today pastors are faced with a daunting experience. They must keep up with the times and at the same time maintain solid Bible teaching. The pressure to yield to political correctness is difficult to say the least, but to do so will reduce the church to little more than a social club where friends meet.
Some words in the English language are spelled the same but have different meaning such as bow, to bend over and bow a weapon. The same thing applies to the word church. In one case it means a club where anybody can join; the other meaning is a place where the Gospel of Jesus is proclaimed and where souls are saved.
We might as well get used to the way things are going for as the scriptures declares things are going to get worse and worse, and I believe the Bible.
The one thing we can depend on is Jesus Christ for he never changes and never wavers, He is always the same yesterday, today and forever. AMEN AND AMEN
I spent some time trying to figure out how to turn the thing on. Eventually I found a switch on the back. Each time I went to class I learned something new, like I needed a book, which I purchased. After going to class a few times I found out that you had to have two disks, one to boot it up and one for a system disk. After that I discovered I was in a computer language class and that was the end of that. That was a bit of a fiasco, because the person who signed me up knew nothing, and there was no instructor.
Later I bought a $3500 Computer which was also a DOS operating system which I still have. I never learned how to use it but Hazel took a class that came with it, and learned how to use it somewhat. We continued to upgrade and miracle of miracles, Windows with it's icons on the desktop finally arrived and I at last was able to use the thing.
Just imagine the difference; I paid $3500 for my first computer and $299 for my last one which is very functional and has more memory and more of everything else.
From time to time we would have trouble with our machine and have to take it in to be fixed, until I took some Computer repair classes and learned to trouble shoot.
We live in an age where it is all about keeping up, adapting to change, while still keeping your mental stability and equilibrium.
Today pastors are faced with a daunting experience. They must keep up with the times and at the same time maintain solid Bible teaching. The pressure to yield to political correctness is difficult to say the least, but to do so will reduce the church to little more than a social club where friends meet.
Some words in the English language are spelled the same but have different meaning such as bow, to bend over and bow a weapon. The same thing applies to the word church. In one case it means a club where anybody can join; the other meaning is a place where the Gospel of Jesus is proclaimed and where souls are saved.
We might as well get used to the way things are going for as the scriptures declares things are going to get worse and worse, and I believe the Bible.
The one thing we can depend on is Jesus Christ for he never changes and never wavers, He is always the same yesterday, today and forever. AMEN AND AMEN
Monday, November 15, 2010
I heard a story about a little girl who would just lose it several times a day and she would display what was inside her in dramatic fashion. Finally her mother gave her a hammer and a box of nails, and told her that every time she lost her temper, she should go out in the back yard a drive a nail into the fence. The first day she drove 37 nails into the fence. The next day a few less, and on and on until one day she came in and proudly announced that she did not have to drive any nails that day. The next day she said the same thing and her mother told her to go and remove a nail from the fence. This continued until one day she said there are no more nails left in the fence. Her mother took her out to the fence and congratulated her and the said; look at the holes that are left.
This lesson should speak to all caring people for even though you repent and say I’m sorry there is still the hole caused by the nail. Though you fill the hole with love it can only be repaired, the scar remains.
People without a temper are not as effective as those with it, but those who cannot control it come near to being a negative in the kingdom of GOD.
You can look at the men of GOD in the Old and New Testaments and you find they were men of temper. Moses did not control his anger and killed an Egyptian man. He also let his anger get away from him and broke the Ten Commandments.
Ex.32:19 It came about, as soon as Moses came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing; and Moses' anger burned, and he threw the tablets from his hands and shattered them at the foot of the mountain.
Jesus went through the temple and ran all of those who were selling merchandise there out of the temple;
Matt. 21:12“Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.”
The Son of God was flat out angry and it showed.
This is an age where unrighteousness is rampant, and as Christians it is right to be angry about this, but we must have a controlled anger and raise up a standard against evil.
Letting our anger get out of control just plays into the hands of unrighteous people.
In dealing with personal relationships, don’t let your anger be destructive. In dealing with unrighteous acts and deeds let controlled anger strengthen your resolve to stand against it.
The time will come when GOD no longer controls his anger and his judgment will fall upon unrighteousness, and every mouth will be closed. Deut. 32:35 Vengeance is mine, and I will recompense; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.
A Blog I found interesting, I don't know this person so judge for yourself.
This lesson should speak to all caring people for even though you repent and say I’m sorry there is still the hole caused by the nail. Though you fill the hole with love it can only be repaired, the scar remains.
People without a temper are not as effective as those with it, but those who cannot control it come near to being a negative in the kingdom of GOD.
You can look at the men of GOD in the Old and New Testaments and you find they were men of temper. Moses did not control his anger and killed an Egyptian man. He also let his anger get away from him and broke the Ten Commandments.
Ex.32:19 It came about, as soon as Moses came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing; and Moses' anger burned, and he threw the tablets from his hands and shattered them at the foot of the mountain.
Jesus went through the temple and ran all of those who were selling merchandise there out of the temple;
Matt. 21:12“Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.”
The Son of God was flat out angry and it showed.
This is an age where unrighteousness is rampant, and as Christians it is right to be angry about this, but we must have a controlled anger and raise up a standard against evil.
Letting our anger get out of control just plays into the hands of unrighteous people.
In dealing with personal relationships, don’t let your anger be destructive. In dealing with unrighteous acts and deeds let controlled anger strengthen your resolve to stand against it.
The time will come when GOD no longer controls his anger and his judgment will fall upon unrighteousness, and every mouth will be closed. Deut. 32:35 Vengeance is mine, and I will recompense; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.
A Blog I found interesting, I don't know this person so judge for yourself.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Said John F. Kennedy
The President was in good form when he said those words. All America was listening.
Today is a day that we are forced to ask questions of the leaders in Washington, and that question is why?
Why are you bent upon destroying the American way of life (it’s hardly recognizable now). The cavalier attitude with which they view the working American is arrogance personified.
To restate the President’s quote;
1 Ask not what your country is doing to you! (I think most people are getting the message coming from Washington and that is; we got you where we want you and there is nothing you can do about it).
2 But ask what are you doing to your country (by electing these demagogues over and over and will continue to do so)
Politics is a buy and sell business; first they buy the office and then sell it to the highest contributor (lobbyist). The disdain with which the politic community views American voters reeks with disgust.
The now president’s neo-socialistic agenda is driven by two forces. One ideology and the other is idiocy.
Don't think this is something new in Washington D.C. For President Lincoln had this to say; "I cannot tell the reason - - but high tariffs (taxes) will make everything the farmers [buy] cheaper." Is this Illogical or what?
This is an easy sell, for we as a people have been trained to believe those who have educated us, they have done our thinking for us, far into the future.
Well I guess I have an excuse for lack of expertise because I got my education out behind the barn
The President was in good form when he said those words. All America was listening.
Today is a day that we are forced to ask questions of the leaders in Washington, and that question is why?
Why are you bent upon destroying the American way of life (it’s hardly recognizable now). The cavalier attitude with which they view the working American is arrogance personified.
To restate the President’s quote;
1 Ask not what your country is doing to you! (I think most people are getting the message coming from Washington and that is; we got you where we want you and there is nothing you can do about it).
2 But ask what are you doing to your country (by electing these demagogues over and over and will continue to do so)
Politics is a buy and sell business; first they buy the office and then sell it to the highest contributor (lobbyist). The disdain with which the politic community views American voters reeks with disgust.
