“Put out (CAST) your bread on the face of the waters for after a long time it will come back to you again.” Ecclesiastes 11:1
There are many issues in life that require strong faith and this is one of the testiest one among them. It has been said, “If you keeping on giving, soon we will have something coming back on every wave but most of us (me) want to give and wait on the seashore until it comes back to us before we give anymore.
There are those who take advantage of our giving spirit, and after being taken advantage of a few times we are suspicious of all needs that are presented to us.
We like the scripture that says:
Luke 6:38 "Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full--pressed down shaken together to make room for more running over and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back."
Another promise is in Matt. 7:7-8
“Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives. Everyone who seeks finds, and to everyone who knocks the door will be opened."
We are told to be good stewards of goods and we need to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves in the matter of stewardship.
Don't try to give to everybody who comes along for many are just trying to rip you off. A good sob story doesn't mean you owe them anything.
How about this, be led by the Spirit as to what to give to instead of emotional feelings. Sometime The Holy Spirit will say yes, and other times He will say no.
When you are led to keep on casting you will be blessed in your deed.
Be wise and not foolish, but do be open to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Friday, December 31, 2010
It was Christmas in simpler times, when a boy dreamed of being the king of the diamond.
At last he felt it was time for him to play on a team, surely he was big and strong enough play with the bigger boys.
Recently the little league teams had gotten uniforms and looked very professional when they were out on the field. However his old glove was worn out when he got it, and it made him look bad when trying to field a grounder; the ball would pop out of the glove and the runner would be safe.
All year he had been hinting he wanted a new mitt for Christmas. He even humiliated himself by sitting on Santa’s knee and asking for a certain glove.
Now, it was Christmas day and he was almost afraid to go downstairs for fear there would be no glove for him.
This was the happiest moment of his life because he received just what he wanted, a Rawling fielder’s glove, the best one made from pure leather.
Immediately he hurried to the garage and took down the oil he had been saving for the day he would get his new glove. Carefully he oiled it and then placed a baseball in the pocket tying it up tightly for he wanted to shape the pocket to the ball.
When he showed up for the team practice with the new mitt the coach told him he could try out and play third base. The first ball hit to him went straight through his legs, and his heart almost stopped beating because of everyone making fun of him. The coach yelled at him; “No biggie, just tighten it up.” From that day to this, no ball ever did that to him again.
Each day his skills improved, though he had never played in a game until the third baseman moved, and they had no third baseman. His coach said; “Okay get out there and let’s see what you can do.”
Before he had been used as a utility player, playing all the infield spots until third base became his territory to defend. Even at this youn age he could rifle a ball across the diamond and few could beat out a hit on him.
As time went by he constantly improved with his glove, and his hitting ability until a scout saw him, and he got a tryout with a farm club.
It was a short time until he moved up to the majors. At first it was back to being a utility player but that didn’t matter, for he was a major league player and that was everything.
The one thing he had learned was patience, and then one day, again he was promoted to third base where he wanted to be all along.
Year after year went by and his career was most fulfilling, but time was beginning to tell on him. He was slower at getting the jump on the ball and guys were getting hits they should not have gotten. He was sluggish at running the bases now, just a half step slow down.
He began to see the end was coming for him because time was moving on and wasn’t waiting for him. The manager used him as a teacher for the younger players and played him less.
Then one day they had a party for him, and he gave a farewell speech about what baseball had meant to him, and then it was over.
More time passed and he could no longer do what was once so easy for him. As the days went by not even his sport was as meaningful to him, in fact nothing was as interesting as it had been.
He was a victim of the natural decline that all experience to one degree or the other. He didn’t think about the past anymore and the future wasn’t in view. The present was the only thing there was, and the “now” was very dull and unresponsive.
On occasion the thought would stir his mind; “I ain’t the man I used to be” but it would fade into the lapse of thinking.
This went on till one day the game was over and people said nice things about him and what he had meant to them.
He had played the game fair and gave it all he had, that is all you can ask of anyone. Remember being in the game of life is what is important, but how you play it makes it meaningful to you.
Proverbs 22:29 Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings;
At last he felt it was time for him to play on a team, surely he was big and strong enough play with the bigger boys.
Recently the little league teams had gotten uniforms and looked very professional when they were out on the field. However his old glove was worn out when he got it, and it made him look bad when trying to field a grounder; the ball would pop out of the glove and the runner would be safe.
All year he had been hinting he wanted a new mitt for Christmas. He even humiliated himself by sitting on Santa’s knee and asking for a certain glove.
Now, it was Christmas day and he was almost afraid to go downstairs for fear there would be no glove for him.
This was the happiest moment of his life because he received just what he wanted, a Rawling fielder’s glove, the best one made from pure leather.
Immediately he hurried to the garage and took down the oil he had been saving for the day he would get his new glove. Carefully he oiled it and then placed a baseball in the pocket tying it up tightly for he wanted to shape the pocket to the ball.
When he showed up for the team practice with the new mitt the coach told him he could try out and play third base. The first ball hit to him went straight through his legs, and his heart almost stopped beating because of everyone making fun of him. The coach yelled at him; “No biggie, just tighten it up.” From that day to this, no ball ever did that to him again.
Each day his skills improved, though he had never played in a game until the third baseman moved, and they had no third baseman. His coach said; “Okay get out there and let’s see what you can do.”
Before he had been used as a utility player, playing all the infield spots until third base became his territory to defend. Even at this youn age he could rifle a ball across the diamond and few could beat out a hit on him.
As time went by he constantly improved with his glove, and his hitting ability until a scout saw him, and he got a tryout with a farm club.
It was a short time until he moved up to the majors. At first it was back to being a utility player but that didn’t matter, for he was a major league player and that was everything.
The one thing he had learned was patience, and then one day, again he was promoted to third base where he wanted to be all along.
Year after year went by and his career was most fulfilling, but time was beginning to tell on him. He was slower at getting the jump on the ball and guys were getting hits they should not have gotten. He was sluggish at running the bases now, just a half step slow down.
He began to see the end was coming for him because time was moving on and wasn’t waiting for him. The manager used him as a teacher for the younger players and played him less.
Then one day they had a party for him, and he gave a farewell speech about what baseball had meant to him, and then it was over.
More time passed and he could no longer do what was once so easy for him. As the days went by not even his sport was as meaningful to him, in fact nothing was as interesting as it had been.
He was a victim of the natural decline that all experience to one degree or the other. He didn’t think about the past anymore and the future wasn’t in view. The present was the only thing there was, and the “now” was very dull and unresponsive.
On occasion the thought would stir his mind; “I ain’t the man I used to be” but it would fade into the lapse of thinking.
This went on till one day the game was over and people said nice things about him and what he had meant to them.
He had played the game fair and gave it all he had, that is all you can ask of anyone. Remember being in the game of life is what is important, but how you play it makes it meaningful to you.
Proverbs 22:29 Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings;
Monday, December 27, 2010
I can still remember when stockings were hung up for Christmas. Each child would find the biggest stocking they could find and hang it up. We figured that the bigger the stocking the more goodies we would get.
For some reason my Christmas memories start at the age of five. I’m sure that I got a little something before that, but I can’t remember what it was.
Chronologically I can only place one Christmas, before the age of five. We had hung our stockings up and the next morning it wasn’t filled up to the heel. A few nuts, an apple and an orange and that was it. It wasn’t much but I was happy to get it.
One reason I remember my age five Christmas was because I got what I wanted, which was a pedal car with lights, and a pilot’s cap with glasses. It didn’t matter that my stocking wouldn’t hold my gifts; the only thing that mattered was what I received.
I had more than one empty stocking Christmas, and sometimes we only had our regular fare to eat.
After marriage we always saw to it that our kids had a good Christmas with presents for each child. Usually Christmas dinner was at the grandparent’s house until one day they announced that from now on the dinners would be at my place. That was a surprise but from that time on, that was the way it was.
Thinking back I remember those Christmas, and the empty stockings, this was supposed to be a special time where you received rewards for being good.
Being older I think of a time when we shall be joined unto the Lord’s house and enjoy Christmas in heaven. I expect to have my stocking hung and to receive presents galore.
Rev.22:12 Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to render to every man according to what he has done.
The last thing I want to see is an empty stocking with my name on it. All it takes is - - to obey the rules and it will be the happiest Christmas of them all.
For some reason my Christmas memories start at the age of five. I’m sure that I got a little something before that, but I can’t remember what it was.
Chronologically I can only place one Christmas, before the age of five. We had hung our stockings up and the next morning it wasn’t filled up to the heel. A few nuts, an apple and an orange and that was it. It wasn’t much but I was happy to get it.
One reason I remember my age five Christmas was because I got what I wanted, which was a pedal car with lights, and a pilot’s cap with glasses. It didn’t matter that my stocking wouldn’t hold my gifts; the only thing that mattered was what I received.
I had more than one empty stocking Christmas, and sometimes we only had our regular fare to eat.
After marriage we always saw to it that our kids had a good Christmas with presents for each child. Usually Christmas dinner was at the grandparent’s house until one day they announced that from now on the dinners would be at my place. That was a surprise but from that time on, that was the way it was.
Thinking back I remember those Christmas, and the empty stockings, this was supposed to be a special time where you received rewards for being good.
Being older I think of a time when we shall be joined unto the Lord’s house and enjoy Christmas in heaven. I expect to have my stocking hung and to receive presents galore.
Rev.22:12 Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to render to every man according to what he has done.
The last thing I want to see is an empty stocking with my name on it. All it takes is - - to obey the rules and it will be the happiest Christmas of them all.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Life is all about decisions.
At times we are hard pressed to make a decision that will give direction to the rest of our life. This decision must be made wisely and with counsel.
Our lives consist of both the natural and the spiritual, and both need to be addressed in a reasoned manner.
Circumstances always play a big part in our lives. If you are born rich you have an advantage over the poor for their struggle starts at the bottom of the ladder while those of affluence start near the top.
Still sometimes those who are not well off do better and prosper while others will waste their goods. In the end, character usually will prevail.
Though you become rich in natural things, but do not prosper in the spirituals you are only half rich.
Happy is the man who says; “I have decided too follow Jesus” for he has made the most important decision it is possible to make.
Jesus said, John 10:27 “I am the good shepherd and I know my sheep. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
The song says;
He leadeth me, O blessed thought!
O words with heav’nly comfort fraught!
Whate’er I do, where’er I be,
Still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me.
And so it is, the decision to be a follower of Jesus is one that is blessed, but not necessarily easy. But always it is GOD’S hand that leads you.
At times we are hard pressed to make a decision that will give direction to the rest of our life. This decision must be made wisely and with counsel.
Our lives consist of both the natural and the spiritual, and both need to be addressed in a reasoned manner.
Circumstances always play a big part in our lives. If you are born rich you have an advantage over the poor for their struggle starts at the bottom of the ladder while those of affluence start near the top.
Still sometimes those who are not well off do better and prosper while others will waste their goods. In the end, character usually will prevail.
Though you become rich in natural things, but do not prosper in the spirituals you are only half rich.
Happy is the man who says; “I have decided too follow Jesus” for he has made the most important decision it is possible to make.
Jesus said, John 10:27 “I am the good shepherd and I know my sheep. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
The song says;
He leadeth me, O blessed thought!
O words with heav’nly comfort fraught!
Whate’er I do, where’er I be,
Still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me.
And so it is, the decision to be a follower of Jesus is one that is blessed, but not necessarily easy. But always it is GOD’S hand that leads you.
Monday, December 20, 2010
In those days to be pregnant with no husband was looked upon with disdain to say the least.
Being engaged helped, but still the people wanted a wedding where they could be wined and dined at the wedding feast, and much of their concern was about missing out on that.
To say that Joseph was an understanding and forgiving boy friend was putting it mildly.
Even though he was older, still it was a hard pill to swallow (Holy Ghost or not).
Mary had to hang on until the time came to be delivered of this miracle child before she and Joseph could start their normal married life.
Jesus Christ being born in the cow shed wasn’t a very prosperous beginning, but the angels (heavenly host) sang as they had never sung before, for this was to be a single performance. Perhaps the song was something like;
Oh, holy night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Long lay the world in sin and error, pining
Till He appeared and the soul felt it's worth
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn'
Fall on your knees, oh, hear the Angels' voice
Oh, night divine, oh, night when Christ was born.
Never before in the history of man had the angels been assigned a task such as that; the announcement, "The Savior is born."
This night actually had it’s beginning before the creation, for Christ was as one slain before the foundation of the world.
Yep, his ma was a country gal but she knew how to be obedient to GOD and by her obedience to bless the entire world.
Being engaged helped, but still the people wanted a wedding where they could be wined and dined at the wedding feast, and much of their concern was about missing out on that.
To say that Joseph was an understanding and forgiving boy friend was putting it mildly.
Even though he was older, still it was a hard pill to swallow (Holy Ghost or not).
Mary had to hang on until the time came to be delivered of this miracle child before she and Joseph could start their normal married life.
Jesus Christ being born in the cow shed wasn’t a very prosperous beginning, but the angels (heavenly host) sang as they had never sung before, for this was to be a single performance. Perhaps the song was something like;
Oh, holy night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Long lay the world in sin and error, pining
Till He appeared and the soul felt it's worth
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn'
Fall on your knees, oh, hear the Angels' voice
Oh, night divine, oh, night when Christ was born.
Never before in the history of man had the angels been assigned a task such as that; the announcement, "The Savior is born."
This night actually had it’s beginning before the creation, for Christ was as one slain before the foundation of the world.
Yep, his ma was a country gal but she knew how to be obedient to GOD and by her obedience to bless the entire world.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
There was once a T.V. Program called truth or consequences where you answered truthfully or had to pay a penalty. If you told the truth you were rewarded and if you were wrong you had to earn your prize the hard way.
In the game of life the same thing applies, only there it is truth or deception.
John Medina had some interesting comments about truth in his book; “The truth will set you free.”
“Ever since you were a kid, you’ve been programmed with the many different “life truths” of countless well-intentioned humans. It likely started with your parents, then your teachers, society, your pastor ... The list goes on and on. As you began to absorb all these “truths,” you might’ve noticed that some of the supposed “truths” weren’t necessarily aligned. The “truth” of your parents might not have resonated with the “truth” of your teachers. The “truth” of society, in most cases, won’t correspond with the “truth” of your pastor. Let’s not even get into the “truth” of the different religions.”
He goes on to say; “While I find it important to respect and consider each “truth program” offered by the well-intentioned people in your life, you’ll never “be free” until you experience life, and comfortably cultivate your own truth. Experience is life’s greatest teacher. One of the most important truths in your life was the reality of Santa Claus. If you were a nice boy or girl, Santa Claus would bring you all the toys you wanted! If you were a naughty boy or girl, Santa Claus would leave you hanging. Although Santa Claus was a huge “life truth” for a period of your life, when you found out that your parents were involved in a global scheme to trick youngsters into behaving, you realized that it was time to release your “truth” regarding Santa Claus. Did that make the “truth” of Santa Claus any less real, while you were in the fantasy? Of course not! You thought Santa Claus was real! Take this awareness into the other “life truths” you’re currently processing. In most cases, just like Santa Claus, these “truths” are also make-believe. You make them real by your belief in them. And just like your experience with Santa Claus, once life experience shows you a different perspective regarding your current “life truths,” you’ll release the idea of these “truths” being real. Your mind is constantly being fed “truth program” after “truth program,” and each one is claiming to be “the” truth. The true truth is this: Only you can determine Your Truth.”
