New FREE e-book: The Old Man and the Widow

New FREE e-book:  The Old Man and the Widow
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Saturday, November 21, 2015



There are many things that are linked together, that is where one is present the other is always nearby.

One of the easiest to observe is where there is lying there also will be deception.

A person wants to deceive and the lie is the vehicle that accomplishes the deed. A clue in discovery of this dirty duo is the oft times smile that is used to detract from the lie/deception act.

We find this duo in play in all avenues of life and the practitioners of said device are expert in the practice of them. One of the most prevalent places we find the linkage is use is in politics.

It is there where it has been taken to the scientific level.

There is another level where this linkage prospers and that is where our enemy Satan and his familiar spirits find the welcome mat out for them.

The lying/ deception spirit inspires the person to higher levels of deception to the point where lying and deception is so natural for them it is woven into their personality.  It is so delicately that it is hard to discern except by the revelation of the reborn spirit of man.

I perceive by the spirit that within the presidential race there is one or more candidates who have embraced this vile spirit of lying and are in the process of trying to deceive the spiritually dead in America.

Should you perceive that this is the case in your spirit then use the power found in; Matthew 18:18 Truly I say to you, whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

In other words; Bind the spirit of lying and loose the spirit of truth. Let the Spirit of God direct you in doing this!



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