The now president’s neo-socialistic agenda is driven by two forces. One ideology and the other is idiocy.
Don't think this is something new in Washington D.C. For President Lincoln had this to say; "I cannot tell the reason - - but high tariffs (taxes) will make everything the farmers [buy] cheaper." Is this Illogical or what?
This is an easy sell, for we as a people have been trained to believe those who have educated us, they have done our thinking for us, far into the future.
Well I guess I have an excuse for lack of expertise because I got my education out behind the barn
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The church has been given the commission to be witnesses and testify to the mission of Jesus of His birth, life, death and resurrection.
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
This doesn’t mean you grab everyone you see and start preaching to them, but as the opportunity is available, wherever you go; you are to be a witness, that you are a believer in Jesus as Savior.
In the Old Testament there was a counter part of witnessing by the Watchman.
In the book of Ezekiel chapter 33 it is written; Ezekiel 33:1-9 And the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Son of man, speak to the sons of your people and say to them, 'If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows on the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. 'He heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning; his blood will be on himself. But had he taken warning, he would have delivered his life. 'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand.' "Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth and give them warning from Me. "When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand. "But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life.
Ezekiel was given the commission to warn a sinning nation to repent and serve God. They refused and suffered the consequences of losing their nation and going into captivity, both the few faithful and the unfaithful.
The last minister to call this nation to repentance was Billy Graham; one wonders if he was the last one that God is going to send.
It isn’t acceptable among today’s society to suggest that the decline in the USA could be directly related to the spiritual condition of the nation. People will squirm and scorn at such a suggestion and reject it outright.
This is exactly what the nation of Israel and Judah did.
In this weakened spiritual condition this nation is vulnerable to other religions gaining a strong foothold here, and please notice, these other religiouns are gaining adherents by the millions.
For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the Gospel of God? It is time for this nation to seek repentance for judgment leads to repentance.
The question is; Has judgment begun with the House of GOD? THE WATCHMAN KNOWS
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
This doesn’t mean you grab everyone you see and start preaching to them, but as the opportunity is available, wherever you go; you are to be a witness, that you are a believer in Jesus as Savior.
In the Old Testament there was a counter part of witnessing by the Watchman.
In the book of Ezekiel chapter 33 it is written; Ezekiel 33:1-9 And the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Son of man, speak to the sons of your people and say to them, 'If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows on the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. 'He heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning; his blood will be on himself. But had he taken warning, he would have delivered his life. 'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand.' "Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth and give them warning from Me. "When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand. "But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life.
Ezekiel was given the commission to warn a sinning nation to repent and serve God. They refused and suffered the consequences of losing their nation and going into captivity, both the few faithful and the unfaithful.
The last minister to call this nation to repentance was Billy Graham; one wonders if he was the last one that God is going to send.
It isn’t acceptable among today’s society to suggest that the decline in the USA could be directly related to the spiritual condition of the nation. People will squirm and scorn at such a suggestion and reject it outright.
This is exactly what the nation of Israel and Judah did.
In this weakened spiritual condition this nation is vulnerable to other religions gaining a strong foothold here, and please notice, these other religiouns are gaining adherents by the millions.
For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the Gospel of God? It is time for this nation to seek repentance for judgment leads to repentance.
The question is; Has judgment begun with the House of GOD? THE WATCHMAN KNOWS
Friday, November 12, 2010
I had heard of these magic waters. Different people told me about them, and how they could restore your health. I would talk to those who had experienced the restorative powers of the water, and I wanted some of it, even though I wasn't sick, I didn't want to be left out.
I talked to my mom, and she had heard about those waters, and we found out where they were located. Come to find out they were only about four blocks from us where we lived in North Carolina, and I was ecstatic. I couldn’t believe we were going down and get some healing waters. We got some gallon jugs and set the time to make our pilgrimage to where the magic mineral elixir was waiting for us.
At the appointed time we left our home with our jugs, and began our trek. As we approached the springs there were many people filling their containers with the precious fluid. At this time I began to worry; I hoped they wouldn't take it all before we got our turn.
It was almost like going to Lourdes, where our lady appeared to Bernadette, and the spring flows with miracle healings.
As we got closer I began to notice an odd smell, and as we got even closer the odor became almost overpowering. I thought that maybe in order to have the healing power it had to smell like that. We quickly filled our jugs and poured a cup for us to drink while we were there. Now, even at my young age of five, I had tasted medicine that had a foul flavor, but I had never tasted anything as horrible as that miracle water.
It was right then and there, that I decided that if my life depended upon that stuff, then I was a goner, for I simply would not drink it anymore, under any circumstances.
On the way home I can't say that I was disappointed, for I was in a state of shock, and it was some time into the next day before I returned to a somewhat normal condition. It didn't help to have two jugs of it in the kitchen, where once in awhile my mom would brave down a glass of it. Needlessly to say that was my first and last trip to the miracle waters.
ORAL ROBERTS would sing this song in his revival meetings. Where the Healing Waters Flow!
Oh, the joy of sins forgiven, Oh, the bliss the blood-washed know,
Oh, the peace akin to Heav’n, Where the healing waters flow.
Refrain after each verse
Where the healing waters flow, Where the joys celestial glow,
Oh, there’s peace and rest and love, Where the healing waters flow!
Now with Jesus crucified, At His feet I’m resting low;
Let me evermore abide Where the healing waters flow.
O, this precious, perfect love! How it keeps the heart aglow,
Streaming from the fount above, Where the healing waters flow.
Oh, to lean on Jesus’ breast, While the tempests come and go!
Here is blessed peace and rest, Where the healing waters flow.
Cleansed from every sin and stain, Whiter than the driven snow,
Now I sing my sweet refrain, Where the healing waters flow.
I talked to my mom, and she had heard about those waters, and we found out where they were located. Come to find out they were only about four blocks from us where we lived in North Carolina, and I was ecstatic. I couldn’t believe we were going down and get some healing waters. We got some gallon jugs and set the time to make our pilgrimage to where the magic mineral elixir was waiting for us.
At the appointed time we left our home with our jugs, and began our trek. As we approached the springs there were many people filling their containers with the precious fluid. At this time I began to worry; I hoped they wouldn't take it all before we got our turn.
It was almost like going to Lourdes, where our lady appeared to Bernadette, and the spring flows with miracle healings.
As we got closer I began to notice an odd smell, and as we got even closer the odor became almost overpowering. I thought that maybe in order to have the healing power it had to smell like that. We quickly filled our jugs and poured a cup for us to drink while we were there. Now, even at my young age of five, I had tasted medicine that had a foul flavor, but I had never tasted anything as horrible as that miracle water.
It was right then and there, that I decided that if my life depended upon that stuff, then I was a goner, for I simply would not drink it anymore, under any circumstances.
On the way home I can't say that I was disappointed, for I was in a state of shock, and it was some time into the next day before I returned to a somewhat normal condition. It didn't help to have two jugs of it in the kitchen, where once in awhile my mom would brave down a glass of it. Needlessly to say that was my first and last trip to the miracle waters.
ORAL ROBERTS would sing this song in his revival meetings. Where the Healing Waters Flow!
Oh, the joy of sins forgiven, Oh, the bliss the blood-washed know,
Oh, the peace akin to Heav’n, Where the healing waters flow.
