My New Fictional Story is all here - - it is NOT continued.
We Rode the Mule to School |
“C'mon Wiley! You gonna have
to walk if you don't hurry.”
“Don't be that way, Lonesome.
Sometimes you just gotta have an extra minute to get ready cause the stuff
inside wants to come outside.”
“Well Wiley, you better not
smell too good or you gonna be walking.”
We were young boys going to
school. It was just passed dark in the morning but light enough for the mule to
see where he was going. We lived a half hour from school as the mule walked.
Our pappy said as long as we just walked him the two of us could use him for
transportation but if we loped him and tired him out we would have to walk from
then on. A tired mule wouldn't be fit to work in the afternoon so just walk him
said our pappy.
We always obeyed our pappy
cause he didn't put up with any disobeying. No supper and a switch across the
back was the reward for not doing pappy's will.
We had a forty acre patch
where our livelihood came from and it took all of pappy's smarts for us to make
it. The school was just a half day and then everybody went home to work on their
home place.
Lonesome was almost a year
older than me so he always got the better older son treatment. I was just as
big as he was, but he could still whip me. The last time we got into a squabble
I come near to getting the best of him but in the end he beat me. I think I
will win the next time cause my muscles are growing and I'm getting more
experience from scrapping with the other boys at school.
I liked school very much for
it was a lot easier than working on the farm. A half day was all the farmers
could spare cause the kids had to earn their keep. Another reason was the
school master said it was all he could take. The boys were so raucous that he
said after a half day he was ready to start breaking heads. Another reason was
he had his own place to tend to.
Of course I had a ma but she
wasn't around anymore. She left as soon as I was off the tit. She took off with
a peddler when he came by one day and hasn't been heard from since.
Our grandma stayed with us
till we boys were old enough to care for ourselves then she returned to her
home. Pa didn't want to talk about our ma but I was told by a woman who knew
her that our pappy pawed her too much. I never did understand what pawed meant
but figured it wasn't pleasant.
One of fun things to do was
to climb trees. Lonesome and I did that a lot until I fell and broke my arm.
This made Pappy mad enough to ban us from climbing anymore.
I was severely hindered from
doing my chores with just one arm. I could still pitch horseshoes though not as
well as before. I couldn't fight as good either. I started using one hand and
two feet instead of two hands and it seemed to work better as I got used to
doing it.
I survived to twelve years
old, Lonesome being thirteen. We started going to the monthly dances and I did
more watching than dancing. I could knock a step as well as any other boys or
men but I just liked to watch the older guys try to get fresh with their
The girls would leave the
guys standing in the middle of the floor much of the time. Some of them would
do a buck dance to lessen their embarrassment.
There was one girl that no
one would dance with except her father and once in a while a cousin who was
forced to by their pa. This went on dance after dance. I asked Lonesome why that
was. Is she ugly?
He said well she is a little
hard to look at and I'm sure not going to ask her out on the floor. He said I wouldn't do that even if no one else
was there.
Over the next two years I
kept looking across the room and the more I looked at her the more I got used
to her.
I was getting some punch at
the dance and made the mistake of drinking some of the grownup men's drink. Shortly
I was feeling all warm and happy. The next thing I knew I walked right over to
the girl I had been looking at for all this time and asked her if she wanted to
dance with me. She looked flustered at first but then said; "I would be pleased."
We stepped out on the floor
and I begin to knock my best step and she kept right up with me. It was then I
realized what I had done and was doing. The next thing I saw was everyone else
had stopped dancing and most had left the floor with the rest just looking at
me. I was feeling pretty good so I just kept on dancing and enjoying myself. We
danced to several tunes till I was almost out of breath.
She saw I was tired and said “I
think we need some punch don't you?”
I gladly said that would be
nice. We got our drink (the young folk stuff) and I sat with her while we drunk
As the good feeling began to
wear off and I was sitting with Annie I began to feel uneasy. Everybody was
staring at us sitting together so I said let's dance. Anything had to be better
than sitting with her and people staring.
That dance was the final
dance so I said goodbye when it ended and told her that I enjoyed dancing with
On the way home Pappy and
Lonesome were very quiet. Just before we got home Lonesome said, “What in the
world possessed you?”
I answered, “What do you mean
possessed me?”
He said you know what I'm
talking about. All the fellows are talking about you and are also funning me.
I knew it would be useless to
try to defend myself so I asked him; "Is she ugly?"
Both he and Pappy burst out
laughing and said, “She is a little hard to look at,” and continued to laugh.