One of the most famous queries concerning the phrase; “What is truth” was spoken be Pontius Pilate at the trial of Jesus. Jesus had answered this question prior to this event, in Pilate’s case it was a rhetorical question but in real life one's journey for truth requires one to start with “I am the way, the truth and the light for the true knowledge starts with the beginning of knowing GOD.
It starts with the experience of the new birth and continues with daily experiences with GOD in your life. The culmination of knowing truth ends with resurrection of the body of Christ when we will know all truth being known even as we are known.
1 Corinthians.13:12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
In the game of life the same thing applies, only there it is truth or deception.
John Medina had some interesting comments about truth in his book; “The truth will set you free.”
“Ever since you were a kid, you’ve been programmed with the many different “life truths” of countless well-intentioned humans. It likely started with your parents, then your teachers, society, your pastor ... The list goes on and on. As you began to absorb all these “truths,” you might’ve noticed that some of the supposed “truths” weren’t necessarily aligned. The “truth” of your parents might not have resonated with the “truth” of your teachers. The “truth” of society, in most cases, won’t correspond with the “truth” of your pastor. Let’s not even get into the “truth” of the different religions.”
He goes on to say; “While I find it important to respect and consider each “truth program” offered by the well-intentioned people in your life, you’ll never “be free” until you experience life, and comfortably cultivate your own truth. Experience is life’s greatest teacher. One of the most important truths in your life was the reality of Santa Claus. If you were a nice boy or girl, Santa Claus would bring you all the toys you wanted! If you were a naughty boy or girl, Santa Claus would leave you hanging. Although Santa Claus was a huge “life truth” for a period of your life, when you found out that your parents were involved in a global scheme to trick youngsters into behaving, you realized that it was time to release your “truth” regarding Santa Claus. Did that make the “truth” of Santa Claus any less real, while you were in the fantasy? Of course not! You thought Santa Claus was real! Take this awareness into the other “life truths” you’re currently processing. In most cases, just like Santa Claus, these “truths” are also make-believe. You make them real by your belief in them. And just like your experience with Santa Claus, once life experience shows you a different perspective regarding your current “life truths,” you’ll release the idea of these “truths” being real. Your mind is constantly being fed “truth program” after “truth program,” and each one is claiming to be “the” truth. The true truth is this: Only you can determine Your Truth.”
One of the most famous queries concerning the phrase; “What is truth” was spoken be Pontius Pilate at the trial of Jesus. Jesus had answered this question prior to this event, in Pilate’s case it was a rhetorical question but in real life one's journey for truth requires one to start with “I am the way, the truth and the light for the true knowledge starts with the beginning of knowing GOD.
It starts with the experience of the new birth and continues with daily experiences with GOD in your life. The culmination of knowing truth ends with resurrection of the body of Christ when we will know all truth being known even as we are known.
1 Corinthians.13:12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Being from Tennessee, I had some good raising down there. I reckon I ate my share of grits and fat back when they were available which was most often.
I decided I would share some of my heritage with my children so I loaded them up and headed south to Tennessee.
The kin folk were hospitable and took us in and fed us, it were hard on the chickens though. We visited the family graveyard that was dated back to the Revolutionary War and you must admit it isn’t everyone who has there own cemetery to bury their kin in.
From there we went to Georgia to visit some of my father’s kin. We saw Grand-Mama moon who was deaf to anything less than shouting, She died a little later at 103 years old.
Aunt Jesse saw to it that we were well fed.
Now some diets say drink some water before eating and you won’t eat so much, Aunt Jesse had a different take on that as she gave us all a big piece of watermelon before supper. That seemed to satisfy some of our hunger.
While we were eating the melons she would always say, “Bob, ain’t it gooood?” Aunt Jessie owned over a hundred houses and she showed us most of them complete with history. She took us to visit the other aunts and uncles and we headed home.
Things were hard in the thirties in Tennessee, but we were able to do a little with little. The people had to take care of themselves for there wasn’t any free money in those days. If you was hungry you worked and lived within your means which was very little.
Things change, today if the people need some money the government prints them some. The people today are educated and nobody has to work if they don’t want to. I finally figured out what is meant by the saying this is the richest country in the world; it means we have the best printing presses in the world and as long as they don’t break down we will be the richest country in the world.
Uncle Dave Macon used to sing the Tennessee gravy train. Sounds a little like today. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io_KIWqjWbI&feature=related
I decided I would share some of my heritage with my children so I loaded them up and headed south to Tennessee.
The kin folk were hospitable and took us in and fed us, it were hard on the chickens though. We visited the family graveyard that was dated back to the Revolutionary War and you must admit it isn’t everyone who has there own cemetery to bury their kin in.
From there we went to Georgia to visit some of my father’s kin. We saw Grand-Mama moon who was deaf to anything less than shouting, She died a little later at 103 years old.
Aunt Jesse saw to it that we were well fed.
Now some diets say drink some water before eating and you won’t eat so much, Aunt Jesse had a different take on that as she gave us all a big piece of watermelon before supper. That seemed to satisfy some of our hunger.
While we were eating the melons she would always say, “Bob, ain’t it gooood?” Aunt Jessie owned over a hundred houses and she showed us most of them complete with history. She took us to visit the other aunts and uncles and we headed home.
Things were hard in the thirties in Tennessee, but we were able to do a little with little. The people had to take care of themselves for there wasn’t any free money in those days. If you was hungry you worked and lived within your means which was very little.
Things change, today if the people need some money the government prints them some. The people today are educated and nobody has to work if they don’t want to. I finally figured out what is meant by the saying this is the richest country in the world; it means we have the best printing presses in the world and as long as they don’t break down we will be the richest country in the world.
Uncle Dave Macon used to sing the Tennessee gravy train. Sounds a little like today. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io_KIWqjWbI&feature=related
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Prohibition in the United States
The Volstead Act prohibited the sale and manufacturing of alcohol in 1919. This act was the eighteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States.
On December 5, 1933, the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment.
People with good intentions (in their minds) tried to regulate people’s lifestyle by using federal law.
While we live with many prohibitions, we should ask ourselves are there no limits to restrictions on our conduct.
Since the sixties there has been an increase in lawsuits aimed at enforcing the will of a few upon the vast majority of Americans.
Leading the charge is the A.L.C.U under the guise of protecting the constitutional rights of citizens while nullifying the rights of the many.
At present in my city of Oroville there is a man who is trying to stop the building a super Wal-Mart store by using environmental laws. This store is needed and could serve 100,000 customers. He has delayed the start of the building for two years so far, and still has the option of filing future lawsuits.
Surprise!! He does not live in Oroville in fact he lives some 60 miles away from here, yet he says that we in Oroville can’t have the store because he doesn’t want us to.
McDonalds is under a similar attack by a woman who wants to control what parents can feed their children.
She has filed a lawsuit to stop the selling of meals for children because she wants to establish the nutritional value of food served to them.
Schools that receive federal monies have to ban certain drinks and food from school cafeterias. The rational for this is trying to put a ban on obese children. One would suspect that the villain in the case of the obese child, is not getting enough exercise because of television, computers, and telephones.
As these prohibitions are placed upon us and backed up by the law enforcement agencies what is to stop them from banning all groceries not on a list they approve of.
Where and when we can go and what we can wear, what kind and size of car we can drive depending on the number of people who will ride in it and how much they weigh.
We live in an age where the tail wags the dog, where the minority can control the majority and where one person has the power to tell us how we must raise our kids.
Could health care be banned for those who do not obey the rules laid down by these power brokers?
Like Pearl Harbor day, the day the happy meal is turned into a veggie plate it will be a day that will go down in infamy.
On December 5, 1933, the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment.
People with good intentions (in their minds) tried to regulate people’s lifestyle by using federal law.
While we live with many prohibitions, we should ask ourselves are there no limits to restrictions on our conduct.
Since the sixties there has been an increase in lawsuits aimed at enforcing the will of a few upon the vast majority of Americans.
Leading the charge is the A.L.C.U under the guise of protecting the constitutional rights of citizens while nullifying the rights of the many.
At present in my city of Oroville there is a man who is trying to stop the building a super Wal-Mart store by using environmental laws. This store is needed and could serve 100,000 customers. He has delayed the start of the building for two years so far, and still has the option of filing future lawsuits.
Surprise!! He does not live in Oroville in fact he lives some 60 miles away from here, yet he says that we in Oroville can’t have the store because he doesn’t want us to.
McDonalds is under a similar attack by a woman who wants to control what parents can feed their children.
She has filed a lawsuit to stop the selling of meals for children because she wants to establish the nutritional value of food served to them.
Schools that receive federal monies have to ban certain drinks and food from school cafeterias. The rational for this is trying to put a ban on obese children. One would suspect that the villain in the case of the obese child, is not getting enough exercise because of television, computers, and telephones.
As these prohibitions are placed upon us and backed up by the law enforcement agencies what is to stop them from banning all groceries not on a list they approve of.
Where and when we can go and what we can wear, what kind and size of car we can drive depending on the number of people who will ride in it and how much they weigh.
We live in an age where the tail wags the dog, where the minority can control the majority and where one person has the power to tell us how we must raise our kids.
Could health care be banned for those who do not obey the rules laid down by these power brokers?
Like Pearl Harbor day, the day the happy meal is turned into a veggie plate it will be a day that will go down in infamy.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Jesus continued . . . . “You examine the Scriptures carefully because you suppose that in them you have eternal life. Yet they testify about me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life.”
The scriptures declare that Christ made provision for everyone to be reconciled to GOD, and fully given right standing before HIM. To be made completely a new creature spiritually and transformed into a child of GOD.
The question remains; Why are some men unwilling to accept GOD’S gift of salvation?
Some views of this question is answered by saying it is an issue of predestination. GOD has predestined some men to be saved and some are predestine to be lost, and this is the result of HIS omniscience.
Others reject this view for there are two parts of salvation; GOD’S side, and man’s side. Based upon Christ’s sacrifice GOD has been reconciled to man, but yet man must be reconciled to GOD.
Are some too far gone to be saved? From GOD’S side the answer is NO not any, but from man’s side it would seem that some have gone too far.
Jesus spoke of some who rejected HIM and his salvation.
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stone to death those who have been sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling!”
Even as they in JERUSALEM rejected Christ, so do many today.
Yet, you have a choice. Choose Jesus this day and choose life.
There are those who are trapped in other religions, cults and philosophies. There are some who declare, they are atheists and reject Christ out right.
Are some too far gone to be saved?
The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some people understand slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent.
But there are those whom Jesus spoke of; “And you will not come to me, that you might have life.”
Gone too far? Maybe.
Jesus continued . . . . “You examine the Scriptures carefully because you suppose that in them you have eternal life. Yet they testify about me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life.”
The scriptures declare that Christ made provision for everyone to be reconciled to GOD, and fully given right standing before HIM. To be made completely a new creature spiritually and transformed into a child of GOD.
The question remains; Why are some men unwilling to accept GOD’S gift of salvation?
Some views of this question is answered by saying it is an issue of predestination. GOD has predestined some men to be saved and some are predestine to be lost, and this is the result of HIS omniscience.
Others reject this view for there are two parts of salvation; GOD’S side, and man’s side. Based upon Christ’s sacrifice GOD has been reconciled to man, but yet man must be reconciled to GOD.
Are some too far gone to be saved? From GOD’S side the answer is NO not any, but from man’s side it would seem that some have gone too far.
Jesus spoke of some who rejected HIM and his salvation.
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stone to death those who have been sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling!”
Even as they in JERUSALEM rejected Christ, so do many today.
Yet, you have a choice. Choose Jesus this day and choose life.
There are those who are trapped in other religions, cults and philosophies. There are some who declare, they are atheists and reject Christ out right.
Are some too far gone to be saved?
The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some people understand slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent.
But there are those whom Jesus spoke of; “And you will not come to me, that you might have life.”
Gone too far? Maybe.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Twins in mythology; Castor and Pollux
In the myth the twins shared the same mother but had different fathers which meant that Pollux was immortal and Castor was mortal.
When Castor died Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together and they were transformed into the Gemini constellation.
The pair were regarded as the patrons of sailors to whom they appeared as St. Elmo's fire.
Another set of twins were Artemis and Apollo and several others. It seems that twins held a fascination for the creators of the mythical stories.
The site above has a brief explanation of the reason and purpose of myths.
The word twin stirs up certain emotions and is applied to many things. There were the twin towers in New York until they came down.
There are several twin cities such as Minneapolis–Saint Paul and Dallas Fort-Worth San Diego and Tijuana.
There are several actors who are twins not always of the same sex.
The word can be applied to character traits like spirituality and morals. When they are in tandem they constitute that which is required of the Christian. When either is lacking it results in disgrace and besmirches the name of Christ. If one is seemingly spiritual and lacks morals he does more to harm the cause of Christ than the A.C.L.U.
Integrity is the product of morality and is essential to anyone who speaks in the name of Christ for without integrity they are as the one spoke of in . . .
1 Co.13:1 I may speak in the languages of humans and of angels. But if I don't have love I am a loud gong or a clashing cymbal.
It is time for less Gong and Cymbal and more Spirituality and Morals.
To do as I say and not do as I do - - doesn’t cut it in the world today.
Today’s church leaders must excel both in spirituality and morals.
When Castor died Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together and they were transformed into the Gemini constellation.
The pair were regarded as the patrons of sailors to whom they appeared as St. Elmo's fire.
Another set of twins were Artemis and Apollo and several others. It seems that twins held a fascination for the creators of the mythical stories.
The site above has a brief explanation of the reason and purpose of myths.
The word twin stirs up certain emotions and is applied to many things. There were the twin towers in New York until they came down.
There are several twin cities such as Minneapolis–Saint Paul and Dallas Fort-Worth San Diego and Tijuana.
There are several actors who are twins not always of the same sex.
The word can be applied to character traits like spirituality and morals. When they are in tandem they constitute that which is required of the Christian. When either is lacking it results in disgrace and besmirches the name of Christ. If one is seemingly spiritual and lacks morals he does more to harm the cause of Christ than the A.C.L.U.
Integrity is the product of morality and is essential to anyone who speaks in the name of Christ for without integrity they are as the one spoke of in . . .
1 Co.13:1 I may speak in the languages of humans and of angels. But if I don't have love I am a loud gong or a clashing cymbal.
It is time for less Gong and Cymbal and more Spirituality and Morals.