Refrain after each verse
Where the healing waters flow, Where the joys celestial glow,
Oh, there’s peace and rest and love, Where the healing waters flow!
Now with Jesus crucified, At His feet I’m resting low;
Let me evermore abide Where the healing waters flow.
O, this precious, perfect love! How it keeps the heart aglow,
Streaming from the fount above, Where the healing waters flow.
Oh, to lean on Jesus’ breast, While the tempests come and go!
Here is blessed peace and rest, Where the healing waters flow.
Cleansed from every sin and stain, Whiter than the driven snow,
Now I sing my sweet refrain, Where the healing waters flow.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Heinold's, “First and Last Chance" in Oakland, California, was opened in 1883.
Located on the docks of Oakland, it would have been the last chance for drinkers to imbibe before falling under the jurisdiction of their boat's captain. While it wasn't a legally dry area, a boat could often be practically dry. Even if a captain chose to allow alcohol, it would have been relatively scarce and usually tightly regulated.
During my travels around Oakland (having been partially raised there) I have seen this watering hole many times, although I never went there just to see it. To me it looked like a rats nest about to fall down. It has been restored to better condition than it was when first built.
If it hadn’t been one of the places where Jack London visited and drank, it would have been tore down and something else built there, but places rooted in history are now protected and I think it is a good idea to do that.
There are many Last chance saloons, Last chance for gas or food, or so the signs say, and when traveling through unfamiliar territory it usually a good idea to play it safe and fill your gas tank, and get some water to take with you just in case the signs were true. One of my most uncomfortable feelings has been when out in the boonies with the gas gauge nearing empty.
Due to the fact that there are warnings everywhere we sometime ignore them. Some warnings are little more than attempts fight off lawsuits, others are critical like bridge out ahead.
In the Bible there are so many warnings that it is easy to become callous to them. While some carry with it little penalty others are critical with eternal results.
2Corinthians. 6:1-2 As God's partners, we beg you not to accept this marvelous gift of God's kindness and then ignore it. For God says, "At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you." Indeed, the "right time" is now. Today is the day of salvation.
Today there is the gospel of salvation preached by pulpit, radio, TV, and written word, every form of media, and it proclaims that today is the day of salvation, there is no tomorrow, it is always present tense.
Putting off salvation is neglect of which there are ample warnings against doing. Be sure it isn't on your “biggest mistake I ever made list”.
So what makes us think we can escape if we ignore this great salvation that was first announced by the Lord Jesus himself and then delivered to us by those who heard him speak?
That is a good question that requires a good answer, what will be your excuse for neglecting GOD’S offer to be saved? Supposed you had to answer it right now.
I recall once when my Aunt, and her husband stopped be for a visit and after they left my uncle was faced with that question. Ten minutes later for he was killed in a wreck. Today now is the time of salvation.
Recently a man I knew and had conversations with him about GOD, and he was leaning toward salvation, but he had a fall, went into a coma immediately and died shortly without regaining consciousness. He has now had to answer for neglecting his salvation.
John 6:37 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.
Located on the docks of Oakland, it would have been the last chance for drinkers to imbibe before falling under the jurisdiction of their boat's captain. While it wasn't a legally dry area, a boat could often be practically dry. Even if a captain chose to allow alcohol, it would have been relatively scarce and usually tightly regulated.
During my travels around Oakland (having been partially raised there) I have seen this watering hole many times, although I never went there just to see it. To me it looked like a rats nest about to fall down. It has been restored to better condition than it was when first built.
If it hadn’t been one of the places where Jack London visited and drank, it would have been tore down and something else built there, but places rooted in history are now protected and I think it is a good idea to do that.
There are many Last chance saloons, Last chance for gas or food, or so the signs say, and when traveling through unfamiliar territory it usually a good idea to play it safe and fill your gas tank, and get some water to take with you just in case the signs were true. One of my most uncomfortable feelings has been when out in the boonies with the gas gauge nearing empty.
Due to the fact that there are warnings everywhere we sometime ignore them. Some warnings are little more than attempts fight off lawsuits, others are critical like bridge out ahead.
In the Bible there are so many warnings that it is easy to become callous to them. While some carry with it little penalty others are critical with eternal results.
2Corinthians. 6:1-2 As God's partners, we beg you not to accept this marvelous gift of God's kindness and then ignore it. For God says, "At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you." Indeed, the "right time" is now. Today is the day of salvation.
Today there is the gospel of salvation preached by pulpit, radio, TV, and written word, every form of media, and it proclaims that today is the day of salvation, there is no tomorrow, it is always present tense.
Putting off salvation is neglect of which there are ample warnings against doing. Be sure it isn't on your “biggest mistake I ever made list”.
So what makes us think we can escape if we ignore this great salvation that was first announced by the Lord Jesus himself and then delivered to us by those who heard him speak?
That is a good question that requires a good answer, what will be your excuse for neglecting GOD’S offer to be saved? Supposed you had to answer it right now.
I recall once when my Aunt, and her husband stopped be for a visit and after they left my uncle was faced with that question. Ten minutes later for he was killed in a wreck. Today now is the time of salvation.
Recently a man I knew and had conversations with him about GOD, and he was leaning toward salvation, but he had a fall, went into a coma immediately and died shortly without regaining consciousness. He has now had to answer for neglecting his salvation.
John 6:37 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I suspect that everyone prays sometime.
I do not say that they pray as I might pray, but from within the person, there comes forth a plea for relief from a situation.
It might be a wish that something would intervene, or just hoping that a near miracle would occur. The so called atheist can’t stop the cry from within, wanting help, he has to fight it off, and deny that inner prompting.
There are many avenues people take trying to get their deity to help them, from lighting candles, to using a pray wheel, or to mutilating themselves.
Jeremiah 2:28 “But where are your gods - - Which you made for yourself? Let them arise, if they can save you, in the time of your trouble?”
Prayer is offered up to all kinds of gods: many things that are called a god and are worshiped are nothing more than an invention of man’s mind or his hands.
The exception being the Great, ”I AM” JEHOVAH GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, and prayer to anything or anybody else is an act of futility.
GOD doesn’t require my believing in HIM for HIS existence, for He is GOD whether I believe in HIM or not. The inane thinking that some people have concerning GOD is nothing other than a detour that leads to a dead end.
The belief that says all roads lead to heaven is nothing more than a roundabout. The only means to heaven is by way of JESUS, the only road to heaven goes through HIM.
Psa 37:3 Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.
Psa 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psa 37:5 Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.
Psa 37:6 He will bring forth your righteousness as the light And your judgment as the noonday.
There is a trust relationship that we often try to elevate just in case he is overlooking something and when we make specific requests that are not responded to, it can be upsetting.
Having ran the gamut of answered prayer, I have discovered that the formulas espoused by others or myself do not work.
The scriptures are promises that GOD will act upon our behalf and are designed to build up our faith and confidence in GOD. If we are not cautious we will try to control GOD by quoting scripture to HIM and telling Him what he must do; (Based on His Word.)
Contrary to some people’s belief, GOD is not some flunky that we control and He is not waiting for us to tell HIM what to do.
Due to the fact that GOD receives several billion requests daily, only HE can make the decision as what needs to be done.
For example; two men are Christians, and they are quoting scripture to GOD and believe for an answer. The only problem is they both want the same thing or actually the same woman for a wife, so what does GOD do? Does He give half to each man? No, HE must retain HIS sovereignty, or all would be chaos in this universe.
