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Sweet Jeanie Ann |
Today when
we got home Abby announced she was with child for the second time. I said , "I haven’t got used to Daniel yet and we
are going to have another one?" She said, “Yep we sure are.”
I replied, “If
we keep this up we are going to have to build a bigger house.”
A couple of
months passed without any more upsetting things happening until Jeanie Ann,
Abner’s oldest girl who was fourteen years old went to a dance and box supper
where she was molested by an older man. We
set out looking for him but had no result finding him.
Days went by
and everyone had to get back to their business so the hunt stopped.
Jeanie Ann
came to stay with us for she wanted to be near to Abby.
I had to go out to the
storage room to get some more covers because winter was coming on and as I was
leaving I saw the army singletree I had used on the men that beat Howie and Ada . It looked different
for some reason and then I realized that it had been cleaned. The last time I
saw it there was a thick layer of dust on it. But now it was completely free
from any sign of dirt.
All of a sudden I got the picture of what had happened
to the man that molested little Jeanie Ann and the reason we never could find
I knew it
wasn’t me that had used the singletree and washed it. It had to be someone who
knew what I did and what I done with it. As far as I knew there was only one
person other than Abby who knew the whole story of the singletree which caused
me to stop thinking about what might have happened. I don’t know for sure what
occurred and I don’t want to know.
The one
thing that came to mind was the fence rows had been cut off on the farming part
of the home place. This was necessary because of the shade they provided would
prevent any crops from growing there.
About every
five years this had to be done and the brush had to be burned. The fires were
extremely hot from burning the small trees that were cut down. We burned any
dead animals in those fires that happened to die around that time. If the
molester happed to fall into the fire no one would ever find or hear from him
Jeanie Ann
was still staying at my house for she felt like Abby was her older sister. They
would chat away about girl stuff and she was spoiling Daniel. She either held
him or played with him and he loved it. The baby in Abby’s stomach was
beginning to move quite a bit and Jeanie Ann liked to feel it moving.
Her mother
would come over every so often to see if she was ready to come home but so far
she always said, “Not yet.”
Up until the
time I decided the culprit had been dealt with, I was too busy to stop and
think about what had happened and the after problems. However for the last four
weeks I had been getting more and more upset about the whole issue.
I wanted to
do something to even the playing field somehow, but with him dead what more
could I do. The circuit judge had been a friend of my Pa for many years. He
also knew Abner and Jeanie Ann. After giving it some thought I went to see the
Judge and said we were suing the molester in absentia.
Since there
was no evidence the culprit wasn’t still alive the judge agreed to hear the
He said for me to bring the papers to him and he would rule on the case. I told him I
just happen to have the papers with me and gave them to him.
He looked them
over and ruled in favor of Jeanie Ann after I told him there were no other
members of his family that could contest the matter. He ruled that all properties
including bank accounts were now the property of Jeanie Ann. He said the county
clerk was away because of a death in the family and he was filling in for him.
He said if I
would go down to the clerk’s office with him he would sign everything over to
Jeanie Ann. The whole transaction had taken less than two hours. The judge said
we couldn’t undo what has been done but he hoped what we did would help her in
the future.
Jeanie Ann
was now the owner of a thousand acre ranch with over twelve hundred head of
cattle half of which was ready for the market. She had a bank account of
15,000.00 dollars. Actually none of which meant much to her at her young age
for she had everything she ever wanted up till now.
I took all
the deeds, bank books and paper work to my Pa’s and Abner and explained what I
had done and told them it was up to them to set the ranch in order for I had
done my part.
It took me
two hours for me to convince them what I was telling them was real. Eventually
they believed me and said tomorrow they would go over to the ranch and check
out the ranch hands, the foreman and the rest of the people working there. They
wanted to make sure no one had designs on stealing anything on the ranch.
decided to move onto the ranch for there was too much at stake to trust it to
the foreman. As soon as the hands heard Abner was moving in some quit and left
the country for they knew Abner was all business. Abner suspected they had already stolen a few
head and they were afraid he would find out.
After a couple
of months Lilly, Jeanie Ann’s mother wanted her to return home. Jeanie Ann said
she was going to stay until Abby had her baby and a few months after to help
her. Lilly didn’t argue but she was missing her first born.
She realized what
her daughter had gone through and being with Abby was the best thing for her at the