To do as I say and not do as I do - - doesn’t cut it in the world today.
Today’s church leaders must excel both in spirituality and morals.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Having spent my youth both on the farm and in the city, I discovered a lot about both and the differences of life style associated with each.
A couple of differences was in the dress; on the farm it was overalls, clod hopper shoes, and straw hats with some variations.
In town it was wing tip shoes, Levis, and Sanforized broadcloth shirts. Hair styles were different to a great degree also.
Another big difference was in the odors, in the city it was the exhaust fumes mixed with the restaurant cooking and the bakeries. On the farm it was the exhaust from the animals especially the hogs.
I found all the animals both fun and interesting. The chickens made their own music, the roosters bragged on themselves by crowing while the hens would be scratching and singing. If you haven’t heard a happy hen sing you have missed one of nature’s finest moments.
Sometime the dogs would get bored and chase and catch a chicken. The chickens had a special squawk they used as they were getting mauled. Most of the time the chickens would get loose, while saying (in chicken talk) “I didn’t like that.” Each of the farm animals had their own peculiarities and I enjoyed studying them.
Something you will never see is a pig fly unless you have been using what the dopers call recreation drugs. They are earth bound creatures and do hog stuff.
They truly enjoy eating and when you come to “slop them.” They squeal with a high pitch sound that could injure your ears, you should have ear plugs on when you feed the hogs.
Among the things that characterize a pig is how they cool themselves. They wallow in the mud. You might mistakenly think they are just nasty but their cooling system isn’t the greatest so they have learned to improvise.
One standout feature of a hog was the fact they knew who they were and they acted accordingly as did all the farm animals.
This brings me to a point that in studying the conduct of some Christians I have concluded that they don’t know who/what they are. They do some sinner stuff and act that it is alright to do it.
This reminds me of the scripture; “It has happened to them according to the true proverb, "A DOG RETURNS TO ITS OWN VOMIT," and, "A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire."
The moral of this story is “If you ain’t a hog don’t act like one.”
To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man. (or thyself) From Shakespeare
A couple of differences was in the dress; on the farm it was overalls, clod hopper shoes, and straw hats with some variations.
In town it was wing tip shoes, Levis, and Sanforized broadcloth shirts. Hair styles were different to a great degree also.
Another big difference was in the odors, in the city it was the exhaust fumes mixed with the restaurant cooking and the bakeries. On the farm it was the exhaust from the animals especially the hogs.
I found all the animals both fun and interesting. The chickens made their own music, the roosters bragged on themselves by crowing while the hens would be scratching and singing. If you haven’t heard a happy hen sing you have missed one of nature’s finest moments.
Sometime the dogs would get bored and chase and catch a chicken. The chickens had a special squawk they used as they were getting mauled. Most of the time the chickens would get loose, while saying (in chicken talk) “I didn’t like that.” Each of the farm animals had their own peculiarities and I enjoyed studying them.
Something you will never see is a pig fly unless you have been using what the dopers call recreation drugs. They are earth bound creatures and do hog stuff.
They truly enjoy eating and when you come to “slop them.” They squeal with a high pitch sound that could injure your ears, you should have ear plugs on when you feed the hogs.
Among the things that characterize a pig is how they cool themselves. They wallow in the mud. You might mistakenly think they are just nasty but their cooling system isn’t the greatest so they have learned to improvise.
One standout feature of a hog was the fact they knew who they were and they acted accordingly as did all the farm animals.
This brings me to a point that in studying the conduct of some Christians I have concluded that they don’t know who/what they are. They do some sinner stuff and act that it is alright to do it.
This reminds me of the scripture; “It has happened to them according to the true proverb, "A DOG RETURNS TO ITS OWN VOMIT," and, "A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire."
The moral of this story is “If you ain’t a hog don’t act like one.”
To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man. (or thyself) From Shakespeare
Sunday, December 12, 2010
“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
It isn’t always easy to do what the scriptures command as in the case above.
If I disagree with the leaders I might be able to try to pray them out of office but to ask God to make them successful is another thing.
He (GOD) changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
If our leaders realized that GOD allowed them to serve and rule over the people perhaps they would see their role differently.
We just had an election, I wonder how many of the elected believe they were selected by GOD to serve in office and be a blessing while in office?
"Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good. Abstain from every form of evil."1 Thessalonians5:21,22.
This would be a good verse for every elected official to read each morning and act on the principles therein.
While it is easy to criticize those in office, often they are a reflection of the people they serve. People with an unrighteous agenda support them expecting a payback from them when they get in office.
When the officials are proven to be unworthy they should be removed from office, and prayed for that they might recover themselves from the snare of the devil.
Blessed is the man who doesn't walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers." Psalm 1:1.
"If a ruler listens to lies, all of his officials are wicked." Proverbs 29:12.
Still, like it or not we are admonished to both pray and offer thanksgiving for leaders. The time will come they will have to answer to a higher power and pity the man found wanting.
It isn’t always easy to do what the scriptures command as in the case above.
If I disagree with the leaders I might be able to try to pray them out of office but to ask God to make them successful is another thing.
He (GOD) changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
If our leaders realized that GOD allowed them to serve and rule over the people perhaps they would see their role differently.
We just had an election, I wonder how many of the elected believe they were selected by GOD to serve in office and be a blessing while in office?
"Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good. Abstain from every form of evil."1 Thessalonians5:21,22.
This would be a good verse for every elected official to read each morning and act on the principles therein.
While it is easy to criticize those in office, often they are a reflection of the people they serve. People with an unrighteous agenda support them expecting a payback from them when they get in office.
When the officials are proven to be unworthy they should be removed from office, and prayed for that they might recover themselves from the snare of the devil.
Blessed is the man who doesn't walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers." Psalm 1:1.
"If a ruler listens to lies, all of his officials are wicked." Proverbs 29:12.
Still, like it or not we are admonished to both pray and offer thanksgiving for leaders. The time will come they will have to answer to a higher power and pity the man found wanting.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Jeremiah 6:13-15 "For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, Everyone is greedy for gain, And from the prophet even to the priest Everyone deals falsely. They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, 'Peace, peace,' But there is no peace. "Were they ashamed because of the abomination they have done? They were not even ashamed at all; They did not even know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; At the time that I punish them, They shall be cast down," says the LORD.”
Jeremiah, the prophet of old dwelt in a land where the people were deceitful and while they were GOD’S chosen people they conducted themselves like the heathen around them.
Personal greed was their first commandment, and sinful lust the second.
To the question asked by David; “Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?”
The people’s answer was I’m not interested, and if I was I don’t have the time.
The priests message was be happy, get rich, everything is good. I’m good you’re good all is well. Their prosperity message allowed them to accumulate great wealth for themselves. Both the prophet and the priest were involved, which today would be called the pastor and the evangelist.
When Jeremiah spoke out against this abominable behavior, he was incarcerated and beaten nearly to death. There came a time when Jeremiah was vindicated, but until then the false servants lived high on the hog.
If these type of ministers lived today they would preach a false superficial message that would titillate itching ears and would fill their coffers with money gathered in the name of the Lord. Instead of chariots they would have a fleet of Rolls Royce automobiles, jet aircrafts, several mansions and would see to it that their kids had the same.
Their mode of preaching follows the donkey and carrot scenario where the donkey is promised that in the future they will get something good if they continue in well doing such as doing the pulling while the boss man rides.
Should there be these false prophets in today’s world, Jeremiah would preach the same message to them that he preached to the ones in his day. “They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially,” when the people need to be made whole.
When Jeremiah saw this in the priesthood he wept, for where they should have been strength there was only spiritual emptiness, and they were being supported by the people.
Jeremiah, the prophet of old dwelt in a land where the people were deceitful and while they were GOD’S chosen people they conducted themselves like the heathen around them.
Personal greed was their first commandment, and sinful lust the second.
To the question asked by David; “Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?”
The people’s answer was I’m not interested, and if I was I don’t have the time.
The priests message was be happy, get rich, everything is good. I’m good you’re good all is well. Their prosperity message allowed them to accumulate great wealth for themselves. Both the prophet and the priest were involved, which today would be called the pastor and the evangelist.
When Jeremiah spoke out against this abominable behavior, he was incarcerated and beaten nearly to death. There came a time when Jeremiah was vindicated, but until then the false servants lived high on the hog.
If these type of ministers lived today they would preach a false superficial message that would titillate itching ears and would fill their coffers with money gathered in the name of the Lord. Instead of chariots they would have a fleet of Rolls Royce automobiles, jet aircrafts, several mansions and would see to it that their kids had the same.
Their mode of preaching follows the donkey and carrot scenario where the donkey is promised that in the future they will get something good if they continue in well doing such as doing the pulling while the boss man rides.
Should there be these false prophets in today’s world, Jeremiah would preach the same message to them that he preached to the ones in his day. “They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially,” when the people need to be made whole.
When Jeremiah saw this in the priesthood he wept, for where they should have been strength there was only spiritual emptiness, and they were being supported by the people.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Something all fair minded people want is the level playing field where all participants have an equal chance of success.
The government has entered into the process by giving some “extra help” and penalizing others.
While on the surface this might seemed to be fair, this handicapping of the more proficient only leads to sub par performance on the whole. The punishment of those who are successful through regulation and higher taxation tends to lead us into temptation to cheat or stop striving to maximize our efforts. This squelching of achievement only serves to diminish the effort of excellence.
In sports the professional basketball NBA decided to integrate more white players into a sport that was being dominated by the black athletes, for fear that white people would lose interest in the sport. So thanks to this policy you see several white faces on the court.
In order to further level the playing field the federal government has passed a myriad of new laws, and then regulators take over to interpret and apply the regulation as they see fit;
The General Accountability Office (GAO) reports that in the four fiscal years from 1996 to 1999, a total of 15,286 new federal regulations went into effect. Of these, 222 were classified as "major" rules, each one having an annual effect on the economy of at least $100 million.
As you can see the government is busy ordering our lives anew each year.
One would think that the whim of political correctness is not the best way to run a government.
This reminds me of when Adam and Eve tried to improve the level field laid out by GOD, and ended up being cast out of the Garden of Eden. The net result of this according to Bible teaching is each and every man has died spiritually, and is alienated from GOD.
While all were equal before GOD they certainly needed help for restoration.
So enter Jesus Christ who made it possible to be redeemed in the sight of GOD, but strange as it seems, not all will take advantage of GOD’S gift, even though every man feels the need for something within.
The scripture “All have sinned and come short of the kingdom of GOD” speaks of the need of man.
Another scripture answers, “Whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved.”
Check out this song;
The government has entered into the process by giving some “extra help” and penalizing others.
While on the surface this might seemed to be fair, this handicapping of the more proficient only leads to sub par performance on the whole. The punishment of those who are successful through regulation and higher taxation tends to lead us into temptation to cheat or stop striving to maximize our efforts. This squelching of achievement only serves to diminish the effort of excellence.
In sports the professional basketball NBA decided to integrate more white players into a sport that was being dominated by the black athletes, for fear that white people would lose interest in the sport. So thanks to this policy you see several white faces on the court.
In order to further level the playing field the federal government has passed a myriad of new laws, and then regulators take over to interpret and apply the regulation as they see fit;
The General Accountability Office (GAO) reports that in the four fiscal years from 1996 to 1999, a total of 15,286 new federal regulations went into effect. Of these, 222 were classified as "major" rules, each one having an annual effect on the economy of at least $100 million.
As you can see the government is busy ordering our lives anew each year.
One would think that the whim of political correctness is not the best way to run a government.
This reminds me of when Adam and Eve tried to improve the level field laid out by GOD, and ended up being cast out of the Garden of Eden. The net result of this according to Bible teaching is each and every man has died spiritually, and is alienated from GOD.
While all were equal before GOD they certainly needed help for restoration.
So enter Jesus Christ who made it possible to be redeemed in the sight of GOD, but strange as it seems, not all will take advantage of GOD’S gift, even though every man feels the need for something within.
The scripture “All have sinned and come short of the kingdom of GOD” speaks of the need of man.
Another scripture answers, “Whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved.”
Check out this song;
Thursday, December 9, 2010
"Et TU, Brute?"
A Latin phrase often used poetically to represent the last words of Roman dictator Julius Caesar to his friend Marcus Brutus at the moment of his murder by stabbing.
On March 15 44 BC, Caesar was attacked by a group of senators, including Marcus Junius Brutus, Caesar's close friend. Caesar initially resisted his attackers, but when he saw Brutus, he supposedly spoke those words and resigned himself to his fate.
Betrayal takes many forms, a well known case was Judas’ betrayal of Christ and the act of betrayal was completed by his kissing Christ in the garden.
Peter’s betrayal was when he denied being a follower of Christ three times and then lit in to cursing fisherman style.
From this time many of his disciples turned back, and no longer followed Jesus. As Christ’s words made more demands on his followers some turned back. It was cool as long as He was doing miracles but they weren’t into demands upon themselves.
Betrayal in marriage is devastating for all parties involved, hardly anyone escapes unscathed. If kids are involved they bear emotional scars for the rest of their lives.
We can betray friends, fellow workers, and those we are acquainted with - - and in politics, those of other nations.
Part of the flap about WikiLeaks is that persons in Washington have been shown to be deceivers, their sin has found them out.
Someone said “forgive and forget.” They were an altruist or just a plain moron, because that isn’t the way the brain works. Once an issue is implanted in the brain it stays there unless there is brain damage involved.
He should have said forgive and move on. Here are some interesting quotes;
"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and then discover that the prisoner was you." ~ Lewis B. Smedes
"Holding resentment is like eating poison and waiting for the other person to keel over."
"A heart filled with anger has no room for love."
"Forgive all who have offended you, not for them, but for yourself." ~ Harriet Nelson
"We may not know how to forgive, and we may not want to forgive; but the very fact we say we are willing to forgive begins the healing practice." ~ Louise Hay
"There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness." ~ Josh Billings
Betrayal is something we all will face if we live long enough. We can’t avoid it, but the way we deal with it, makes all the difference in the world.
On March 15 44 BC, Caesar was attacked by a group of senators, including Marcus Junius Brutus, Caesar's close friend. Caesar initially resisted his attackers, but when he saw Brutus, he supposedly spoke those words and resigned himself to his fate.
Betrayal takes many forms, a well known case was Judas’ betrayal of Christ and the act of betrayal was completed by his kissing Christ in the garden.
Peter’s betrayal was when he denied being a follower of Christ three times and then lit in to cursing fisherman style.
From this time many of his disciples turned back, and no longer followed Jesus. As Christ’s words made more demands on his followers some turned back. It was cool as long as He was doing miracles but they weren’t into demands upon themselves.
Betrayal in marriage is devastating for all parties involved, hardly anyone escapes unscathed. If kids are involved they bear emotional scars for the rest of their lives.
We can betray friends, fellow workers, and those we are acquainted with - - and in politics, those of other nations.