Will GOD answer every prayer? The short answer is no.
Some more sophisticated persons have said; GOD answers every prayer, sometimes its yes, sometimes its no, and sometimes its wait awhile. Possibly, it could be you shouldn’t be asking for that in the first place.
So, should we as Christians pray at all? Yes, we certainly should pray as the scripture admonishes us to pray one for another, this is all inclusive
In praying for one another I believe that our prayers are most effective when we are prompted by the HOLY SPIRIT.
Often I have been prompted to pray without knowing the details of a situation, and I have practiced what is known as; standing in the gap, a commission from GOD for the moment. As to how do we pray? We are to pray believing,
Mark 11:24 "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you."
When you have prayed, commit the answer to GOD for he knows the situation far better than you.
When you trust GOD with all that’s within you, you have a front row seat at the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy to help in the time of need.
I do not say that they pray as I might pray, but from within the person, there comes forth a plea for relief from a situation.
It might be a wish that something would intervene, or just hoping that a near miracle would occur. The so called atheist can’t stop the cry from within, wanting help, he has to fight it off, and deny that inner prompting.
There are many avenues people take trying to get their deity to help them, from lighting candles, to using a pray wheel, or to mutilating themselves.
Jeremiah 2:28 “But where are your gods - - Which you made for yourself? Let them arise, if they can save you, in the time of your trouble?”
Prayer is offered up to all kinds of gods: many things that are called a god and are worshiped are nothing more than an invention of man’s mind or his hands.
The exception being the Great, ”I AM” JEHOVAH GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, and prayer to anything or anybody else is an act of futility.
GOD doesn’t require my believing in HIM for HIS existence, for He is GOD whether I believe in HIM or not. The inane thinking that some people have concerning GOD is nothing other than a detour that leads to a dead end.
The belief that says all roads lead to heaven is nothing more than a roundabout. The only means to heaven is by way of JESUS, the only road to heaven goes through HIM.
Psa 37:3 Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.
Psa 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psa 37:5 Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.
Psa 37:6 He will bring forth your righteousness as the light And your judgment as the noonday.
There is a trust relationship that we often try to elevate just in case he is overlooking something and when we make specific requests that are not responded to, it can be upsetting.
Having ran the gamut of answered prayer, I have discovered that the formulas espoused by others or myself do not work.
The scriptures are promises that GOD will act upon our behalf and are designed to build up our faith and confidence in GOD. If we are not cautious we will try to control GOD by quoting scripture to HIM and telling Him what he must do; (Based on His Word.)
Contrary to some people’s belief, GOD is not some flunky that we control and He is not waiting for us to tell HIM what to do.
Due to the fact that GOD receives several billion requests daily, only HE can make the decision as what needs to be done.
For example; two men are Christians, and they are quoting scripture to GOD and believe for an answer. The only problem is they both want the same thing or actually the same woman for a wife, so what does GOD do? Does He give half to each man? No, HE must retain HIS sovereignty, or all would be chaos in this universe.
Will GOD answer every prayer? The short answer is no.
Some more sophisticated persons have said; GOD answers every prayer, sometimes its yes, sometimes its no, and sometimes its wait awhile. Possibly, it could be you shouldn’t be asking for that in the first place.
So, should we as Christians pray at all? Yes, we certainly should pray as the scripture admonishes us to pray one for another, this is all inclusive
In praying for one another I believe that our prayers are most effective when we are prompted by the HOLY SPIRIT.
Often I have been prompted to pray without knowing the details of a situation, and I have practiced what is known as; standing in the gap, a commission from GOD for the moment. As to how do we pray? We are to pray believing,
Mark 11:24 "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you."
When you have prayed, commit the answer to GOD for he knows the situation far better than you.
When you trust GOD with all that’s within you, you have a front row seat at the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy to help in the time of need.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Here lately it seems that GOD isn't talking very much or doesn't have very much to say to me. It may be because that when he speaks, I'm not listening.
As I go around Christian people some are always saying; “GOD told me” this and that. To hear them talk they have a pipeline to heaven where they have an ongoing dialogue with GOD and they converse with HIM constantly getting directions for all they do.
This may be true because GOD isn’t talking to me that much and the reason may be because they have all HIS attention and he is too busy to get around to me. Or it may not be true and they are having a self induced conversation with an imaginary friend.
Do we from time to time get a word from the LORD? The answer is simply stated, yes we do.
The next question is how can we be sure whether it is GOD speaking or just thoughts emanating from our mind? My first impulse is to say; “Wouldn't you like to know” but I will restrain myself and give you something to consider, argue with, or just outright reject.
The best way to know if GOD is speaking to you about something is to study the Bible to the point of a good understanding of what it says. Then grasp the doctrines or truth it supports. Having done this you don't need a new word for it is already built into you and it will come up when you are facing a given situation.
The next level concerning getting a word from GOD is when you are troubled and need help coping with a situation, and the answer isn't that obvious.
Due to the fact that we are all different and our approach will differ, there is still a commonality among us all, and that is to take time to meditate and worship and listen. Now when (speaking from experience) you do this the mind will try to overpower your spiritual sensors, and provide all kinds of solutions, and you may be trapped into accepting one of them, and think it is from GOD.
The mind is involved in every phase of our lives. The senses flood the mind with information which it must interpret and make sense of. Our emotions give input about how we feel about the sensory information, and our will directs the actions we take.
With some people that is the whole package, but with a Christian there is an added dimension, and that is the reborn spirit is in contact with GOD and from time to time there is additional non-sensory input or in other words “GOD speaking to us”.
Then comes the difficult part - - understanding, if it just something from the mind or is it input from the spirit of GOD through the spirit of man to the mind?
It is through experience that we are able to discern the difference. If this lesson isn’t learned we’ll go around saying GOD told me this and that, when it is just a product of the imagination.
A recent example of how this works in my own life was before I went to sleep the other night I was thinking; “GOD is sure quite lately,” that is, HIM speaking within me, and I decided to pray about this, so I said; “LORD I would like a word of encouragement or instruction or something.”
As I laid there a word came to me that I didn’t want to hear, and that was - -
“You need to pray for your leaders.”
Now I knew the scriptures that admonished Christians to hold up and pray for the leadership of this country, and up out of my memory came the scripture 1 TIM 2 :1-2 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
I got what I asked for a word from GOD confirmed by the scripture but I didn’t like it.
The last thing I wanted to do was pray for our sitting president because I don’t like where he is leading us.
After settling down I began to see a different picture, I saw a man who is far over his head with responsibility, and he needs GOD’S help more than he realizes.
Whether he will humble himself and follow GOD’S leading is not my responsibility, my job is to do what GOD has directed me to do, and that is to pray for him. The next part was to pray for the Congress, that peace shall be in those chambers. That within their disagreements there shall always be unity, and one body with one agenda, and that is the good for the citizens of this country.
There is another word from GOD, and that is completely initiated by GOD which has only happened twice in my life time, and that the word comes with revelation or foreknowledge and requires you to act.
Before you act your assurance that GOD has spoken to you must be at the level where you would give up your life if you were wrong, you must be that sure. There are many examples in the Bible of this happening, but like I said it only happened twice in my life.
In this day the church of JESUS CHRIST needs to hear from GOD but the last thing it needs is a bunch of people running around saying GOD told me this and that, when it is nothing but nonsense and an effort to enhance their Christian façade.