The next few days were
uncomfortable for every where I went someone would say something ugly. I had a number of fights and won every one of
them. Seemed like I was hot under the
collar and had some extra mad in me. Seemed
like I whipped half of the town but whatever, it wasn't as funny when you just
got the tar whipped out of you so everyone shut up and had no more to say.
I didn't come out of all the
fights unscathed but the time the next dance came around my lips were healed
and my eyes were no longer blackened.
Pappy yelled at me and said,
“What is that racket all about?”
I came down to where pappy
was and said, “I was practicing knocking a step as I walked around.”
At the next dance I was all
stirred up and ready to hit the floor till I looked across the room and saw
Seemed like everyone was
watching me to see if I had enough nerve to again, ask her out on the dance floor.
A couple of the more popular girls asked
me to dance which was unusual.
I had a drink of the hard
stuff for I felt I needed it. I was just beginning to feel the effects of it so
I agreed to dance with them. By the time I was finished with the second dance I
was feeling good.
With everyone's eyes on me I
went straight to Annie and said, “Let's dance.”
She bounded to her feet and
we were on the floor dancing up a storm in a moment.
The one thing everybody agreed
on was she could out dance all the other girls. It was then more guys wanted to
dance with her but she would only dance with me.
The one thing I failed to
mention was Annie's father was the richest farmer in the county. He began to
look on me favorably because I had looked beyond Annie's looks and treated her
with respect. I had never given that any thought about him being rich when I
asked her to dance.
I endured people making fun
of me and even though I knew people were laughing behind my back (they had
stopped laughing to my face because of the whipping they would get, man or boy)
Annie and I had become best friends.
We were seventeen when she
told me her father was sending her to a finishing school back East for a year.
I knew her so well now I
could tease her so I said, “You think a year will be long enough?”
She jumped on me and began to
whale on me laughing all the while. She stopped hitting me and began hugging
me. We had never shown this kind of affection.
It was then I realized she
was a woman of passion. How could I have missed that for we were closer for the
last two years? She was just my buddy
not this passionate female.
Then she kissed me and said,
“I'm going to miss you and want to marry you when I get back.”
I pushed her off of me and
said; "Whoa."
That one word changed the
whole atmosphere. I could see she was hurt and I would never hurt her.
I got my breath back and
said; "I'm sorry that caught me by surprise. I've never thought of us being married.”
Everything I said just made
things worse. She jumped up and ran to her house slamming the door as she went
through it.
I thought; "Now you’ve
done it." Everything was so good as things were.
I didn't share much with
Lonesome but I had to talk to him concerning this. After giving him the details
he told me, "She is like every other woman. Let her cool off a day or two
and then go over and tell her how you feel about the whole thing. She will have
rehearsed the whole thing over and over and will understand why you reacted
like you did.”
That sounded like the right
thing to do so two days later I went to see her. When she let me in neither of
us said anything until I took her in my arms and kissed her on her forehead.
just held her for several minutes and then looked at her face. A face so many
had laughed at and I said when you come back home we will sort out how we feel
and then if we want to, we will marry. It
will be what we both want but regardless of what we decide you will always be
my best friend.
Tears welled up in our eyes
and I continued to hold her until her mother called her to do a chore.
She was busy the next couple
of days packing and getting ready to leave. I saw her off and kissed her like
we were lovers. That surprised her but she kissed me right back. She playfully
winked at me and said, “I'll see you when I get back and pick up where we left
off.” Then she got on the train and was gone.
While she was at school my
father married a widow woman with some property. I don't know if he was
divorced from my ma and he didn't either. I guess he figured that running off
with the peddler was the same as getting a divorce.
Anyhow he got married and
moved to her house in town. He gave the home place to Lonesome which meant I
was out.
I started looking for work
and when Annie's father heard what happened and he hired me to help run his
plantation. I had a place to stay and was making money but kept wondering how
this would affect Annie and me.
Her father never mentioned
anything about us getting married nor her mother either for that matter. I soon
found out that running a large farm was a lot different from our forty acre
This learning process kept me
busy and I only thought about Annie late at night. I wasn't sure how I felt
about her but would always think how nice it would be to have her in bed next
to me.
Since I had got my job on the
plantation several girls became interested in me. They could see a future with
me wouldn't be so bad. I went with different ones just to break the monotony of
being alone but none were of any interest to me.
I had to settle the Annie
thing before looking for greener pastures. Her mother went to see her and spent
a week with her. When she got back she said I wouldn't recognize her for she
had changed so much. I thought, “How could she change she'll still be Annie?”