Part of the flap about WikiLeaks is that persons in Washington have been shown to be deceivers, their sin has found them out.
Someone said “forgive and forget.” They were an altruist or just a plain moron, because that isn’t the way the brain works. Once an issue is implanted in the brain it stays there unless there is brain damage involved.
He should have said forgive and move on. Here are some interesting quotes;
"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and then discover that the prisoner was you." ~ Lewis B. Smedes
"Holding resentment is like eating poison and waiting for the other person to keel over."
"A heart filled with anger has no room for love."
"Forgive all who have offended you, not for them, but for yourself." ~ Harriet Nelson
"We may not know how to forgive, and we may not want to forgive; but the very fact we say we are willing to forgive begins the healing practice." ~ Louise Hay
"There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness." ~ Josh Billings
Betrayal is something we all will face if we live long enough. We can’t avoid it, but the way we deal with it, makes all the difference in the world.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
From Old English appetit, French appétit, from Latin appetitus, from appetere (“to strive after, long for”)
As we dissect the human animal, and we seek to find what drives this creature, there are complexities that overtax the wisdom of the most brilliant of us.
Close examinations of the soulical expressions of love, hate, envy, greed are merely outward expressions of inward traits. We must look some where else to find the force within that motivates each and every one of us.
Perhaps it could be our appetite that drives us to do - - or not do that which controls us. While all of the soulical qualities are inherent in us all, it is the appetite hunger for the expression of these attributes that controls our actions.
When coupled with the physical needs and hunger for satisfaction, I suppose a place to start would be food. My lack of energy has stimulated my desire for food, and I (being faithful to my bodies cry) seek to satisfy that desire several times a day, to the point where I could exist several days without anything but water. On the surface this would seem to be the proper response but I’m not so sure that is true, for the added body weight is not altogether a good thing.
The same thing applies to most obsessions that are appetite driven.
The prisons are full of those whose lack of control of appetite has caused them to do that which was not profitable both to them or others.
Whether for money, power or sex, an over stimulated appetite can have disastrous results.
There are also problems when there is a lack appetite for a necessary issue of life.
This can be found in spiritual things. We are admonished to seek after GOD but this requires us to make a concerted effort on our part. If there is no appetite for seeking GOD we may come up short on the most important issue of life. Spiritual anorexics are those who starve themselves spiritually to the point where they have no desire for spiritual things, and like the food anorexics they feel no need to eat.
If found in this condition, the individual needs an Orexigenic, or appetite stimulant. This is found in the Word of GOD. By reading the Word with an open, expectant heart, spiritual life begins to flow, and the appetite is stimulated for things spiritual. Starving oneself spiritually is not an error of the understanding but an error of the will.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything else you need !!
As we dissect the human animal, and we seek to find what drives this creature, there are complexities that overtax the wisdom of the most brilliant of us.
Close examinations of the soulical expressions of love, hate, envy, greed are merely outward expressions of inward traits. We must look some where else to find the force within that motivates each and every one of us.
Perhaps it could be our appetite that drives us to do - - or not do that which controls us. While all of the soulical qualities are inherent in us all, it is the appetite hunger for the expression of these attributes that controls our actions.
When coupled with the physical needs and hunger for satisfaction, I suppose a place to start would be food. My lack of energy has stimulated my desire for food, and I (being faithful to my bodies cry) seek to satisfy that desire several times a day, to the point where I could exist several days without anything but water. On the surface this would seem to be the proper response but I’m not so sure that is true, for the added body weight is not altogether a good thing.
The same thing applies to most obsessions that are appetite driven.
The prisons are full of those whose lack of control of appetite has caused them to do that which was not profitable both to them or others.
Whether for money, power or sex, an over stimulated appetite can have disastrous results.
There are also problems when there is a lack appetite for a necessary issue of life.
This can be found in spiritual things. We are admonished to seek after GOD but this requires us to make a concerted effort on our part. If there is no appetite for seeking GOD we may come up short on the most important issue of life. Spiritual anorexics are those who starve themselves spiritually to the point where they have no desire for spiritual things, and like the food anorexics they feel no need to eat.
If found in this condition, the individual needs an Orexigenic, or appetite stimulant. This is found in the Word of GOD. By reading the Word with an open, expectant heart, spiritual life begins to flow, and the appetite is stimulated for things spiritual. Starving oneself spiritually is not an error of the understanding but an error of the will.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything else you need !!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I was thinking about all my damn fool days, but since I don’t say damn I thought about my darn fool days.
I ran across a guy named Elbert Hubbard, and one of his first quotes I saw was, "Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.”
I thought now that is where I have been missing it; I have been a full time “darn fool.” I have decided to become a five minute man. The only thing is I can’t quit “cold turkey” for I’m afraid the trauma of doing that might do me ill repairable damage and that wouldn’t do.
Elbert said some other things that I’m still thinking about like; “To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” Well two out of three isn’t bad for me and I intend on working the third one.
Going on; "Never get married in college; it's hard to get a start if a prospective employer finds you've already made one mistake.”
And; "Our desires always disappoint us; for though we meet with something that gives us satisfaction, yet it never thoroughly answers our expectation."
I think there is some truth in this one because I had high expectations for calf’s liver until I tasted it. When it was frying with some onions my nose said this is going to be wonderful, but my tongue said spit that out.
On patriotism; "The only foes that threaten America are the enemies at home, and these are ignorance, superstition and incompetence. Two of these are democrats and the other is republican.”
Editor: “A person employed by a newspaper, whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed.”
Folks who never do any more than they are paid for, never get paid more than they do.
Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. Get happiness out of your work or you may never know what happiness is.
Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street.
The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge
A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in the experience.
A pessimist? That's a person who has been intimately acquainted with an optimist. I met an optimist once but since I didn’t need glasses our relationship didn’t go any father.
Reckon I’ll close for now and work on my darn fool day.
I ran across a guy named Elbert Hubbard, and one of his first quotes I saw was, "Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.”
I thought now that is where I have been missing it; I have been a full time “darn fool.” I have decided to become a five minute man. The only thing is I can’t quit “cold turkey” for I’m afraid the trauma of doing that might do me ill repairable damage and that wouldn’t do.
Elbert said some other things that I’m still thinking about like; “To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” Well two out of three isn’t bad for me and I intend on working the third one.
Going on; "Never get married in college; it's hard to get a start if a prospective employer finds you've already made one mistake.”
And; "Our desires always disappoint us; for though we meet with something that gives us satisfaction, yet it never thoroughly answers our expectation."
I think there is some truth in this one because I had high expectations for calf’s liver until I tasted it. When it was frying with some onions my nose said this is going to be wonderful, but my tongue said spit that out.
On patriotism; "The only foes that threaten America are the enemies at home, and these are ignorance, superstition and incompetence. Two of these are democrats and the other is republican.”
Editor: “A person employed by a newspaper, whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed.”
Folks who never do any more than they are paid for, never get paid more than they do.
Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. Get happiness out of your work or you may never know what happiness is.
Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street.
The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge
A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in the experience.
A pessimist? That's a person who has been intimately acquainted with an optimist. I met an optimist once but since I didn’t need glasses our relationship didn’t go any father.
Reckon I’ll close for now and work on my darn fool day.
Monday, December 6, 2010
There are two words I have used many times every day, “I want!”
I suppose they open up my vistas to greater fantasies. Some form of stimulus excites me and out of my mouth comes a verbalization, an inward desire and I can’t restrain myself any longer and I say “I WANT.”
These words when either spoken or in thought, starts a process within me whereby I begin to plan to fulfill that desire. Sometimes the plan fails, but other times it succeeds and then I begin to (With fear and trembling) evaluate what I have done.
To my sorrow I have been successful in getting what I wanted only to find out I would have been better off if I hadn’t wanted it in the first place. Example: I wanted Mexican food and then set up the rest of the night with heart burn, (please pass the roll aids).
I walked by a used car lot and the salesman told me that I wanted a certain car, so I bought it, when in fact I didn’t want it and never did like it. He somehow turned my “I want” on - - and before I could turn it off I was signing on the dotted line.
My “I want” is working 24 hours a day; I dream about stuff, and then I want it. There is this other side of wanting where when you get “it” there is something extra that goes with it. For instance if you ever see the word “FREE,” run for your life, for I guarantee it will cost you more than you expect. I discovered that when you get what you want, sometimes you also get what you don’t want?
I wanted a wife and when I got one, and I also got a bunch of in-laws. I wanted some kids and I got…. Well you know what I got and then some.
I wanted a house and I also got grass to cut, gutters to clean and keeping it up was like a full time hobby.
My want getter doesn’t always work out as I wished it would. Just because you have got a cow that doesn’t mean you are going to get milk and butter. My want-ter is always online, and ready to place an order.
I want to live a long time but I don’t want to get old, I guess I will just have to wait and see how that plays out, but I have the feeling that …….
I suppose they open up my vistas to greater fantasies. Some form of stimulus excites me and out of my mouth comes a verbalization, an inward desire and I can’t restrain myself any longer and I say “I WANT.”
These words when either spoken or in thought, starts a process within me whereby I begin to plan to fulfill that desire. Sometimes the plan fails, but other times it succeeds and then I begin to (With fear and trembling) evaluate what I have done.
To my sorrow I have been successful in getting what I wanted only to find out I would have been better off if I hadn’t wanted it in the first place. Example: I wanted Mexican food and then set up the rest of the night with heart burn, (please pass the roll aids).
I walked by a used car lot and the salesman told me that I wanted a certain car, so I bought it, when in fact I didn’t want it and never did like it. He somehow turned my “I want” on - - and before I could turn it off I was signing on the dotted line.
My “I want” is working 24 hours a day; I dream about stuff, and then I want it. There is this other side of wanting where when you get “it” there is something extra that goes with it. For instance if you ever see the word “FREE,” run for your life, for I guarantee it will cost you more than you expect. I discovered that when you get what you want, sometimes you also get what you don’t want?
I wanted a wife and when I got one, and I also got a bunch of in-laws. I wanted some kids and I got…. Well you know what I got and then some.
I wanted a house and I also got grass to cut, gutters to clean and keeping it up was like a full time hobby.
My want getter doesn’t always work out as I wished it would. Just because you have got a cow that doesn’t mean you are going to get milk and butter. My want-ter is always online, and ready to place an order.
I want to live a long time but I don’t want to get old, I guess I will just have to wait and see how that plays out, but I have the feeling that …….
Sunday, December 5, 2010
A hard line Pakistani Islamic cleric has offered a reward to anyone who kills a Christian woman convicted of blasphemy against Islam.
He said "No president, no parliament and no government has any right to interfere in the commandants of Islam. Islamic punishment will be implemented at all costs," said Qureshi.
We see the mentality of the true Muslim believer in statements like these everyday.
Muslims are attacking Christians around the world and their deaths are acceptable to the standing president for he is mute when it comes to speaking in defense of these Christian believers.
When the proverbial, “push comes to shove,” all Muslim believers feel the same as this maniacal cleric. To speak a word against Islam and their prophet is worthy of death.
What is their goal? It is to dominate the whole world and put it in subjection to Allah.
I hear no outcry for the death of these murders in the name of Allah from the Muslim community around the world. The reason for this is that they all believe the same doctrines which finds satisfaction in, “Kill the infidel.”
You only need to look to Great Britain and see how these peaceful people act when they have increased in numbers.
They are making their demands known and are beginning to declare England is a Muslim nation.
My Message to Islam, “STOP KILLING CHRISTIANS.”.
He said "No president, no parliament and no government has any right to interfere in the commandants of Islam. Islamic punishment will be implemented at all costs," said Qureshi.
We see the mentality of the true Muslim believer in statements like these everyday.
Muslims are attacking Christians around the world and their deaths are acceptable to the standing president for he is mute when it comes to speaking in defense of these Christian believers.
When the proverbial, “push comes to shove,” all Muslim believers feel the same as this maniacal cleric. To speak a word against Islam and their prophet is worthy of death.
What is their goal? It is to dominate the whole world and put it in subjection to Allah.
I hear no outcry for the death of these murders in the name of Allah from the Muslim community around the world. The reason for this is that they all believe the same doctrines which finds satisfaction in, “Kill the infidel.”
You only need to look to Great Britain and see how these peaceful people act when they have increased in numbers.
They are making their demands known and are beginning to declare England is a Muslim nation.
My Message to Islam, “STOP KILLING CHRISTIANS.”.
"Muslims have the right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country," Obama told a White House dinner crowd. He and others were celebrating the Muslim holy month of Ramadan Friday, after defending the plans to create a mosque two blocks from New York's ground zero.
While the president was lauded by many in attendance at the white house, there are a few who do not like the building of this monument to those who successfully destroyed the twin towers in New York.
Not all Americans are gullible enough to believe that this is not a tribute to those who gave their lives in service to their god.
Other nations have stopped laughing at America and have started pitying us for our naiveté. The practice of their religion includes turning this country into one giant mosque ruled by Muslim law.
It is only a matter of time when Obama cannot stay in the closet any longer, and his Muslim upbringing will shine forth in boldness, and he will be revered as the first Muslim president.
If twenty terrorists can scare this country into a hysterical state and fear, what will happen if several million decide it is time to take this country?
Which of you do not fear what the terrorist might do to you?
While the president was lauded by many in attendance at the white house, there are a few who do not like the building of this monument to those who successfully destroyed the twin towers in New York.
Not all Americans are gullible enough to believe that this is not a tribute to those who gave their lives in service to their god.
Other nations have stopped laughing at America and have started pitying us for our naiveté. The practice of their religion includes turning this country into one giant mosque ruled by Muslim law.
It is only a matter of time when Obama cannot stay in the closet any longer, and his Muslim upbringing will shine forth in boldness, and he will be revered as the first Muslim president.
If twenty terrorists can scare this country into a hysterical state and fear, what will happen if several million decide it is time to take this country?
Which of you do not fear what the terrorist might do to you?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Isn’t it a wonder how GOD made man to be attracted to the woman, and have a strong desire to bond for life with her. I didn’t say that all men who are controlled by Satan still have this lifetime bonding capacity.
Being partly raised on a farm, I was taught how to slaughter an animal in preparation for cooking proposes. When finished there would only be a shell left, still having the form of what they were, but with all the essential parts missing.
This is what people are when they have been prepped by Satan, there are too much of the essentials missing.
Satan’s control over man is highly customized to fit each person. They still can decide to what extent they will allow him to have mastery over them. This is the reason they are not demon possessed.
People who are reborn into GOD’S family can be honest, love their family, and are good neighbors, but may still be the subject of the enemy’s enticements.
Some people are more scrutinized than others, politicians are watched closely. They will at times profess to love their wife, but will have a mistress and children on the side; they are double minded with a double standard.
Satan’s plan usually includes enough pleasure to make it worth taking a risk on being caught. The offender could say; well GOD made me this way, but in reality GOD gave man the ability to love and commit for life. It is Satan who perverts that ability into a false pretence, lustfulness, guilt, loss of self esteem and character. This state at its’ inception is hidden, and then it becomes emboldened by being more openly shown.