Well agree or disagree it’s of no matter as long as the spirit of unity is preserved. Listen to the song below, and even if you disagree with my rant it will bless you and make up for my lack of ability to bless!
As I go around Christian people some are always saying; “GOD told me” this and that. To hear them talk they have a pipeline to heaven where they have an ongoing dialogue with GOD and they converse with HIM constantly getting directions for all they do.
This may be true because GOD isn’t talking to me that much and the reason may be because they have all HIS attention and he is too busy to get around to me. Or it may not be true and they are having a self induced conversation with an imaginary friend.
Do we from time to time get a word from the LORD? The answer is simply stated, yes we do.
The next question is how can we be sure whether it is GOD speaking or just thoughts emanating from our mind? My first impulse is to say; “Wouldn't you like to know” but I will restrain myself and give you something to consider, argue with, or just outright reject.
The best way to know if GOD is speaking to you about something is to study the Bible to the point of a good understanding of what it says. Then grasp the doctrines or truth it supports. Having done this you don't need a new word for it is already built into you and it will come up when you are facing a given situation.
The next level concerning getting a word from GOD is when you are troubled and need help coping with a situation, and the answer isn't that obvious.
Due to the fact that we are all different and our approach will differ, there is still a commonality among us all, and that is to take time to meditate and worship and listen. Now when (speaking from experience) you do this the mind will try to overpower your spiritual sensors, and provide all kinds of solutions, and you may be trapped into accepting one of them, and think it is from GOD.
The mind is involved in every phase of our lives. The senses flood the mind with information which it must interpret and make sense of. Our emotions give input about how we feel about the sensory information, and our will directs the actions we take.
With some people that is the whole package, but with a Christian there is an added dimension, and that is the reborn spirit is in contact with GOD and from time to time there is additional non-sensory input or in other words “GOD speaking to us”.
Then comes the difficult part - - understanding, if it just something from the mind or is it input from the spirit of GOD through the spirit of man to the mind?
It is through experience that we are able to discern the difference. If this lesson isn’t learned we’ll go around saying GOD told me this and that, when it is just a product of the imagination.
A recent example of how this works in my own life was before I went to sleep the other night I was thinking; “GOD is sure quite lately,” that is, HIM speaking within me, and I decided to pray about this, so I said; “LORD I would like a word of encouragement or instruction or something.”
As I laid there a word came to me that I didn’t want to hear, and that was - -
“You need to pray for your leaders.”
Now I knew the scriptures that admonished Christians to hold up and pray for the leadership of this country, and up out of my memory came the scripture 1 TIM 2 :1-2 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
I got what I asked for a word from GOD confirmed by the scripture but I didn’t like it.
The last thing I wanted to do was pray for our sitting president because I don’t like where he is leading us.
After settling down I began to see a different picture, I saw a man who is far over his head with responsibility, and he needs GOD’S help more than he realizes.
Whether he will humble himself and follow GOD’S leading is not my responsibility, my job is to do what GOD has directed me to do, and that is to pray for him. The next part was to pray for the Congress, that peace shall be in those chambers. That within their disagreements there shall always be unity, and one body with one agenda, and that is the good for the citizens of this country.
There is another word from GOD, and that is completely initiated by GOD which has only happened twice in my life time, and that the word comes with revelation or foreknowledge and requires you to act.
Before you act your assurance that GOD has spoken to you must be at the level where you would give up your life if you were wrong, you must be that sure. There are many examples in the Bible of this happening, but like I said it only happened twice in my life.
In this day the church of JESUS CHRIST needs to hear from GOD but the last thing it needs is a bunch of people running around saying GOD told me this and that, when it is nothing but nonsense and an effort to enhance their Christian façade.
Well agree or disagree it’s of no matter as long as the spirit of unity is preserved. Listen to the song below, and even if you disagree with my rant it will bless you and make up for my lack of ability to bless!
Monday, November 8, 2010
My friends call me Gull, and that is alright with me cause most of them can’t spell my full name which is Gullible Scruggs.
When I were born my pappy wanted to name me with a hardly used name so as to make me stand out. I found out later that the reason for people not naming their offspring Gullible was some take it to mean “Not so smart,” but that doesn’t apply in my case.
In fact I’m smarter than most around here, and not only that I’m inventive or at least that’s what the car dealer said. The reason he said that was because I saved my money and went to town to buy me a car and the nice used car man sold me a real pretty one.
I drove it home, well almost home before it quit running, and me and a neighbor finished by pushing it home. I called the nice used car man and told him what happened and he said: “You are very inventive, and you’ll figure out what to do with it.” Well after he had bragged on me like that I figured it were up to me to know what to do.
I decided to park it in front of my house where people could see it for I figured that half the benefit of having a pretty car was for the looking at it, and the other half was the riding part. At least this way it wasn’t much of a loss. I guess that is what he meant when he said I was inventive.
Something that bothered me was, I was growed up and wasn’t hitched up as of yet. One day my pappy came and said I was to get married, and he had picked out a gal who was willing. Since I trusted pappy I said it would be okay (I figured he had more experience than I did with women).
I washed good and we all went down to the preacher who said some words I didn’t understand, when they were put together like he did. Afterward they said I was married, I felt the same as before, so I thought that getting married didn’t have anything to do with feelings. My pappy said I should go on a honeymoon, and he explained to me what that was. I wasn’t ready for that for it took my breath away and also scared me. After I got over my shock and settled down he said; go to town and get a room and enjoy it, what ever “it” meant.
My wife Lucy was a city gal, and knew more about city stuff than I did, so she took care of everything including my money. When it was getting dark she told me to get myself something to eat if I was hungry, and that she would be back later, maybe. She explained that she had a date with her boyfriend, and couldn’t break it. Well I figured if she had gave her word then she should keep it.
It must have been a long date because it has been three months, and I haven’t seen her or my money since then.
The one thing I began to wonder about is “What’s so great about being married”?
I’ll get it figured out because my name isn’t Gullible Scruggs for nothing
When I were born my pappy wanted to name me with a hardly used name so as to make me stand out. I found out later that the reason for people not naming their offspring Gullible was some take it to mean “Not so smart,” but that doesn’t apply in my case.
In fact I’m smarter than most around here, and not only that I’m inventive or at least that’s what the car dealer said. The reason he said that was because I saved my money and went to town to buy me a car and the nice used car man sold me a real pretty one.
I drove it home, well almost home before it quit running, and me and a neighbor finished by pushing it home. I called the nice used car man and told him what happened and he said: “You are very inventive, and you’ll figure out what to do with it.” Well after he had bragged on me like that I figured it were up to me to know what to do.
I decided to park it in front of my house where people could see it for I figured that half the benefit of having a pretty car was for the looking at it, and the other half was the riding part. At least this way it wasn’t much of a loss. I guess that is what he meant when he said I was inventive.
Something that bothered me was, I was growed up and wasn’t hitched up as of yet. One day my pappy came and said I was to get married, and he had picked out a gal who was willing. Since I trusted pappy I said it would be okay (I figured he had more experience than I did with women).
I washed good and we all went down to the preacher who said some words I didn’t understand, when they were put together like he did. Afterward they said I was married, I felt the same as before, so I thought that getting married didn’t have anything to do with feelings. My pappy said I should go on a honeymoon, and he explained to me what that was. I wasn’t ready for that for it took my breath away and also scared me. After I got over my shock and settled down he said; go to town and get a room and enjoy it, what ever “it” meant.
