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We spent a lot of time just talking and getting to know one another |
Chapter seven
Jenny and I were spending each afternoon together and
learning more about each other every day.
You think you know someone but just dating doesn’t reveal
the little differences that only become evident after marriage.
By the end of two weeks we had explored most of the avenues
of personality traits. I found there was nothing in her that I couldn’t put up
with and that was after scrutinizing her severely.
She said she wanted my Ma to go with her to pick out a
wedding dress. They left early in the morning and took the train to the big
city and didn’t get home till late.
They said they looked at every dress in town. They were
gushing over the dress they found and she said she couldn’t wait till I saw her
in it. George and I just looked at one another and he said; “That must be a
woman thing.”
I said, “I guess George and I will have to go shopping for
my wedding suit.”
The women just laughed and said, ‘You can wear just any old
thing for no one is going to be looking at you any way.”
George said, “Supper is on the stove, Randle and I have
already eaten.”
Jenny said, “I’m so excited I couldn’t eat a bite,” and ma
echoed that.
George sounded a little disappointed for he had cooked most
of the meal.
The women sensed that he was hurt and said; “We had better
eat so as to keep our strength up,” and they filled their plates up.
Everyone who cooks gets a good feeling when people enjoy
their food and complement them on their culinary skills and George was no
The next day Jenny was to return home and get on with our
wedding plans. So far we hadn’t set the date other than knowing it wouldn’t be
long from now. I would be following her in two more weeks when I finished my
This last year has proven to be very profitable for me. We have studied diseases and how they can
affect people. I also spent time with a vet and watched him treat the animals
in his practice.
He gave me a list of periodicals that would help me keep up
with the latest treatments for animals. Since
I was going to be in the cattle business I felt this knowledge would be a plus
for me.
Jenny and I said goodnight to my Ma and George. Soon after they went to bed it was apparent
that they were engaged in a marriage ritual most married enjoy.
I had gone to Jenny’s room for I wouldn’t see her for two
weeks which seemed to be an eternity at this stage of our relationship. She
removed her clothes and put on her night wear right in front of me. She crawled
into bed and said, “Why don’t you join me.” I stripped down to my underwear and did as she
had asked.
Holding her with the action going from my ma’s room was not
an easy task to refrain from going further. We dropped off to sleep and it was
morning when I woke up. I jumped out of bed and dressed quickly.
A short time later I was having breakfast and George spoke
up and asked; “Did you sleep well last night?”
Ma was giggling and had to put her hand over her mouth to
keep from busting out laughing.
I turned completely red and realized Ma had seen me in bed
with Jenny.
I felt my appetite leave and a dense feeling in my stomach. I
knew it would be useless to try to deny that anything happened, that we only
snuggled together so I didn’t bother.
When Jenny came to breakfast Ma said, “Did you have a nice
night?” To which Jenny replied; “Not near as nice as from what I heard in the
next room.”
Then it was Ma’s turn to turn red. She smiled and said; “Now
you hush child.”
I took Jenny to the station and she said something that made
me feel good. “It was nice having you in bed with me all night.”
That threw me off guard for a moment and all I could think to
say was; “I enjoyed it too and soon it will be every night.”
She smiled and said; “Yes every night.”
As the train pulled out I felt a sadness I hadn’t felt
before, part of me had left and I wouldn’t be relieved until we are together
Little did I know this would be the last time I would see
her alive.
The next two weeks were intense and the finals were going to
reflect what I had learned doing my school years. I was pleasantly surprised
that I was near the top of my classes.
Immediately I thought I’m smarter than I thought or my
classmates aren’t as smart as I thought they were.
I decided to accept the former was true because it made me
happier. I was to leave tomorrow and it was going to be harder than I thought.
Leaving my ma and the man who was truly my father wasn’t easy. We went out to
dinner to celebrate my emancipation from the hickory stick as the song goes.
The train had an early departure time the next day so I went
to the station by myself. I had said my goodbye’s the night before so I didn’t wake
the house up. I had something weighing on my mind and would deal with it at the
proper time.
The trip home to the ranch was pretty much uneventful there was a couple sailors bothering some
young ladies until the conductor told them he would stop the train and put them
off out on the prairie. That took care of that matter. I noticed that the young
women would slip a peek at the sailors ever so often which led me to believe
they weren’t as offended as they made out.
In what they call the club car there were a trio of men
playing cards and they got into a fracas which led to a few punches thrown.
Then there was a drunk who threw up not too far from where I
was sitting. Even after it was cleaned up you could still smell it. The meals
that were served in the dining car were a bit sparse for me. I felt like
ordering another meal after I finished the first one. It wasn’t the best place for a cowboy to eat.
There was another little spat going on, apparently one woman
insulted the other by saying something uncomplimentary about her hat. After a
few more words and both being in a huff they turned away and didn’t speak to
each other again.
After an all day and night the train was pulling into the
station and I was glad to be almost home.
To Be Continued