Once it is found out -- the, “So what?” attitude sets in, like South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's tryst.
Satanic converts are little more than people who are getting a second dose of deception. Grandma Eve got the first and now her grand children are also deceived. It is amazing how people, once deceived will rise and champion the wiles of the devil.
GOD created, Satan decimated, Christ recreated
Being partly raised on a farm, I was taught how to slaughter an animal in preparation for cooking proposes. When finished there would only be a shell left, still having the form of what they were, but with all the essential parts missing.
This is what people are when they have been prepped by Satan, there are too much of the essentials missing.
Satan’s control over man is highly customized to fit each person. They still can decide to what extent they will allow him to have mastery over them. This is the reason they are not demon possessed.
People who are reborn into GOD’S family can be honest, love their family, and are good neighbors, but may still be the subject of the enemy’s enticements.
Some people are more scrutinized than others, politicians are watched closely. They will at times profess to love their wife, but will have a mistress and children on the side; they are double minded with a double standard.
Satan’s plan usually includes enough pleasure to make it worth taking a risk on being caught. The offender could say; well GOD made me this way, but in reality GOD gave man the ability to love and commit for life. It is Satan who perverts that ability into a false pretence, lustfulness, guilt, loss of self esteem and character. This state at its’ inception is hidden, and then it becomes emboldened by being more openly shown.
Once it is found out -- the, “So what?” attitude sets in, like South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's tryst.
Satanic converts are little more than people who are getting a second dose of deception. Grandma Eve got the first and now her grand children are also deceived. It is amazing how people, once deceived will rise and champion the wiles of the devil.
GOD created, Satan decimated, Christ recreated
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Not content with laws banning talking or texting while driving; the U.S. Department of Transportation is considering adding technology to automobiles that would disable cell phones. The move is a response to the growing number of deaths and injuries related to distracted driving.
This means you have another right taken away from the people of the USA, under the guise of protecting us from ourselves.
This same administration wishes to take complete control of the Internet like China has.
If they can take absolute control of all our freedoms, then we will be beholding to them for anything they will allow us to have. As we move closer to a dictatorship, the constitution has little restraint for they decide for us just what it does and does not mean.
We are only one Supreme Court justice away from judicial anarchy, for the liberal left will then rule this country. Who among us believes that the sitting president would appoint a strong conservative justice?
The two new justices are firm believers that the constitution is a living document, and can be interpreted in the light of their own personal belief, or in other words it means what they think it should have said - - instead of what it actually says.
The judges are fast being accepted as those who make the laws instead of applying them. When something doesn’t please them they rule it unconstitutional.
The administration has begun to ban some foods from the purchase with food stamps, WIC programs and school lunches, such as potatoes because they have been considered to be unhealthy by an unnamed person appointed by the Great Obama.
Their conclusion was; we must save the poor people from these poison tubers for they know not what they do. As the list grows, food stamps will only be for those who follow the government guide lines for only the Masters in Washington know what is good for the poor.
Of course there will be some detractors who think that the people should be the ones who decide what they should eat but you know how radical they are.
As we proceed toward the American form of dictatorship we must be patient, and let the masters show us the way to rightness.
Nutrition facts about the potato;
This means you have another right taken away from the people of the USA, under the guise of protecting us from ourselves.
This same administration wishes to take complete control of the Internet like China has.
If they can take absolute control of all our freedoms, then we will be beholding to them for anything they will allow us to have. As we move closer to a dictatorship, the constitution has little restraint for they decide for us just what it does and does not mean.
We are only one Supreme Court justice away from judicial anarchy, for the liberal left will then rule this country. Who among us believes that the sitting president would appoint a strong conservative justice?
The two new justices are firm believers that the constitution is a living document, and can be interpreted in the light of their own personal belief, or in other words it means what they think it should have said - - instead of what it actually says.
The judges are fast being accepted as those who make the laws instead of applying them. When something doesn’t please them they rule it unconstitutional.
The administration has begun to ban some foods from the purchase with food stamps, WIC programs and school lunches, such as potatoes because they have been considered to be unhealthy by an unnamed person appointed by the Great Obama.
Their conclusion was; we must save the poor people from these poison tubers for they know not what they do. As the list grows, food stamps will only be for those who follow the government guide lines for only the Masters in Washington know what is good for the poor.
Of course there will be some detractors who think that the people should be the ones who decide what they should eat but you know how radical they are.
As we proceed toward the American form of dictatorship we must be patient, and let the masters show us the way to rightness.
Nutrition facts about the potato;
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Luke.22:31 Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat.
This is another quizzical statement Jesus said to Peter and the disciples which disarmed them and left them trying to find out what it meant. Sometimes they were reticent to ask Jesus the meaning for it would reveal how little they knew. If you asked Job, he could have given you a blow by blow of what it meant to be sifted but Peter had yet to experience “the sifting.”
From; Barnes' Notes on the Bible: “Jesus, foreseeing the danger of Peter, and knowing that he was about to deny him, took occasion to forewarn him and put him on his guard, and also to furnish him with a solace when he should be brought to repentance.”
One of Satan’s works is to try the faith of believers to place temptations and trials in their way so that they may be tested. Thus God gave Job into Satan's hands, that it might be seen whether he would be found faithful, or would apostatize. See the notes at Job 1:7-12.
So Satan desired to have Peter in his hands, that he might try him and sift him as wheat. To place trials and temptations before him; "to agitate him" to see whether anything of faith would remain, or whether all would not be found to be chaff - mere natural ardor and false professions.
Most of us know those who have gone through a sifting process and have come up short. One who comes to mind is Jimmie Swaggart. He was a man who had a ministry that helped and blessed millions but when he was put through the sifting process he failed miserably and disappointed many.
Jim and Tammy Faye Baker couldn’t pass the sifting test and the kingdom of GOD suffered along with them.
Thomas Kinkade has been sifted. He has been sued for business fraud to the tune of three million dollars, is filing bankruptcy and is facing a DUI charge. The sifting process revealed some practices that did not live up to his testimony. I trust he will recover and continue his ministry or art forms, for his paintings have blessed millions.
The main thing to understand is that all Christians are subject to the same process for the scripture says; 1Peter 5:8 Be clear-minded and alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
So! How about you? Are you ready for sifting? Tests will come to us all, just realize that when temptation comes, it is a sifting process. It is a chafe removing treatment to see if our faith stands and is strong and that we are taking advantage of GODS help in your time of need.
What do you do when you fail the sifting process? You do the only thing you can do and that is to pick up the pieces and rebuild your life. You may not reach the heights you once had, but your faithfulness to the task can restore some measure of it.
1 Peter 5;7 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
This is another quizzical statement Jesus said to Peter and the disciples which disarmed them and left them trying to find out what it meant. Sometimes they were reticent to ask Jesus the meaning for it would reveal how little they knew. If you asked Job, he could have given you a blow by blow of what it meant to be sifted but Peter had yet to experience “the sifting.”
From; Barnes' Notes on the Bible: “Jesus, foreseeing the danger of Peter, and knowing that he was about to deny him, took occasion to forewarn him and put him on his guard, and also to furnish him with a solace when he should be brought to repentance.”
One of Satan’s works is to try the faith of believers to place temptations and trials in their way so that they may be tested. Thus God gave Job into Satan's hands, that it might be seen whether he would be found faithful, or would apostatize. See the notes at Job 1:7-12.
So Satan desired to have Peter in his hands, that he might try him and sift him as wheat. To place trials and temptations before him; "to agitate him" to see whether anything of faith would remain, or whether all would not be found to be chaff - mere natural ardor and false professions.
Most of us know those who have gone through a sifting process and have come up short. One who comes to mind is Jimmie Swaggart. He was a man who had a ministry that helped and blessed millions but when he was put through the sifting process he failed miserably and disappointed many.
Jim and Tammy Faye Baker couldn’t pass the sifting test and the kingdom of GOD suffered along with them.
Thomas Kinkade has been sifted. He has been sued for business fraud to the tune of three million dollars, is filing bankruptcy and is facing a DUI charge. The sifting process revealed some practices that did not live up to his testimony. I trust he will recover and continue his ministry or art forms, for his paintings have blessed millions.
The main thing to understand is that all Christians are subject to the same process for the scripture says; 1Peter 5:8 Be clear-minded and alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
So! How about you? Are you ready for sifting? Tests will come to us all, just realize that when temptation comes, it is a sifting process. It is a chafe removing treatment to see if our faith stands and is strong and that we are taking advantage of GODS help in your time of need.
What do you do when you fail the sifting process? You do the only thing you can do and that is to pick up the pieces and rebuild your life. You may not reach the heights you once had, but your faithfulness to the task can restore some measure of it.
1 Peter 5;7 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
In today’s world adoption is understood as legally making and accepting a child as one’s own, and the child becomes a part of the family with equal rights under the law.
In the New Testament writings Paul defined adoption a little differently. First through the new birth one was born into the family of GOD, and then the process of adoption places that son into the body of Christ with all the privileges and rights of a son of GOD.
Romans 8:15 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, "Abba, Father."
In the Old Testament Moses was adopted as pharaoh son; And Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words.
As an adopted son, Moses had all the rights and privileges as an heir of pharaoh.
There are many benefits of being adopted into the family of God through the new Birth. The repentant sinner is taken in; given liberty and privilege; a new name; and through the Spirit infilling is adopted, thus enabling the born again person to approach God with confidence.
While the new birth and adoption are a simultaneous act, each has an important part in understanding our standing before GOD.
First through the redemption process, we receive a new nature, sinless before GOD, and we stand righteous before HIM. Through adoption we are placed as a son with son-ship rights, and have the right to claim that which is ours.
When we pray we can approach the throne of GOD as his son, and we speak to HIM as his child and heir, this is the basis for our confidence when we pray.
While GOD doesn't need to be reminded of this fact, we do need to remember that we are heirs of his promise, and keep it in view when we petition HIM.
I have read many formulas for prayer but this one thing is important to remember; respect GOD for who HE is, and honor your position in Christ as a child of GOD.
Matthew 7:7-11 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. "Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? "Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!
In the New Testament writings Paul defined adoption a little differently. First through the new birth one was born into the family of GOD, and then the process of adoption places that son into the body of Christ with all the privileges and rights of a son of GOD.
Romans 8:15 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, "Abba, Father."
In the Old Testament Moses was adopted as pharaoh son; And Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words.
As an adopted son, Moses had all the rights and privileges as an heir of pharaoh.
There are many benefits of being adopted into the family of God through the new Birth. The repentant sinner is taken in; given liberty and privilege; a new name; and through the Spirit infilling is adopted, thus enabling the born again person to approach God with confidence.
While the new birth and adoption are a simultaneous act, each has an important part in understanding our standing before GOD.
First through the redemption process, we receive a new nature, sinless before GOD, and we stand righteous before HIM. Through adoption we are placed as a son with son-ship rights, and have the right to claim that which is ours.
When we pray we can approach the throne of GOD as his son, and we speak to HIM as his child and heir, this is the basis for our confidence when we pray.
While GOD doesn't need to be reminded of this fact, we do need to remember that we are heirs of his promise, and keep it in view when we petition HIM.
I have read many formulas for prayer but this one thing is important to remember; respect GOD for who HE is, and honor your position in Christ as a child of GOD.
Matthew 7:7-11 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. "Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? "Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!
Monday, November 29, 2010
A song written by Paul Anka, and sang by Frank Sinatra tries to show the self sufficiency of man, who is able to live life on his terms, needing no one else.
Even if that was so, the one fact that remains is that he does have to face the final curtain, behind which is the accounting for a life, and the question that must be answered; ”Have you been born again?” That is born into GOD’S kingdom. If not having been born again, then any and all other declarations are a mute point.
Doing it my way, doesn’t lead a person to heaven, doing GOD’S way does. The godless equation can only lead to a Christ less eternity with the greatest remorse possible.
Perhaps you could do it your way, but it is not the right way.
Hebrews 2:6 For in one place the Scriptures say, "What are mere mortals that you should think about them, or a son of man that you should care for him?
The answer is: We are GOD’S creation, and we are to live life HIS way.
Listen to Franks rendition of my way and consider is it GOD’S way?
God’s way is best!
Even if that was so, the one fact that remains is that he does have to face the final curtain, behind which is the accounting for a life, and the question that must be answered; ”Have you been born again?” That is born into GOD’S kingdom. If not having been born again, then any and all other declarations are a mute point.
Doing it my way, doesn’t lead a person to heaven, doing GOD’S way does. The godless equation can only lead to a Christ less eternity with the greatest remorse possible.
The lyrics (in part)
And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.
I've lived a life that's full -
I've traveled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself - Then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.
Yes, it was my way
Perhaps you could do it your way, but it is not the right way.
Hebrews 2:6 For in one place the Scriptures say, "What are mere mortals that you should think about them, or a son of man that you should care for him?
The answer is: We are GOD’S creation, and we are to live life HIS way.
Listen to Franks rendition of my way and consider is it GOD’S way?
God’s way is best!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
There is an old saying among builders and tradesmen that says; “Measure twice, and cut once.”
While this is a common saying it is ignored frequently by many carpenters, and some times it causes them to be sorry for not obeying the rule.
Perhaps if we applied the same rule to our speaking, we would have less to apologize and feel sorry for; “Think twice and speak once.”
Language is the prime method of communicating with one another, and there are different kinds of languages several of which are manipulating by their very nature.
There is a difference between a clerk and a salesman. A clerk will be there to help you find what you want and assist you in other ways.
A salesman will try to make up your mind to buy his product even if you don’t want it.
This method of using manipulative language has reached it’s acme by the door to door salesman. Once they start their sales pitch it is almost impossible to get rid of them. It reminded me of trying to get rid of the itch back in the thirties.
Today’s version of manipulative language is best practiced by the politicians. It is; promise them everything, give them nothing, and convince them that you did what you promised. Alas, we fall for it or at least most of us do.
While being manipulated by them, we hear how bad their opponents are, and we are left to choose between the lesser of two or more evils.
The professional manipulator’s job is to bend you to their will, and get you to do what they want you to do. Then they convince you it was your idea in the first place.
Have I ever been manipulated? You betcha I have, and will I ever experience it again? You betcha I will, in fact I can hardly wait for it to happen again, and if it doesn’t happen I will feel disappointed for that has become a way of life for me.
I should mention the master manipulator in passing, who is Satan himself for he has had some success with me. It is said sin is, “Missing the mark,” and there have been times I not only missed the mark but have missed the target all together.
I hope I’m alone in this, but in case I’m not - - when you feel that Satan is using his wiles (manipulating language) on you, remember; when you resist the devil he will flee from you.
Perhaps we need some Holy Ghost filled ear plugs.
While this is a common saying it is ignored frequently by many carpenters, and some times it causes them to be sorry for not obeying the rule.
Perhaps if we applied the same rule to our speaking, we would have less to apologize and feel sorry for; “Think twice and speak once.”