My wife Lucy was a city gal, and knew more about city stuff than I did, so she took care of everything including my money. When it was getting dark she told me to get myself something to eat if I was hungry, and that she would be back later, maybe. She explained that she had a date with her boyfriend, and couldn’t break it. Well I figured if she had gave her word then she should keep it.
It must have been a long date because it has been three months, and I haven’t seen her or my money since then.
The one thing I began to wonder about is “What’s so great about being married”?
I’ll get it figured out because my name isn’t Gullible Scruggs for nothing
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I started attending church in 1948 and was introduced to some of the old gospel hymns, especially the ones in tabernacle hymns number 4.
I saw a copy of one on EBay for $39.95. We sang those songs over and over again, some every week like, “At Calvary,” and “Showers of blessing.”
Thinking back, they were a part of the early experience of my church life. Most of the songs had a doctrinal salvation basis, and were scripturally correct.
Later some of the gospel songs took some liberty, and were not so accurate, yet they dealt with every day experiences.
Today every so often one of the old hymns comes floating up from somewhere inside of me, and it refreshes my soul once again.
One such song is “Higher ground.” The thing that is so neat about it is it is so very personal. It is talking to GOD, just you and HIM. It is a verbal expression from the heart of the desire that most Christians have.
I’m pressing on the upward way,
New heights I’m gaining every day;
Still praying as I’m onward bound,
“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”
My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where those abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.
I want to live above the world;
Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled;
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground.
I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I’ll pray till heav’n I’ve found,
“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”
Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on Heaven’s tableland,
A higher plane than I have found;
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
This song captures the essence of another song “Just a closer walk with thee” and should be remembered by all who share this sentiment.
I saw a copy of one on EBay for $39.95. We sang those songs over and over again, some every week like, “At Calvary,” and “Showers of blessing.”
Thinking back, they were a part of the early experience of my church life. Most of the songs had a doctrinal salvation basis, and were scripturally correct.
Later some of the gospel songs took some liberty, and were not so accurate, yet they dealt with every day experiences.
Today every so often one of the old hymns comes floating up from somewhere inside of me, and it refreshes my soul once again.
One such song is “Higher ground.” The thing that is so neat about it is it is so very personal. It is talking to GOD, just you and HIM. It is a verbal expression from the heart of the desire that most Christians have.
I’m pressing on the upward way,
New heights I’m gaining every day;
Still praying as I’m onward bound,
“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”
My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where those abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.
I want to live above the world;
Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled;
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground.
I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I’ll pray till heav’n I’ve found,
“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”
Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on Heaven’s tableland,
A higher plane than I have found;
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
This song captures the essence of another song “Just a closer walk with thee” and should be remembered by all who share this sentiment.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
How can we consider ourselves educated, without learning at least a part of the "OLD SAYINGS"?
Some of this wisdom dates back to antiquity. The easiest time to remember them is when you have violated the principle taught by them.
Whether old or young any of us can act a fool - -without actually being a fool, and that is a little disconcerting.
I have got to the place where it is hard to get me to leave the house, for in my own home, I still have a little control over events in my life. But as soon as I leave home, I am exposed to many unpleasant things.
There are times when I must venture forth to shop and do the things necessary to survive. Each trip out is an adventurous move I have embarked upon, and I know I am going to inadvertently tick someone off for I have seldom avoided offending someone.
By the same token knowing myself, I know something is going to displease me. Now take this for an example; my wife Hazel and I went into a store to buy some groceries and, maybe I should stop here for this story isn't very interesting. It isn't germane to making you happy, but if you want to know what happened, read on anyway.
We came out of the store, and were going to place our purchases in our van when I see this old man, maybe a little younger than me, but still old; and he was urinating between his and our car. He had managed to spray it all over the walking area. I advised Hazel to walk around the van because I didn’t want to get his DNA on her shoes and take it home with us.
As you might suspect she paid about as much attention to me as my kids do, and pushed by him as he finished up. I’m almost sure she averted her eyes, but she wouldn’t be deterred from getting into the van on her side.
At this time certain scriptures came to mind, one of which was: If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. Only in this case, I felt like being the one who did the smiting, and I would have gladly smote his other cheek also.
I did have a few words with him, whereupon he arrogantly would repeat every word that I just said. I told him he was just a few feet from a store with facilities, and he should have availed himself of them. He went away into the store mumbling to himself, and my nonviolent nature saved him from a whipping.
Both old and young take advantage of their age and expect their behavior to be overlooked, haven't you found it to be so? And so it goes in my world.
The song below has nothing to do with anything but it isn't as painful as some.
Some of this wisdom dates back to antiquity. The easiest time to remember them is when you have violated the principle taught by them.
Whether old or young any of us can act a fool - -without actually being a fool, and that is a little disconcerting.
I have got to the place where it is hard to get me to leave the house, for in my own home, I still have a little control over events in my life. But as soon as I leave home, I am exposed to many unpleasant things.
There are times when I must venture forth to shop and do the things necessary to survive. Each trip out is an adventurous move I have embarked upon, and I know I am going to inadvertently tick someone off for I have seldom avoided offending someone.
By the same token knowing myself, I know something is going to displease me. Now take this for an example; my wife Hazel and I went into a store to buy some groceries and, maybe I should stop here for this story isn't very interesting. It isn't germane to making you happy, but if you want to know what happened, read on anyway.
We came out of the store, and were going to place our purchases in our van when I see this old man, maybe a little younger than me, but still old; and he was urinating between his and our car. He had managed to spray it all over the walking area. I advised Hazel to walk around the van because I didn’t want to get his DNA on her shoes and take it home with us.
As you might suspect she paid about as much attention to me as my kids do, and pushed by him as he finished up. I’m almost sure she averted her eyes, but she wouldn’t be deterred from getting into the van on her side.
At this time certain scriptures came to mind, one of which was: If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. Only in this case, I felt like being the one who did the smiting, and I would have gladly smote his other cheek also.
I did have a few words with him, whereupon he arrogantly would repeat every word that I just said. I told him he was just a few feet from a store with facilities, and he should have availed himself of them. He went away into the store mumbling to himself, and my nonviolent nature saved him from a whipping.
Both old and young take advantage of their age and expect their behavior to be overlooked, haven't you found it to be so? And so it goes in my world.
The song below has nothing to do with anything but it isn't as painful as some.
Friday, November 5, 2010
As a kid I heard there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and that fascinated me.
I spent hours thinking about how I could get to the end of the next rainbow I saw and become rich.
I was going spend, spend, and spend until I could spend no more.
Alas, alas, as I grew older I realized that the rainbow always moved farther away from me and then would disappear as I tried to approach it.
People seek the pot of gold in many ways, they beg, borrow; steal and some even will work to attain it.
Then there are the politicians! They are the ones who have really found the real pot of gold, and they spend, spend and spend. They are the smartest people in the world for they have control of all Americans. They can do anything they want to do.
The only restraint on them is, they disagree with one another on the best way to spend our money.
Where is that pot of gold we are talking about and who can spend it? That is a good question.
Bringing things up to the present we find that our President is the one who says where our money can be spent. It seems he has three pots of gold and they are full of wherewithal.