I had one issue I had to deal
with that was upsetting. A girl I took out once claimed I was the father of the
child she was expecting. She knew it wasn't true for I hadn't messed around
with her. All I did was we went to the picture show and then straight home.
When I told her if she kept
telling everyone I was the father I would be fired and I couldn't support her
and her baby. That didn't set too well with her so she went searching for a
more prosperous future husband.
Actually Annie's father said
he didn't believe what she said but he would stand behind me in any case.
The big day finally came when
Annie arrived home. I was busy working and didn't see her until dinner time. I
met her in the ante-room and could hardly recognize her. She had really
changed. She was really good looking now.
Since no one was looking I hugged her
and kissed her right on the mouth. She kissed me back with a kiss I didn't
recognize. I wondered where she learned to kiss like that. Anyhow I liked it
and thought I could learn how to do it properly in short order.
There was no mistake about
it, Annie had changed. Her looks, the way she talked, her manners and the way
she walked.
I thought, “They sure finished
her nicely,” and I wondered if I could handle all the changes.
I had decided to marry the
old Annie but now I had to make a decision about this new Annie.
Then there was her feelings
on the same subject; “Is she still in love with me?”
I concluded I would soon find
out for it wouldn't take too long to settle on how we felt about each other. It
was then I realized I had changed a lot also. I wasn't the same guy when she
While Annie was out West, I had picked up many of the
habits and traits of her folks and the well off people we did business with.
We were right in the middle
of harvest time so I was tied up which limited my time with Annie but she had a
lot of company who wanted to see what the West was like. We aren't very far west
but when you live on the East coast where we are seems like the West to them.
I noticed there were several
fellows visiting and acting very friendly. Annie's future money had a lot of
appeal to guys who have never been employed and wanted to continue that life
style. I could tell they were laying it on thick when they could get her in a
corner but she would look at me and wink letting me know they weren’t getting
anywhere with her.
The harvest was finished. The
hay was stacked and baled. The tobacco was in the barn drying out. And the hogs
were killed and the meat put down in salt. Sausage was ground and put in sacks
and soon the hams would be trimmed and smoked. The Eastern crowd had pretty
well given up on Annie and finally I had time to be with her.
All of a sudden some of the
locals had taken up an interest in Annie but I sent then on their way. At one
time or the other I had whipped them all and I let them know I would do it
again if they came around bothering Annie.
I had made up my mind
concerning Annie but didn't want to commit to her unless she felt the same way.
I would never get over the embarrassment of being rejected and that thought
kept me from proposing to her as of yet. I went to a jeweler and bought a ring
and he said if she didn't accept me I could always give it to someone else.
That didn't set too well with
me so I told him to engrave Annie's name on the inside for that ring was for
her and no one else.
He said, “Okay I was just
Trying to find a place to be
alone on the home place wasn't easy. Because of her family visiting, having
parties, outside visitors and then the hired help.
I took her by the hand and
led her out of the house. She asked where we were going and I said to the smoke
house. I knew we wouldn't be disturbed in there. Once inside I lit a lamp and
said to her; "Have you made up your mind yet?"
She answered, “Have you?”
I said, “Yes but I want to
know how you feel first.”
She said, “No you go first.”
I was close to her so I
pulled her closer and kissed her for a long time. I slipped the ring on her
finger while kissing her. She tried to pull away enough to see what I put on
her finger. Once free from me she held her hand all the way out and looked at
her ring and said, “Yes; I will marry you."
I didn't know what else to
say so I said, “Good.”
She said, “Let's go tell Papa.”
I said, “Don't you think we
should wait a while.”
She said, “We have waited
long enough let's go now.”
We found her mother and
father in the kitchen having a snack. Before I had a chance to speak she said,
“Papa, Wiley asked me to marry him and I said yes.”
Her mother hugged her and
started to cry. Her father said, “It's about time. I was about ready to tell
you to get on with it. I spent a lot of money getting her all prettied up for
you and I expected you to do your part.”
He said, “As soon as you two
are married I'm giving you a half interest in the place and I expect you to
earn it.”
He continued, “Have you two
been in the smoke house? I hope getting
engaged was all you were doing.” I
assured him it was.
The years have passed and I
have become very well off financially. I have a family of my own with a wife,
kids, and oh yes some dogs. I think from time to time about staring across the
dance floor at the girl no one would dance with.
It was by accident I drank
the hard licker but it was the best mistake I ever made. I also remember asking
the question; "Is she ugly?"
Today I would say, “She's the
most beautiful woman who ever lived."