Language is the prime method of communicating with one another, and there are different kinds of languages several of which are manipulating by their very nature.
There is a difference between a clerk and a salesman. A clerk will be there to help you find what you want and assist you in other ways.
A salesman will try to make up your mind to buy his product even if you don’t want it.
This method of using manipulative language has reached it’s acme by the door to door salesman. Once they start their sales pitch it is almost impossible to get rid of them. It reminded me of trying to get rid of the itch back in the thirties.
Today’s version of manipulative language is best practiced by the politicians. It is; promise them everything, give them nothing, and convince them that you did what you promised. Alas, we fall for it or at least most of us do.
While being manipulated by them, we hear how bad their opponents are, and we are left to choose between the lesser of two or more evils.
The professional manipulator’s job is to bend you to their will, and get you to do what they want you to do. Then they convince you it was your idea in the first place.
Have I ever been manipulated? You betcha I have, and will I ever experience it again? You betcha I will, in fact I can hardly wait for it to happen again, and if it doesn’t happen I will feel disappointed for that has become a way of life for me.
I should mention the master manipulator in passing, who is Satan himself for he has had some success with me. It is said sin is, “Missing the mark,” and there have been times I not only missed the mark but have missed the target all together.
I hope I’m alone in this, but in case I’m not - - when you feel that Satan is using his wiles (manipulating language) on you, remember; when you resist the devil he will flee from you.
Perhaps we need some Holy Ghost filled ear plugs.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Along with millions of workers I would be tired and dirty after a days work.
A quick shower would be a welcome relief and my appetite was alive and well.
I had married a fruitful vine, and after about four years we had two children, and that was alright except for them waking up in the middle of the night and wanting some attention.
Usually Hazel would get up and quiet them down, but most often it would wake me up and having been disturbed I would get up in the morning exhausted for this was not a one time event each night.
Our neighbor decided to get a tom cat and he was all man cat. Every night when I would go to sleep old Tom would start to howl with a voice that echoed through out the neighborhood. I would be woken up several times a night. I would finally have to go out and run him off but he would return after a short time, because he had a lady friend treed up on the clothes line pole.
Then they both would begin to howl with their ominous sound. Sometimes it would be one and then the other and again they would try to harmonize.
Needless to say this was killing me so I went to the neighbor and told him he would have to deal with this, to which he said this was a force of nature, and he was unable to stop it.
This was NOT an acceptable answer so, after much thought, I came up with a solution.
I manage to capture the bad old Tom and took him down to my shop, and having worked on a farm, I knew how to neuter animals. So I wrapped a burlap sack around him, and removed the problem. As he got loose he sped off and was gone in an instance leaving only the evidence that an operation had taken place.
The neighbor told me his cat was missing, and he wondered what had happen to him. I said he will probably show up, which he did a couple days later.
That night I slept well, and arose refreshed for Tom had nothing to say. A few days later he decided to leave because there wasn’t anything to howl about anymore, and I think the other cats made fun of him adding insult to injury. It only took a snip or two to solve his problems for a life time.
Would that all problems could be solved as fast and easy.
A quick shower would be a welcome relief and my appetite was alive and well.
I had married a fruitful vine, and after about four years we had two children, and that was alright except for them waking up in the middle of the night and wanting some attention.
Usually Hazel would get up and quiet them down, but most often it would wake me up and having been disturbed I would get up in the morning exhausted for this was not a one time event each night.
Our neighbor decided to get a tom cat and he was all man cat. Every night when I would go to sleep old Tom would start to howl with a voice that echoed through out the neighborhood. I would be woken up several times a night. I would finally have to go out and run him off but he would return after a short time, because he had a lady friend treed up on the clothes line pole.
Then they both would begin to howl with their ominous sound. Sometimes it would be one and then the other and again they would try to harmonize.
Needless to say this was killing me so I went to the neighbor and told him he would have to deal with this, to which he said this was a force of nature, and he was unable to stop it.
This was NOT an acceptable answer so, after much thought, I came up with a solution.
I manage to capture the bad old Tom and took him down to my shop, and having worked on a farm, I knew how to neuter animals. So I wrapped a burlap sack around him, and removed the problem. As he got loose he sped off and was gone in an instance leaving only the evidence that an operation had taken place.
The neighbor told me his cat was missing, and he wondered what had happen to him. I said he will probably show up, which he did a couple days later.
That night I slept well, and arose refreshed for Tom had nothing to say. A few days later he decided to leave because there wasn’t anything to howl about anymore, and I think the other cats made fun of him adding insult to injury. It only took a snip or two to solve his problems for a life time.
Would that all problems could be solved as fast and easy.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Once there was ole Uncle Bob, actually he was Great Uncle Bob to me. He had his own music he danced to I guess, for he sure was different from other people.
Great Grand pappy’s generation had checked out before my birth except Uncle Bob and he joined them shortly after my appearing.
There is one thing about being a little strange, and that is people remember many things you have done, and Uncle Bob’s modus operandi was off the wall. In today’s world he would have been place in a State run facility, but then you just kept them at home, and hoped they didn’t burn the house down.
Both Grandpas’ generation has long since gone to their eternal home, but still I can put the names and faces together and remember a few of their idiosyncrasies. Because of their being rural people, this lumped them into similar existences, but each had their own distinguishing traits.
Seton Moser thought that whiskey was supposed to be drunk, and he drunk his share and a little bit more. His wife aunt Mattie was a quiet shy little thing that was longsuffering and kind. Seton was easy to get along with as long as you drank with him. The last time I saw him he was in Waco Texas living with his two sisters.
They took his bottle away from him and took him to church. During our visit my dad took him for a ride and asked him if he would like a drink, and he said yes. He took a long swig and said, “Ahhhhh that sure was good.” That was the last drink he had, for he died shortly after.
My favorite, Great Uncle Henry, and his wife Cora whose only daughter married what was called a, “No good,” and died young. She left two boys for Uncle Henry to raise.
Brown Parish and Aunt Ada with her brood of several boys and girls contributed to a mass of cousins. And then there was Gus and Ethyl Herald with daughter Josephine who had four children.
Grandpa had fifteen children all of which are gone except Uncle Herman who married Aunt Geneva. He is a tough old bird and is going to live until he dies. He is the prototype of one with a positive attitude.
And so, when I think about where the old folks that I have known have gone, I realize that I and my generation have become the old folks and we have already began to pass from the scene.
Little by little we are changing, a little more weight, a little less hair. A little more wrinkles and a little less memory. A few more aches and a little less action.
This Christmas I'm going to shop for one of those mirrors that lie, because the one I have doesn't reflect the real me…. Or does it?
Soon the next generation will say; where have all the old folks gone and they will be talking about me.
The answer being "Gone to be with the LORD"
This post is linked to Peter Pollocks One Word Carnival
The word is; Old
This post is linked to Peter Pollocks One Word Carnival
The word is; Old![]() |
image courtesy photobucket.com |
Once there was ole Uncle Bob, actually he was Great Uncle Bob to me. He had his own music he danced to I guess, for he sure was different from other people.
Great Grand pappy’s generation had checked out before my birth except Uncle Bob and he joined them shortly after my appearing.
There is one thing about being a little strange, and that is people remember many things you have done, and Uncle Bob’s modus operandi was off the wall. In today’s world he would have been place in a State run facility, but then you just kept them at home, and hoped they didn’t burn the house down.
Both Grandpas’ generation has long since gone to their eternal home, but still I can put the names and faces together and remember a few of their idiosyncrasies. Because of their being rural people, this lumped them into similar existences, but each had their own distinguishing traits.
Seton Moser thought that whiskey was supposed to be drunk, and he drunk his share and a little bit more. His wife aunt Mattie was a quiet shy little thing that was longsuffering and kind. Seton was easy to get along with as long as you drank with him. The last time I saw him he was in Waco Texas living with his two sisters.
They took his bottle away from him and took him to church. During our visit my dad took him for a ride and asked him if he would like a drink, and he said yes. He took a long swig and said, “Ahhhhh that sure was good.” That was the last drink he had, for he died shortly after.
My favorite, Great Uncle Henry, and his wife Cora whose only daughter married what was called a, “No good,” and died young. She left two boys for Uncle Henry to raise.
Brown Parish and Aunt Ada with her brood of several boys and girls contributed to a mass of cousins. And then there was Gus and Ethyl Herald with daughter Josephine who had four children.
Grandpa had fifteen children all of which are gone except Uncle Herman who married Aunt Geneva. He is a tough old bird and is going to live until he dies. He is the prototype of one with a positive attitude.
And so, when I think about where the old folks that I have known have gone, I realize that I and my generation have become the old folks and we have already began to pass from the scene.
Little by little we are changing, a little more weight, a little less hair. A little more wrinkles and a little less memory. A few more aches and a little less action.
This Christmas I'm going to shop for one of those mirrors that lie, because the one I have doesn't reflect the real me…. Or does it?
Soon the next generation will say; where have all the old folks gone and they will be talking about me.
The answer being "Gone to be with the LORD"
This post is linked to Peter Pollocks One Word Carnival
The word is; Old
Thursday, November 25, 2010
For those who have experience the transformation that the new birth brings, Thanksgiving Day is a time to reflect on reasons for giving thanks to GOD.
We give thanks for the old ones who have gone on to meet their maker for without them we would not be here.
They gave us life and their culture that caused us to be what we are. The very fact that we are here reminds us we owe them our thanks.
We give thanks for everything that pertains to our life. The experience of growing up, brought new things of interest every day.
Even the boring times which we all have had, conditioned us for enjoying the exciting adventures of life. I’m thankful for life with its struggles for that is far better than not to have had a life at all.
We further are thankful for the younger generation who will carry on after we are gone. Some are now growing up and many are yet to be born. We precede their appearance with prayer and thanksgiving for them all the days of their life.
We give thanks for the gathering of family and friends and a day of feasting.
For all this and more we simply give our thanks unto GOD.
We give thanks for the old ones who have gone on to meet their maker for without them we would not be here.
They gave us life and their culture that caused us to be what we are. The very fact that we are here reminds us we owe them our thanks.
We give thanks for everything that pertains to our life. The experience of growing up, brought new things of interest every day.
Even the boring times which we all have had, conditioned us for enjoying the exciting adventures of life. I’m thankful for life with its struggles for that is far better than not to have had a life at all.
We further are thankful for the younger generation who will carry on after we are gone. Some are now growing up and many are yet to be born. We precede their appearance with prayer and thanksgiving for them all the days of their life.
We give thanks for the gathering of family and friends and a day of feasting.
For all this and more we simply give our thanks unto GOD.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Those days, I still remember for they took from me all I had to give and yet wanted more.
My answer; “There is no more,” was rejected with prejudice, and to be quiet, I was told.
Though I dwelt on land, I was in a tempest sea with a feeble light far and far away seemingly beyond all my resources. The comfort of others who were struggling did little to allay my distress for lack, and need surrounded me and mine.
From prison came one who wished to be a friend, but he added no strength to my ubiquitous wearisome state. To work with me was his desire but his sicknesses overruled his desire, and effort to the point where I must carry his load as well as mine.
He spoke well but could accomplish naught while on his knees, expelling the food he had eaten. While in prison his virulent daily fare had ruined his entrails, and from this he could never recover and surly not be my brother.
And so they came and went, leaving only a mark that spoke of their attempt at success, but only experienced failure.
Desire was lost in the darkness and hope had become thread bare, reason has become useless, and determination left the premises.
Sadness was the high point of existence and joy has never been known for all is darkness for the soul that is lost.
My answer; “There is no more,” was rejected with prejudice, and to be quiet, I was told.
Though I dwelt on land, I was in a tempest sea with a feeble light far and far away seemingly beyond all my resources. The comfort of others who were struggling did little to allay my distress for lack, and need surrounded me and mine.
From prison came one who wished to be a friend, but he added no strength to my ubiquitous wearisome state. To work with me was his desire but his sicknesses overruled his desire, and effort to the point where I must carry his load as well as mine.
He spoke well but could accomplish naught while on his knees, expelling the food he had eaten. While in prison his virulent daily fare had ruined his entrails, and from this he could never recover and surly not be my brother.
And so they came and went, leaving only a mark that spoke of their attempt at success, but only experienced failure.
Desire was lost in the darkness and hope had become thread bare, reason has become useless, and determination left the premises.
Sadness was the high point of existence and joy has never been known for all is darkness for the soul that is lost.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
”But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only - -
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered —
Till I scarcely more than muttered, “other friends have flown before —
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.”
Then the bird said, ‘Nevermore’.” (From The Raven by Edgar A. Poe)
Times were hard and comforts sparse, still, a serene state around all.
Those who were blessed with radio waves were satisfied with audio fare.
Hand me downs were the coveted dress, while those in rags bore distress.
Day by day, year by year, seemingly never to end with nothing in the pocket to squeeze or to spend.
Then the day that changed the world, with knife and gun in hand WW 2 began, and then it was “nevermore.”
So much dying, so much crying, joy departed to the lonely place and lay undisturbed for a season.
The years passed, the conflict ended, too many never saw that day. They gave it all and then faded away scarcely a memory, their unknown sacrifice by the men of valor departed to the land of “evermore”.
There are many sides to “Nevermore,” some are happy and others are sad. The past of sorrows, the loss of kin. None are exempt neither women nor men. The sigh of prayer, “Never again, please” the brokenness of hope, nevermore again. The strength of faith, it all transcends “Evermore”
Out of my ashes will rise a new phoenix.
A soaring being returning from death,
Proving once again that life is eternal.
I live forever because the spirit never dies.
I will return in another body,
In another time, but it is me.
The me who is me now will always be.
As long as I live, I learn.
And I live Forever - -
For I am in Him
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered —
Till I scarcely more than muttered, “other friends have flown before —
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.”
Then the bird said, ‘Nevermore’.” (From The Raven by Edgar A. Poe)
Times were hard and comforts sparse, still, a serene state around all.
Those who were blessed with radio waves were satisfied with audio fare.
Hand me downs were the coveted dress, while those in rags bore distress.
Day by day, year by year, seemingly never to end with nothing in the pocket to squeeze or to spend.
Then the day that changed the world, with knife and gun in hand WW 2 began, and then it was “nevermore.”
So much dying, so much crying, joy departed to the lonely place and lay undisturbed for a season.
The years passed, the conflict ended, too many never saw that day. They gave it all and then faded away scarcely a memory, their unknown sacrifice by the men of valor departed to the land of “evermore”.
There are many sides to “Nevermore,” some are happy and others are sad. The past of sorrows, the loss of kin. None are exempt neither women nor men. The sigh of prayer, “Never again, please” the brokenness of hope, nevermore again. The strength of faith, it all transcends “Evermore”
Out of my ashes will rise a new phoenix.
A soaring being returning from death,
Proving once again that life is eternal.
I live forever because the spirit never dies.
I will return in another body,
In another time, but it is me.
The me who is me now will always be.