The first pot is the printing press, if he needs a trillion dollars he just orders it to be printed and it is done.
The second pot of gold is the rich and the elderly who have saved money while they labored. They have the wealth he wants and all he has to say is “Fork it over,” and it is his.
This was learned from his father’s philosophy; the senior Obama (in his own words) proposed that the State confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit. In fact, he insisted that "Theoretically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed."
The third pot of gold is to tax the working class people to the edge of rebellion. He has tremendous support among many people for this action for they will be the financial recipients of this accomplishment.
The people can only wait until it’s over and try to start looking again for the rainbow and their pot of gold.
I spent hours thinking about how I could get to the end of the next rainbow I saw and become rich.
I was going spend, spend, and spend until I could spend no more.
Alas, alas, as I grew older I realized that the rainbow always moved farther away from me and then would disappear as I tried to approach it.
People seek the pot of gold in many ways, they beg, borrow; steal and some even will work to attain it.
Then there are the politicians! They are the ones who have really found the real pot of gold, and they spend, spend and spend. They are the smartest people in the world for they have control of all Americans. They can do anything they want to do.
The only restraint on them is, they disagree with one another on the best way to spend our money.
Where is that pot of gold we are talking about and who can spend it? That is a good question.
Bringing things up to the present we find that our President is the one who says where our money can be spent. It seems he has three pots of gold and they are full of wherewithal.
The first pot is the printing press, if he needs a trillion dollars he just orders it to be printed and it is done.
The second pot of gold is the rich and the elderly who have saved money while they labored. They have the wealth he wants and all he has to say is “Fork it over,” and it is his.
This was learned from his father’s philosophy; the senior Obama (in his own words) proposed that the State confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit. In fact, he insisted that "Theoretically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed."
The third pot of gold is to tax the working class people to the edge of rebellion. He has tremendous support among many people for this action for they will be the financial recipients of this accomplishment.
The people can only wait until it’s over and try to start looking again for the rainbow and their pot of gold.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Don’t you just hate it when people are always negative?
When there is some good news they still take a negative view of it.
We just had an election and the American people voted out of office many good politicians, and that was after they had given us free health care without us asking for it.
It is time to realize that “We the people” don’t know what is good for us, and it takes a higher intellect to decide these things for us.
We are the richest country in the universe, and anything we can think of, we can have - - for money is of no issue.
The president is leading the way, trying his best to educate us by taking a trip to the East and taking 3000 people with him. He knows how to spend money, pomp and ceremony is his middle name, we as a nation should be proud.
Some still have the idea that spending 2 billion dollars for a ten day Presidential trip isn’t being frugal, but on the day he left, the Federal Reserve Bank created 600 billion dollars, and can print a trillion any time we want it. Not saying what that did to devalue our dollar even more!
It is sad to say that we lost one of our finest legislators, he laughed himself to death, because the “We the people,” believed everything he said, and he thought that was so funny he couldn’t stop laughing.
When there is some good news they still take a negative view of it.
We just had an election and the American people voted out of office many good politicians, and that was after they had given us free health care without us asking for it.
It is time to realize that “We the people” don’t know what is good for us, and it takes a higher intellect to decide these things for us.
We are the richest country in the universe, and anything we can think of, we can have - - for money is of no issue.
The president is leading the way, trying his best to educate us by taking a trip to the East and taking 3000 people with him. He knows how to spend money, pomp and ceremony is his middle name, we as a nation should be proud.
Some still have the idea that spending 2 billion dollars for a ten day Presidential trip isn’t being frugal, but on the day he left, the Federal Reserve Bank created 600 billion dollars, and can print a trillion any time we want it. Not saying what that did to devalue our dollar even more!
It is sad to say that we lost one of our finest legislators, he laughed himself to death, because the “We the people,” believed everything he said, and he thought that was so funny he couldn’t stop laughing.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
From the time I was young, I heard about the big spender!
He was the good time daddy who had a following of those who fed his ego, and he responded with gifts galore.
He was declared to be “the “man of distinction who had all the answers to the “give me” questions. He was the man in control and all other men were secondary for they didn’t have the suave persona of the big spender.
There have been many who coveted the title of the biggest “Big spender” of all, and the battle goes on to see who will be the all time champ.
The followers of the big spender are characterized by always having their hand out for a hand out. They, because they have idolized him think they have the right to demand more and more freebies from him.
There are big spenders everywhere. They fly into Vegas and spend one hundred thousand dollars in one night. Bill and Hillary Clinton spent three and one half million on Chelsea’s wedding of course that is a drop in the bucket for they have made one hundred and fifty million since leaving office.
Billionaire steel-magnate Lakshmi Mittal, the richest man in India spent sixty million dollars on his daughter's wedding.
George Bush got into the running by spending hundreds of billions of American money by starting a couple of wars.
And now we come to the new champ who has topped them all. He in two years has spent trillions, so much that no one can calculate what the amount is. He has the largest following of them all who sing his praise. He believes he has unlimited resources and spends like it.
He is the champion of the forty percent of Americans that do not contribute anything the treasury. His bank account is their bank account and they draw on it freely.
Most people stand in awe of this big spender, the master of all the wizards of finance that can create wealth with a printing press. What ever faults he may have they pale to the point of disappearing by his generosity.
Let us all bow our heads for there is a king in our midst, let us pay homage to the king of all big spenders. Barack Obama.
He was the good time daddy who had a following of those who fed his ego, and he responded with gifts galore.
He was declared to be “the “man of distinction who had all the answers to the “give me” questions. He was the man in control and all other men were secondary for they didn’t have the suave persona of the big spender.
There have been many who coveted the title of the biggest “Big spender” of all, and the battle goes on to see who will be the all time champ.
The followers of the big spender are characterized by always having their hand out for a hand out. They, because they have idolized him think they have the right to demand more and more freebies from him.
There are big spenders everywhere. They fly into Vegas and spend one hundred thousand dollars in one night. Bill and Hillary Clinton spent three and one half million on Chelsea’s wedding of course that is a drop in the bucket for they have made one hundred and fifty million since leaving office.
Billionaire steel-magnate Lakshmi Mittal, the richest man in India spent sixty million dollars on his daughter's wedding.
George Bush got into the running by spending hundreds of billions of American money by starting a couple of wars.
And now we come to the new champ who has topped them all. He in two years has spent trillions, so much that no one can calculate what the amount is. He has the largest following of them all who sing his praise. He believes he has unlimited resources and spends like it.
He is the champion of the forty percent of Americans that do not contribute anything the treasury. His bank account is their bank account and they draw on it freely.
Most people stand in awe of this big spender, the master of all the wizards of finance that can create wealth with a printing press. What ever faults he may have they pale to the point of disappearing by his generosity.
Let us all bow our heads for there is a king in our midst, let us pay homage to the king of all big spenders. Barack Obama.
Monday, November 1, 2010
I like to cook. So the other day I decided to bake some bread, for I reasoned; how hard can it be.
Based on what I have heard all you need is some flour and stuff and a stove. I started to look up a recipe but then decided I didn’t need to for I cook all the time. I put in some flour and some water (I didn’t have any milk) mixed it up and whacked it a few times and put it a bread pan and then turned on the stove.
I felt pretty good about the whole thing because I love fresh hot baked bread.
Some time later I began to smell the bread baking, but it didn’t smell right. I figured it just needed cooking awhile longer so after about an hour and a half I decided it was long enough. My bread didn’t look right, it was no bigger than when I put it in the stove; in fact it looked smaller.
