I am posting the last two chapters of my story "The Deli."
I hope you have enjoyed my stories.
When inspiration hits me again, I will write a new story.
Getting to Know You ! |
For some
reason neither one of them could go to sleep. Around two o’clock she called him
up and said, “I guess I’ll marry you.”
He asked, “What
made up your mind at this hour?”
She said, “I
needed to get some sleep and this seemed the only way to get it,” and she hung
He thought, “I sure like it when a deal is done.”
The thing
was, neither one of them could go to sleep till around five and he was late
getting into work.
Linda didn’t
have regular office hours so she slept in.
He wasn’t
all there but made it through the day, only after calling her three times. He told
her, they could go out after work and have a small celebration.
He wanted to
see the ring on her finger for then he would know it wasn’t a dream.
He told her,
“I hope you are very passionate for I believe that I am and I want to enjoy our
She said, “You
know we haven’t set a date for our nuptials.”
He said, “The
sooner the better but we need to spend a little time together before we are
“What do you
mean together before we are together?”
“I mean like
dating every night until you walk down the aisle.”
She said, “I
hope that is all you mean for until…”
He said, “I
know and I didn’t mean… I‘ll say it again I want to enjoy being with you and
going out with you and kissing you…”
She said,
“Okay I get it, how is September the 12th for you?”
“You mean
get married on that day?”
“Yes that is
what I mean.”
“That is
only six weeks from now.”
“Does that
give you enough time to get ready?”
“Yes,” he
said, “It is okay with me but I want to have a month off for our honeymoon so I
have to talk to my boss about that.”
She laughed
and said, “You’re taking this serious aren’t you?”
“You betcha,”
he said.
When he
asked for the time off his boss said, “You can take maybe three days and with
the weekend that will give you five days. That should give you enough time to
get done what you need to get done.”
That didn’t
set too good with Len in fact it was crude bordering on being indecent. He
didn’t want to have anyone use those terms when referencing to his future wife.
He went into
his office and typed out his resignation and said he would finish the work he
was involved in except his future wife’s company for they had not signed a
contract as of yet.
His boss
read over his resignation and said, “I sure messed that up didn’t I” Perhaps I
can talk him into staying.”
Len wouldn’t
discuss that issue with his boss though they had been friends up until now. After three weeks Len told his employer he has
finished everything and he might as well take his leave now.
His boss
agreed and told him that he hated losing him but still didn’t feel he owed Len
an apology.
Len said I
will be ready to be escorted out of the building in a half hour if that is
alright with you. Please send my final
paycheck to my bank as usual if you please.
Len didn’t plan on trying to get customers
away from his old company but knew there would be a following when they found
out he was starting his own business. He figured he had one client (His wife)
already but since it was in the family he wouldn’t be getting paid for his
Since he was
going to be on his own he knew of several directions he could pursue and they
would all be profitable.
He enjoyed
the next few weeks setting up his offices and spending time with the love of
his life. The more he was with her the more he fell in love with her.
All of his
family was taken by her, her good nature as well as her good looks.
I must say
her family was a little slower coming around to accepting Len. They couldn’t
see how she could possibly love him after so short of a time.
In their
family engagements usually ran for years before the wedding took place, and
were always of the same social strata.
The day of
the wedding was at hand and was to be very formal. Len hadn’t wanted Linda to wear a veil but the
family insisted it was tradition.
Len gave in
on this issue even though he preferred everyone to see how beautiful she was as
she walked down the aisle. He wanted to see her lovely face framed by her
reddish black hair.
As the
minister started the ceremony both Len and Linda were about to cry for some
reason. Len decided to say something to her to break up the emotion they both
He whispered,
“How old are you?”
she answered, “I just turned forty.”
For the rest
of the ceremony they were grinning at each other.
He thought she
couldn’t be forty… could she?
As they walked
out of the room where the ceremony took place he asked again “You aren’t forty
are you?”
She said, “Let’s
just say I’m a well preserved forty.”
As they cut
the cake he said, “I don’t know if I can afford enough candles for your next
She smiled
rather big and said, “How about twenty could you afford that many?”
With a sigh of relief he said, “I could manage
that… you’re not kidding me are you?”
She smiled
and said, “I can’t remember. Let’s just say you aren’t robbing the cradle.”
When he got
the chance he asked her father if he knew what year Linda was born and he said
he wasn’t sure, go ask her mother she remembers those kinds of things.
When he got
the opportunity he asked her mom and she asked why do you want to know? He
mumbled something he needed to know if someone asked for legal purposes’. Her mom answered, “She was born October 16th
and was 19 on her last birthday.”
He thanked
her for the information and started to look for his bride. Those words sounded
strange to hear, his bride.
This was the
third adventure in his life, the time growing up in the deli, the job he just
quit and now starting his own business. And oh yes, being a husband to the girl
I could only dream about.
He thought
once men realized she was married they would start hitting on her for there is
something about a young married that turns some guys on and they feel they have
a responsibility to show the girl what a real man is like.
He thought I
had better start working out again for I won’t put up with that kind of
Everyone who
we come in contact with better realize she is all mine and there isn’t anything
left over for anyone else.
We slipped
out and caught our plane to our beach hideaway and the first night was a little
awkward but after that everything was fine.
We decided
to spend the whole four weeks on the island and never got tired of each other.
I felt this would let us know what things about each other that irritated us if
there was nothing we had to overcome or ignore. It was hard coming back to
civilization and having to go back to work for I wanted to spend all my time
with Linda. We wanted a family but not until the business was up and running
and Linda’s company was doing well again.
The time has
passed and it is three years later. Linda has just told me we are going to be
parents in a few months.
I hope that
will shut my mother up for all I can hear from her is “When am I going to get
some grand babies.”
Well she is
about to get some from my side of the family. This brings us up to the present
and I am anxiously waiting for the future to play out.
As for the
present let me say; “I am one happy man.”