As long as I live, I learn.
And I live Forever - -
For I am in Him
Monday, November 22, 2010
When I was young, and on my own, and I did something that was an error I usually ignored it.
For appearances sake I would pretend to be concerned but in reality I wasn’t too concerned.
Then I got married, and I had to change the way I felt about our issues of life. My wife’s interest had to be considered as well as mine. Then along came our three kids, and other adjustments had to be made. All of the sudden neither my wife nor myself viewed things as before.
We kept feeding and doctoring our kids, and they kept growing until they were old enough to get a part time job. All this time, they had been cataloguing all the ills they had suffered, and the mistakes we had made raising them.
This excluded the facts that as the parents we had to sacrifice much of what we could have done had they not been (I never asked to be) born. For us the raising of the kids was pay enough for our sacrifices of time and mental anguish at times.
As they began to work, they discovered that life wasn’t easier just because they were older. The jobs they obtained required them to do things the way the boss wanted it done. They learned from the mistakes others made, and they also looked forward to the time they could be in charge, and could simply avoid mistakes, and do it right.
Over all they felt we as parents were at fault at times when they were growing up, so now they are doing a better job of raising their own kids.
The possibility that they might be correct, bothers me and I feel; that is the reason they are such rotten kids, we did a bad job. LOL
Then I am brought up short and think; they aren’t rotten, they are great adults, including our foster daughter (actually she is much more than that). Oh boy, the next conclusion is a toughie, they are great kids in spite of their raising and it is because they overcame our short comings, wow that hurts.
All in all, they learned what to do, and what not to do from us, and have no excuse for not getting it right. If we were doing it over we would have done it better, but this was our first experience in raising a family …….
For appearances sake I would pretend to be concerned but in reality I wasn’t too concerned.
Then I got married, and I had to change the way I felt about our issues of life. My wife’s interest had to be considered as well as mine. Then along came our three kids, and other adjustments had to be made. All of the sudden neither my wife nor myself viewed things as before.
We kept feeding and doctoring our kids, and they kept growing until they were old enough to get a part time job. All this time, they had been cataloguing all the ills they had suffered, and the mistakes we had made raising them.
This excluded the facts that as the parents we had to sacrifice much of what we could have done had they not been (I never asked to be) born. For us the raising of the kids was pay enough for our sacrifices of time and mental anguish at times.
As they began to work, they discovered that life wasn’t easier just because they were older. The jobs they obtained required them to do things the way the boss wanted it done. They learned from the mistakes others made, and they also looked forward to the time they could be in charge, and could simply avoid mistakes, and do it right.
Over all they felt we as parents were at fault at times when they were growing up, so now they are doing a better job of raising their own kids.
The possibility that they might be correct, bothers me and I feel; that is the reason they are such rotten kids, we did a bad job. LOL
Then I am brought up short and think; they aren’t rotten, they are great adults, including our foster daughter (actually she is much more than that). Oh boy, the next conclusion is a toughie, they are great kids in spite of their raising and it is because they overcame our short comings, wow that hurts.
All in all, they learned what to do, and what not to do from us, and have no excuse for not getting it right. If we were doing it over we would have done it better, but this was our first experience in raising a family …….
Sunday, November 21, 2010
FBI Wiretapping of Internet Users. "All Your Data Belongs to Us"
TSA: "Airport Security Pat-Downs Are Here to Stay."
TSA head: 'Not going to change'
In airports, the public is guilty until proven innocent
Opposing view on security vs. Privacy: Honor basic human dignity
THE Obama political appointees are in the process of completely taking control of the American people and dictating what they can and cannot do. Under his guiding hand the Constitution has little if any protection from his dictatorial powers he has granted to himself.
What is the difference between Adolph Hitler and Obama?
Only the moustache.
TSA: "Airport Security Pat-Downs Are Here to Stay."
TSA head: 'Not going to change'
In airports, the public is guilty until proven innocent
Opposing view on security vs. Privacy: Honor basic human dignity
THE Obama political appointees are in the process of completely taking control of the American people and dictating what they can and cannot do. Under his guiding hand the Constitution has little if any protection from his dictatorial powers he has granted to himself.
What is the difference between Adolph Hitler and Obama?
Only the moustache.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The song above “Big noise flew right in from Winnetka” is a great piece of music, but the big noise that flew in from Chicago is nothing more than sour notes played on a kazoo.
From Washington DC, there is a big noise that is contrary to all reason, and the disconcerting part of it all is they are trying to get people to receive it as the truth when in reality it is failure in motion.
Old frumpy Reid is going to try to endear himself to the gay community by passing a law to allow them to be openly homosexual in the military. While some will applaud this act, in reality is a self serving action. There are far greater issues that need to be dealt with than that.
There is also big noise in the house, Pelosi becoming house minority leader is the best thing that could have happened for the republicans going forth to the next election.
More attention is being placed on the 2012 presidential election than what’s happening now; it’s too early for that big noise, we need time to catch our breath.
One of the big noises is the new Obama groping regulations. Expect an influx of job applications from the gay and pedophile community for airport screening jobs. Of course you can opt to having you picture taken and if you are lucky you may end up on “You-tube.”
Being a scanner will be a good job for people who are curious about what people look like without their clothes on, this should give them a measure of satisfaction.
Big noise in the auto industry is the new G.M. Stock is doing well at least for now. Those who had the old G.M. Stock lost out as their stock became worthless.
What I don’t understand is, why do all these big noises make me feel inferior and unimportant.
Maybe the next big noise will explain it to me.
The song above “Big noise flew right in from Winnetka” is a great piece of music, but the big noise that flew in from Chicago is nothing more than sour notes played on a kazoo.
From Washington DC, there is a big noise that is contrary to all reason, and the disconcerting part of it all is they are trying to get people to receive it as the truth when in reality it is failure in motion.
Old frumpy Reid is going to try to endear himself to the gay community by passing a law to allow them to be openly homosexual in the military. While some will applaud this act, in reality is a self serving action. There are far greater issues that need to be dealt with than that.
There is also big noise in the house, Pelosi becoming house minority leader is the best thing that could have happened for the republicans going forth to the next election.
More attention is being placed on the 2012 presidential election than what’s happening now; it’s too early for that big noise, we need time to catch our breath.
One of the big noises is the new Obama groping regulations. Expect an influx of job applications from the gay and pedophile community for airport screening jobs. Of course you can opt to having you picture taken and if you are lucky you may end up on “You-tube.”
Being a scanner will be a good job for people who are curious about what people look like without their clothes on, this should give them a measure of satisfaction.
Big noise in the auto industry is the new G.M. Stock is doing well at least for now. Those who had the old G.M. Stock lost out as their stock became worthless.
What I don’t understand is, why do all these big noises make me feel inferior and unimportant.
Maybe the next big noise will explain it to me.
Friday, November 19, 2010
What do clogging and blogging have in common?
First off both are:
Dependent upon the participant for their creativity.
Requires the whole person in order to express the action.
Allows for free expression of the personality.
Exposes the person to criticism by all who view the presentation.
Requires much effort of body and mind.
Reveals problematic thinking and actions.
Requires some input from others in order to progress.
Provides entertainment of a sort for those interested.
Gives others an opportunity to feel superior to the present actor.
This is one of my favorite Cloggers.
First off both are:
Dependent upon the participant for their creativity.
Requires the whole person in order to express the action.
Allows for free expression of the personality.
Exposes the person to criticism by all who view the presentation.
Requires much effort of body and mind.
Reveals problematic thinking and actions.
Requires some input from others in order to progress.
Provides entertainment of a sort for those interested.
Gives others an opportunity to feel superior to the present actor.
This is one of my favorite Cloggers.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The new regulations imposed by “Cop a feel for me” Obama, are more intrusive than just allowing strangers to feel the bodies of everyone who flies it is a process that has been going on since the sixties.
What is being attacked is the WILL of the people to resist government intrusion into their life.
The freedom of all Americans is at stake, and no matter which party is in office, the unrelenting pressure is breaking the will to resist the onslaught of power exerted against the constitutional rights of Americans.
There are no limits as to how far these fiends will go.
Bill Clinton used the army against Americans in Waco Texas. FBI agents, backed by “observers” from the US Army’s secret Delta Force commando unit, attacked the house occupied by the followers of the religious sect after a 51-day siege. The combat-equipped agents used tanks to punch holes into the structure and then pump in tear gas. A fire that quickly swept through the compound killed most of victims, but a number were shot to death.
More than six years after the massacre, however, the FBI was forced to admit that it had indeed used explosive munitions capable of starting the fire. This statement was drafted in the immediate aftermath of the violent siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas that took the lives of at least 80 people, 21 of them children.
Who among us can stand up against the force of the military when they are sent forth by the President?
Do you think that Obama would hesitate for one minute to do the same in order to force his will upon the nation?
Virtually every regulation passed by rulers of this country is designed to enslave this nation to some degree.
When prisoners are taken, one of the methods to psychologically disarm them is to strip them of their clothes and exercise control of them by force, making them to yield to the will of their captors.
This method of search and seizure is just one step back from that process. This is part of the training that is necessary to make the people submit to the ruling parties without mental reservations.
Who would have thought five years ago that you would have to submit to having someone run their hands all over your body, and to have your children’s genital areas felt under the guise of protecting us from terrorists.
The American people need protection from the political leaders of this country far more than from some few terrorists. This is what the big deal is about.
What is being attacked is the WILL of the people to resist government intrusion into their life.
The freedom of all Americans is at stake, and no matter which party is in office, the unrelenting pressure is breaking the will to resist the onslaught of power exerted against the constitutional rights of Americans.
There are no limits as to how far these fiends will go.
Bill Clinton used the army against Americans in Waco Texas. FBI agents, backed by “observers” from the US Army’s secret Delta Force commando unit, attacked the house occupied by the followers of the religious sect after a 51-day siege. The combat-equipped agents used tanks to punch holes into the structure and then pump in tear gas. A fire that quickly swept through the compound killed most of victims, but a number were shot to death.
More than six years after the massacre, however, the FBI was forced to admit that it had indeed used explosive munitions capable of starting the fire. This statement was drafted in the immediate aftermath of the violent siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas that took the lives of at least 80 people, 21 of them children.
Who among us can stand up against the force of the military when they are sent forth by the President?
Do you think that Obama would hesitate for one minute to do the same in order to force his will upon the nation?
Virtually every regulation passed by rulers of this country is designed to enslave this nation to some degree.
When prisoners are taken, one of the methods to psychologically disarm them is to strip them of their clothes and exercise control of them by force, making them to yield to the will of their captors.
This method of search and seizure is just one step back from that process. This is part of the training that is necessary to make the people submit to the ruling parties without mental reservations.
Who would have thought five years ago that you would have to submit to having someone run their hands all over your body, and to have your children’s genital areas felt under the guise of protecting us from terrorists.
The American people need protection from the political leaders of this country far more than from some few terrorists. This is what the big deal is about.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Theodore Leopold Friedman, better known as Ted Lewis was an American entertainer, bandleader, singer, and musician, He was known by the moniker "Mr. Entertainment" or Ted, "Is Everybody Happy?" Lewis. His’ genre was multifaceted in as much he did Dixie land, jazz. Popular songs and the movies, but over and over he would say “Is everybody happy?”
Today the question is; “Is anybody happy?”
How about the political arena, is everybody happy?
Surely in the area of religion everybody is happy or are they? You have the choice of being a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or one of the many hundreds of religions through out the world.
Within the Christian faith there are hundreds of choices from almost no belief to the other extreme of cloister.
Is there happiness to be found within the education system? Hmmm, I doubt it unless they have tenure.
Now here is the place where happiness prevails; “On the job,” everybody is happy there. Everyone is happy with their fellow workers, working conditions, hours, wages, and all other perks.
Self employed people are happy with all the regulations by the government and the threat of being fined and put in jail for an offence.
Everyone is happy with all the government officials and their policies.
Everybody is happy with their house, car and furniture and their TV, computer and other electronics they are paying on.
Everybody is happy with their mate, kids and relatives.
In the Bible being happy is often associated with suffering hardship and affliction;
James 5:10-11 Take, my brothers, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. Behold, we count them happy which endure.
Being happy is a product of circumstances, as circumstances change, our happiness also changes with it.
Paul said; I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
We find a different outlook, Contentment - - 1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
Paul didn’t worry about happy, he found contentment and that was his main stay in every situation.
Today the question is; “Is anybody happy?”
How about the political arena, is everybody happy?
Surely in the area of religion everybody is happy or are they? You have the choice of being a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or one of the many hundreds of religions through out the world.
Within the Christian faith there are hundreds of choices from almost no belief to the other extreme of cloister.
Is there happiness to be found within the education system? Hmmm, I doubt it unless they have tenure.
Now here is the place where happiness prevails; “On the job,” everybody is happy there. Everyone is happy with their fellow workers, working conditions, hours, wages, and all other perks.
Self employed people are happy with all the regulations by the government and the threat of being fined and put in jail for an offence.
Everyone is happy with all the government officials and their policies.
Everybody is happy with their house, car and furniture and their TV, computer and other electronics they are paying on.
Everybody is happy with their mate, kids and relatives.
In the Bible being happy is often associated with suffering hardship and affliction;
James 5:10-11 Take, my brothers, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. Behold, we count them happy which endure.
Being happy is a product of circumstances, as circumstances change, our happiness also changes with it.
Paul said; I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
We find a different outlook, Contentment - - 1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
Paul didn’t worry about happy, he found contentment and that was his main stay in every situation.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Back in the eighties I decided to learn how to use a computer. I enrolled in a class and showed up at the given time and when I entered the room there was no one there but a couple of guys using a computer. I didn’t know the first thing about computers and so I sat there for quite a while. Finally I asked one of the fellows what was going on, and he said to go over there and get a disk and boot up one of the PCs.
I spent some time trying to figure out how to turn the thing on. Eventually I found a switch on the back. Each time I went to class I learned something new, like I needed a book, which I purchased. After going to class a few times I found out that you had to have two disks, one to boot it up and one for a system disk. After that I discovered I was in a computer language class and that was the end of that. That was a bit of a fiasco, because the person who signed me up knew nothing, and there was no instructor.
Later I bought a $3500 Computer which was also a DOS operating system which I still have. I never learned how to use it but Hazel took a class that came with it, and learned how to use it somewhat. We continued to upgrade and miracle of miracles, Windows with it's icons on the desktop finally arrived and I at last was able to use the thing.
Just imagine the difference; I paid $3500 for my first computer and $299 for my last one which is very functional and has more memory and more of everything else.
From time to time we would have trouble with our machine and have to take it in to be fixed, until I took some Computer repair classes and learned to trouble shoot.
We live in an age where it is all about keeping up, adapting to change, while still keeping your mental stability and equilibrium.
Today pastors are faced with a daunting experience. They must keep up with the times and at the same time maintain solid Bible teaching. The pressure to yield to political correctness is difficult to say the least, but to do so will reduce the church to little more than a social club where friends meet.