About this time some friends came over and I asked them if they would like some fresh hot bread and most of them said sure, with lots of butter. I sat some plates around and brought out the hot bread and to my surprise their faces changed, and one by one they decided they weren’t hungry.
Soon after they left, and I wondered if I had left out a necessary ingredient, so I got down a recipe book, and looked up bread making. To my surprise I had left out several things that should have been in there.
Besides flour I should have used; salt, sugar, milk, oil and yeast. All these ingredients had to be used in the proper amounts and mixed well.
I thought there must be some spiritual application for this mess I made. It wasn’t the mess that bothered me for that was about the norm for me, but I had involved some of my friends, and they had nicely rejected my feast.
Then I remembered that these friends had not responded to my testimony for Christ either, they were friendly, and we had some fun times together, but they had no interest in my recipe for Christian living. Then it hit me, perhaps I have left out some of the key ingredients of Christianity.
Since I still had my bread in mind, and I knew the Bible speaks of salt. For Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth but if the salt has lost its savor it is worthless.” That brought to the point that maybe my saltiness has played out and that is part of the reason for my ineffectiveness.
Then the issue of the sugar popped up maybe my sugar is no longer sweet, but has turned to sourness. Continuing on, could it be that my milk of human kindness is just a façade?
Now this is one of the most important missing parts of my Christian life, and that is the oil, which throughout the scripture represents the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in and through me. Everything that is manifested in and through me is his work.
The last thing is the yeast. Yeast or leaven is a type of sin, and leaven will permeate the whole of the being. While those ingredients properly used in concert with one another will make good bread the recipe for a good Christian testimony will have to leave off the yeast part and make sure you use plenty of the others.
Based on what I have heard all you need is some flour and stuff and a stove. I started to look up a recipe but then decided I didn’t need to for I cook all the time. I put in some flour and some water (I didn’t have any milk) mixed it up and whacked it a few times and put it a bread pan and then turned on the stove.
I felt pretty good about the whole thing because I love fresh hot baked bread.
Some time later I began to smell the bread baking, but it didn’t smell right. I figured it just needed cooking awhile longer so after about an hour and a half I decided it was long enough. My bread didn’t look right, it was no bigger than when I put it in the stove; in fact it looked smaller.
About this time some friends came over and I asked them if they would like some fresh hot bread and most of them said sure, with lots of butter. I sat some plates around and brought out the hot bread and to my surprise their faces changed, and one by one they decided they weren’t hungry.
Soon after they left, and I wondered if I had left out a necessary ingredient, so I got down a recipe book, and looked up bread making. To my surprise I had left out several things that should have been in there.
Besides flour I should have used; salt, sugar, milk, oil and yeast. All these ingredients had to be used in the proper amounts and mixed well.
I thought there must be some spiritual application for this mess I made. It wasn’t the mess that bothered me for that was about the norm for me, but I had involved some of my friends, and they had nicely rejected my feast.
Then I remembered that these friends had not responded to my testimony for Christ either, they were friendly, and we had some fun times together, but they had no interest in my recipe for Christian living. Then it hit me, perhaps I have left out some of the key ingredients of Christianity.
Since I still had my bread in mind, and I knew the Bible speaks of salt. For Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth but if the salt has lost its savor it is worthless.” That brought to the point that maybe my saltiness has played out and that is part of the reason for my ineffectiveness.
Then the issue of the sugar popped up maybe my sugar is no longer sweet, but has turned to sourness. Continuing on, could it be that my milk of human kindness is just a façade?
Now this is one of the most important missing parts of my Christian life, and that is the oil, which throughout the scripture represents the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in and through me. Everything that is manifested in and through me is his work.
The last thing is the yeast. Yeast or leaven is a type of sin, and leaven will permeate the whole of the being. While those ingredients properly used in concert with one another will make good bread the recipe for a good Christian testimony will have to leave off the yeast part and make sure you use plenty of the others.
As I’m writing this it is still October and the Christmas catalogs have just arrived.
Every thing is for sale! Glitzy ads are the norm, and its buy now or miss out on these great (ha ha ha) prices.
It would seem that 50% of the American economy is based on man made holidays.
As a lesser intelligent being whose forte is naiveté one might think that the holidays are for the purpose of the stated reason instead of the enriching of the merchandising world.
New years day, Presidents day, Valentines day, May day, Fourth of July, Labor day, Halloween, Thanksgiving day, Christmas day, Hanukah, the Muslim holidays, Kids day, Mothers day, Fathers day, Grandparents day, Bosses’ day, Secretary’s day, Earth day, Martin Luther King day, Columbus day; and then comes the weeks and months of recognition for groups like black history month and April 15 tax day.
This is just to name a few and there are new ideas for more special days in the works.
What about Uncle and Auntie day, Cousin day, Adopted kids day, Divorce day, Death day, Debt day (where all debts are forgiven and paid for by Uncle Sam), Fast Food day, Wal-Mart day, Fireman’s and Policeman’s day, Union bosses’ day, Politicians day; and oh, soooo much more.
And there are many worthy things that need to be recognized like DOG days, CAT days, RAT days and Hat days.
If we can establish all these days as national holidays then no one will have to work for every day will be a holiday with pay.
It looks like, if we banned all these days, our economy would fall apart for we are dependent upon this boost in our national product to keep us afloat.
I submit that if we set aside all these holidays, we would be none the less for it, except in the area of economics.
Should we include Christmas in this holiday dismissal?
Well when properly understood the Christian celebrates the CHRIST day every day of the year and does not need to reduce the celebration to only one day a year.
Since this is “Think it over day,” - - perhaps we can figure it out.
Every thing is for sale! Glitzy ads are the norm, and its buy now or miss out on these great (ha ha ha) prices.
It would seem that 50% of the American economy is based on man made holidays.
As a lesser intelligent being whose forte is naiveté one might think that the holidays are for the purpose of the stated reason instead of the enriching of the merchandising world.
New years day, Presidents day, Valentines day, May day, Fourth of July, Labor day, Halloween, Thanksgiving day, Christmas day, Hanukah, the Muslim holidays, Kids day, Mothers day, Fathers day, Grandparents day, Bosses’ day, Secretary’s day, Earth day, Martin Luther King day, Columbus day; and then comes the weeks and months of recognition for groups like black history month and April 15 tax day.
This is just to name a few and there are new ideas for more special days in the works.
What about Uncle and Auntie day, Cousin day, Adopted kids day, Divorce day, Death day, Debt day (where all debts are forgiven and paid for by Uncle Sam), Fast Food day, Wal-Mart day, Fireman’s and Policeman’s day, Union bosses’ day, Politicians day; and oh, soooo much more.
And there are many worthy things that need to be recognized like DOG days, CAT days, RAT days and Hat days.
If we can establish all these days as national holidays then no one will have to work for every day will be a holiday with pay.
It looks like, if we banned all these days, our economy would fall apart for we are dependent upon this boost in our national product to keep us afloat.
I submit that if we set aside all these holidays, we would be none the less for it, except in the area of economics.
Should we include Christmas in this holiday dismissal?
Well when properly understood the Christian celebrates the CHRIST day every day of the year and does not need to reduce the celebration to only one day a year.
Since this is “Think it over day,” - - perhaps we can figure it out.
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