Some words in the English language are spelled the same but have different meaning such as bow, to bend over and bow a weapon. The same thing applies to the word church. In one case it means a club where anybody can join; the other meaning is a place where the Gospel of Jesus is proclaimed and where souls are saved.
We might as well get used to the way things are going for as the scriptures declares things are going to get worse and worse, and I believe the Bible.
The one thing we can depend on is Jesus Christ for he never changes and never wavers, He is always the same yesterday, today and forever. AMEN AND AMEN
I spent some time trying to figure out how to turn the thing on. Eventually I found a switch on the back. Each time I went to class I learned something new, like I needed a book, which I purchased. After going to class a few times I found out that you had to have two disks, one to boot it up and one for a system disk. After that I discovered I was in a computer language class and that was the end of that. That was a bit of a fiasco, because the person who signed me up knew nothing, and there was no instructor.
Later I bought a $3500 Computer which was also a DOS operating system which I still have. I never learned how to use it but Hazel took a class that came with it, and learned how to use it somewhat. We continued to upgrade and miracle of miracles, Windows with it's icons on the desktop finally arrived and I at last was able to use the thing.
Just imagine the difference; I paid $3500 for my first computer and $299 for my last one which is very functional and has more memory and more of everything else.
From time to time we would have trouble with our machine and have to take it in to be fixed, until I took some Computer repair classes and learned to trouble shoot.
We live in an age where it is all about keeping up, adapting to change, while still keeping your mental stability and equilibrium.
Today pastors are faced with a daunting experience. They must keep up with the times and at the same time maintain solid Bible teaching. The pressure to yield to political correctness is difficult to say the least, but to do so will reduce the church to little more than a social club where friends meet.
Some words in the English language are spelled the same but have different meaning such as bow, to bend over and bow a weapon. The same thing applies to the word church. In one case it means a club where anybody can join; the other meaning is a place where the Gospel of Jesus is proclaimed and where souls are saved.
We might as well get used to the way things are going for as the scriptures declares things are going to get worse and worse, and I believe the Bible.
The one thing we can depend on is Jesus Christ for he never changes and never wavers, He is always the same yesterday, today and forever. AMEN AND AMEN
Monday, November 15, 2010
I heard a story about a little girl who would just lose it several times a day and she would display what was inside her in dramatic fashion. Finally her mother gave her a hammer and a box of nails, and told her that every time she lost her temper, she should go out in the back yard a drive a nail into the fence. The first day she drove 37 nails into the fence. The next day a few less, and on and on until one day she came in and proudly announced that she did not have to drive any nails that day. The next day she said the same thing and her mother told her to go and remove a nail from the fence. This continued until one day she said there are no more nails left in the fence. Her mother took her out to the fence and congratulated her and the said; look at the holes that are left.
This lesson should speak to all caring people for even though you repent and say I’m sorry there is still the hole caused by the nail. Though you fill the hole with love it can only be repaired, the scar remains.
People without a temper are not as effective as those with it, but those who cannot control it come near to being a negative in the kingdom of GOD.
You can look at the men of GOD in the Old and New Testaments and you find they were men of temper. Moses did not control his anger and killed an Egyptian man. He also let his anger get away from him and broke the Ten Commandments.
Ex.32:19 It came about, as soon as Moses came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing; and Moses' anger burned, and he threw the tablets from his hands and shattered them at the foot of the mountain.
Jesus went through the temple and ran all of those who were selling merchandise there out of the temple;
Matt. 21:12“Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.”
The Son of God was flat out angry and it showed.
This is an age where unrighteousness is rampant, and as Christians it is right to be angry about this, but we must have a controlled anger and raise up a standard against evil.
Letting our anger get out of control just plays into the hands of unrighteous people.
In dealing with personal relationships, don’t let your anger be destructive. In dealing with unrighteous acts and deeds let controlled anger strengthen your resolve to stand against it.
The time will come when GOD no longer controls his anger and his judgment will fall upon unrighteousness, and every mouth will be closed. Deut. 32:35 Vengeance is mine, and I will recompense; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.
A Blog I found interesting, I don't know this person so judge for yourself.
This lesson should speak to all caring people for even though you repent and say I’m sorry there is still the hole caused by the nail. Though you fill the hole with love it can only be repaired, the scar remains.
People without a temper are not as effective as those with it, but those who cannot control it come near to being a negative in the kingdom of GOD.
You can look at the men of GOD in the Old and New Testaments and you find they were men of temper. Moses did not control his anger and killed an Egyptian man. He also let his anger get away from him and broke the Ten Commandments.
Ex.32:19 It came about, as soon as Moses came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing; and Moses' anger burned, and he threw the tablets from his hands and shattered them at the foot of the mountain.
Jesus went through the temple and ran all of those who were selling merchandise there out of the temple;
Matt. 21:12“Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.”
The Son of God was flat out angry and it showed.
This is an age where unrighteousness is rampant, and as Christians it is right to be angry about this, but we must have a controlled anger and raise up a standard against evil.
Letting our anger get out of control just plays into the hands of unrighteous people.
In dealing with personal relationships, don’t let your anger be destructive. In dealing with unrighteous acts and deeds let controlled anger strengthen your resolve to stand against it.
The time will come when GOD no longer controls his anger and his judgment will fall upon unrighteousness, and every mouth will be closed. Deut. 32:35 Vengeance is mine, and I will recompense; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.
A Blog I found interesting, I don't know this person so judge for yourself.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Said John F. Kennedy
The President was in good form when he said those words. All America was listening.
Today is a day that we are forced to ask questions of the leaders in Washington, and that question is why?
Why are you bent upon destroying the American way of life (it’s hardly recognizable now). The cavalier attitude with which they view the working American is arrogance personified.
To restate the President’s quote;
1 Ask not what your country is doing to you! (I think most people are getting the message coming from Washington and that is; we got you where we want you and there is nothing you can do about it).
2 But ask what are you doing to your country (by electing these demagogues over and over and will continue to do so)
Politics is a buy and sell business; first they buy the office and then sell it to the highest contributor (lobbyist). The disdain with which the politic community views American voters reeks with disgust.
The now president’s neo-socialistic agenda is driven by two forces. One ideology and the other is idiocy.
Don't think this is something new in Washington D.C. For President Lincoln had this to say; "I cannot tell the reason - - but high tariffs (taxes) will make everything the farmers [buy] cheaper." Is this Illogical or what?
This is an easy sell, for we as a people have been trained to believe those who have educated us, they have done our thinking for us, far into the future.
Well I guess I have an excuse for lack of expertise because I got my education out behind the barn
The President was in good form when he said those words. All America was listening.
Today is a day that we are forced to ask questions of the leaders in Washington, and that question is why?
Why are you bent upon destroying the American way of life (it’s hardly recognizable now). The cavalier attitude with which they view the working American is arrogance personified.
To restate the President’s quote;
1 Ask not what your country is doing to you! (I think most people are getting the message coming from Washington and that is; we got you where we want you and there is nothing you can do about it).
2 But ask what are you doing to your country (by electing these demagogues over and over and will continue to do so)
Politics is a buy and sell business; first they buy the office and then sell it to the highest contributor (lobbyist). The disdain with which the politic community views American voters reeks with disgust.
The now president’s neo-socialistic agenda is driven by two forces. One ideology and the other is idiocy.
Don't think this is something new in Washington D.C. For President Lincoln had this to say; "I cannot tell the reason - - but high tariffs (taxes) will make everything the farmers [buy] cheaper." Is this Illogical or what?
This is an easy sell, for we as a people have been trained to believe those who have educated us, they have done our thinking for us, far into the future.
Well I guess I have an excuse for lack of expertise because I got my education out behind the barn
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The church has been given the commission to be witnesses and testify to the mission of Jesus of His birth, life, death and resurrection.
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
This doesn’t mean you grab everyone you see and start preaching to them, but as the opportunity is available, wherever you go; you are to be a witness, that you are a believer in Jesus as Savior.
In the Old Testament there was a counter part of witnessing by the Watchman.
In the book of Ezekiel chapter 33 it is written; Ezekiel 33:1-9 And the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Son of man, speak to the sons of your people and say to them, 'If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows on the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. 'He heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning; his blood will be on himself. But had he taken warning, he would have delivered his life. 'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand.' "Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth and give them warning from Me. "When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand. "But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life.
Ezekiel was given the commission to warn a sinning nation to repent and serve God. They refused and suffered the consequences of losing their nation and going into captivity, both the few faithful and the unfaithful.
The last minister to call this nation to repentance was Billy Graham; one wonders if he was the last one that God is going to send.
It isn’t acceptable among today’s society to suggest that the decline in the USA could be directly related to the spiritual condition of the nation. People will squirm and scorn at such a suggestion and reject it outright.
This is exactly what the nation of Israel and Judah did.
In this weakened spiritual condition this nation is vulnerable to other religions gaining a strong foothold here, and please notice, these other religiouns are gaining adherents by the millions.
For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the Gospel of God? It is time for this nation to seek repentance for judgment leads to repentance.
The question is; Has judgment begun with the House of GOD? THE WATCHMAN KNOWS
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
This doesn’t mean you grab everyone you see and start preaching to them, but as the opportunity is available, wherever you go; you are to be a witness, that you are a believer in Jesus as Savior.
In the Old Testament there was a counter part of witnessing by the Watchman.
In the book of Ezekiel chapter 33 it is written; Ezekiel 33:1-9 And the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Son of man, speak to the sons of your people and say to them, 'If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows on the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. 'He heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning; his blood will be on himself. But had he taken warning, he would have delivered his life. 'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand.' "Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth and give them warning from Me. "When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand. "But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life.
Ezekiel was given the commission to warn a sinning nation to repent and serve God. They refused and suffered the consequences of losing their nation and going into captivity, both the few faithful and the unfaithful.
The last minister to call this nation to repentance was Billy Graham; one wonders if he was the last one that God is going to send.
It isn’t acceptable among today’s society to suggest that the decline in the USA could be directly related to the spiritual condition of the nation. People will squirm and scorn at such a suggestion and reject it outright.
This is exactly what the nation of Israel and Judah did.
In this weakened spiritual condition this nation is vulnerable to other religions gaining a strong foothold here, and please notice, these other religiouns are gaining adherents by the millions.
For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the Gospel of God? It is time for this nation to seek repentance for judgment leads to repentance.
The question is; Has judgment begun with the House of GOD? THE WATCHMAN KNOWS
Friday, November 12, 2010
I had heard of these magic waters. Different people told me about them, and how they could restore your health. I would talk to those who had experienced the restorative powers of the water, and I wanted some of it, even though I wasn't sick, I didn't want to be left out.
I talked to my mom, and she had heard about those waters, and we found out where they were located. Come to find out they were only about four blocks from us where we lived in North Carolina, and I was ecstatic. I couldn’t believe we were going down and get some healing waters. We got some gallon jugs and set the time to make our pilgrimage to where the magic mineral elixir was waiting for us.
At the appointed time we left our home with our jugs, and began our trek. As we approached the springs there were many people filling their containers with the precious fluid. At this time I began to worry; I hoped they wouldn't take it all before we got our turn.
It was almost like going to Lourdes, where our lady appeared to Bernadette, and the spring flows with miracle healings.
As we got closer I began to notice an odd smell, and as we got even closer the odor became almost overpowering. I thought that maybe in order to have the healing power it had to smell like that. We quickly filled our jugs and poured a cup for us to drink while we were there. Now, even at my young age of five, I had tasted medicine that had a foul flavor, but I had never tasted anything as horrible as that miracle water.
It was right then and there, that I decided that if my life depended upon that stuff, then I was a goner, for I simply would not drink it anymore, under any circumstances.
On the way home I can't say that I was disappointed, for I was in a state of shock, and it was some time into the next day before I returned to a somewhat normal condition. It didn't help to have two jugs of it in the kitchen, where once in awhile my mom would brave down a glass of it. Needlessly to say that was my first and last trip to the miracle waters.
ORAL ROBERTS would sing this song in his revival meetings. Where the Healing Waters Flow!
Oh, the joy of sins forgiven, Oh, the bliss the blood-washed know,
Oh, the peace akin to Heav’n, Where the healing waters flow.
Refrain after each verse
Where the healing waters flow, Where the joys celestial glow,
Oh, there’s peace and rest and love, Where the healing waters flow!
Now with Jesus crucified, At His feet I’m resting low;
Let me evermore abide Where the healing waters flow.
O, this precious, perfect love! How it keeps the heart aglow,
Streaming from the fount above, Where the healing waters flow.
Oh, to lean on Jesus’ breast, While the tempests come and go!
Here is blessed peace and rest, Where the healing waters flow.
Cleansed from every sin and stain, Whiter than the driven snow,
Now I sing my sweet refrain, Where the healing waters flow.
I talked to my mom, and she had heard about those waters, and we found out where they were located. Come to find out they were only about four blocks from us where we lived in North Carolina, and I was ecstatic. I couldn’t believe we were going down and get some healing waters. We got some gallon jugs and set the time to make our pilgrimage to where the magic mineral elixir was waiting for us.
At the appointed time we left our home with our jugs, and began our trek. As we approached the springs there were many people filling their containers with the precious fluid. At this time I began to worry; I hoped they wouldn't take it all before we got our turn.
It was almost like going to Lourdes, where our lady appeared to Bernadette, and the spring flows with miracle healings.
As we got closer I began to notice an odd smell, and as we got even closer the odor became almost overpowering. I thought that maybe in order to have the healing power it had to smell like that. We quickly filled our jugs and poured a cup for us to drink while we were there. Now, even at my young age of five, I had tasted medicine that had a foul flavor, but I had never tasted anything as horrible as that miracle water.
It was right then and there, that I decided that if my life depended upon that stuff, then I was a goner, for I simply would not drink it anymore, under any circumstances.
On the way home I can't say that I was disappointed, for I was in a state of shock, and it was some time into the next day before I returned to a somewhat normal condition. It didn't help to have two jugs of it in the kitchen, where once in awhile my mom would brave down a glass of it. Needlessly to say that was my first and last trip to the miracle waters.
ORAL ROBERTS would sing this song in his revival meetings. Where the Healing Waters Flow!
Oh, the joy of sins forgiven, Oh, the bliss the blood-washed know,
Oh, the peace akin to Heav’n, Where the healing waters flow.
Refrain after each verse
Where the healing waters flow, Where the joys celestial glow,
Oh, there’s peace and rest and love, Where the healing waters flow!
Now with Jesus crucified, At His feet I’m resting low;
Let me evermore abide Where the healing waters flow.
O, this precious, perfect love! How it keeps the heart aglow,
Streaming from the fount above, Where the healing waters flow.
Oh, to lean on Jesus’ breast, While the tempests come and go!
Here is blessed peace and rest, Where the healing waters flow.
Cleansed from every sin and stain, Whiter than the driven snow,
Now I sing my sweet refrain, Where the healing waters flow.
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