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Winning Respect |
the punching bag
It was time for James to start his training at the military
school Billy had attended.
Billy debated as to whether he should clue him in on what it
was going to be like. He figured he should at least let him know what he could
expect from the upper classmen.
Billy told him he could expect to be roughed up for that was
the way it went until you put a stop to it some way. In Billy’s case Jim taught him how to fight
dirty like the older classmen did and after him trouncing a couple of them
pretty good they left him alone.
James said, he would like to just shoot a couple of the
thugs and it would be the end of it.
Billy had to straighten him out on that subject explaining
it was different in the city and he would be put in the prison should he shoot
With that in mind James wasn’t too anxious to go to school
but Sarah insisted on him going.
Since he was no longer going to be under Rene’s tutoring and
she knew what he was going to face largely in part because the way he talked.
She realized he was going to be ridiculed because he drawled
when speaking. No one here ever thought anything about it for everybody spoke
the same way on the ranch, but in New England
things were going to be different.
In the months before he was to leave she spent time with
James getting him familiar with the accents of the area he was going to live
He thought it was a bunch of foolishness but once he arrived
at school he understood why she went to all that trouble.
After he was situated he fell back on her help in phrasing
words as near as he could in the way people spoke in his new surroundings.
Boys who were from the south or west had a more difficult
time adjusting.
Naturally he had to give up his guns and knives so he was on
his own so to speak.
Before he left Jim had made him something like a pair of
brass knuckles. He made them to fit his hands and told him to only use them in
a case where he was being beaten very badly.
For instance if you’re having to fight more than one other
fighter. Jim had toughen James up and
taught him how to defend himself. He was a lot better prepared than Billy had
meets Alf
James was bunking with a boy from Boston named Alf. He was a slight build, thin and on the weakly
side. James thought he wouldn’t be much
help in a fight.
As it turned out the boy’s father was a ship’s captain and
on one of his trips he brought an oriental man back from Japan . This man was supposed to be a house boy but he
had been trained in several fight disciplines.
Over the first six months Alf had been put upon by several
upper classmates and had defeated each of them. The last day of school a half
dozen of the seniors attacked Alf and James.
James slipped his hand into his knucks in his pocket and
with each blow he put a guy away with a broken rib or worse.
When they left for home James said he was looking forward to
next year and hoped Alf would be his roommate next year. Alf said he didn’t
know how it would work out for he was going to take summer classes and try to
skip a grade. He showed James his books
for the summer and said James could buy them from the book store if he wanted
to do as he was going to do.
James thought he had other plans for the next six months but
the more he thought about it he decided it wouldn’t hurt to go ahead and buy
the text books.
moves in with Billy and Mamie
Rene’e was glad to see James and after he greeted everyone
she checked his grades and was proud of his accomplishments. He showed her the books he bought and she said
she would help him with his studies and he could be tested to skip the next
During the school year Slim, the foreman on Billy’s ranch
had begun courting Rene’e and soon they were married.
Billy liked Slim and built them a house near where the ranch
house was. James thought that was a good move for Slim for he needed a wife.
Slim wasn’t as near educated as she was but that didn’t seem to make any
difference to them.
James decided to move in with Billy so he could study with
Rene’e when they had time together.
He said it felt good to have his guns on and a knife in a
scabbard on his hip. After a few practices he could draw and shoot as good as
ever. He was surprised at how rusty you get after not wearing them during the
school term.
During the summer, James worked on Billy’s ranch for the
most part but helped out on his dad, Les’s place when necessary.
goes courting
While at school James met several girls at the school
dances. None of them perked his interest
and he was wanting to see Betsy. They had kept in touch by mail while he was
When he first saw her he kissed her in a way that
embarrassed her mother. Usually they would hide from her mother when kissing
but this time he didn’t care who saw them. Betsy was surprised at his boldness
but kissed him right back.
He told her to come on and go for a ride with him and she
was all for it. Her mother pulled her aside and told her; “Now listen to me.
This boy is about grown up and he might want you to do things you shouldn’t do.
I don’t want you to get all het up and carried away you hear me.”
Betsy smiled and said; “I’ll try not get too het up Maw.”
For some reason that didn’t reassure her mother very much.
They rode out to one of their favorite spots and spent some
time telling each other how glad they were to be together again.
She said, “Now listen; ma told me not to let you get too
familiar with me so I told her I wouldn’t.”
James laughed at that and said, “You might have to lie to
your ma if she asks what I done.”
Betsy said; “James you got to behave or I will have to be
walking home.”
He said, “I’m just kidding you for I always behave myself
besides you ain’t a woman yet.”
She jumped on him and they wrestled around in the dirt till
both were dirty.
James said, “How you are going to explain this to your ma.
You’re covered with dirt.”
She said, “I’m going to let you explain it and it better be
good for pa has a shot gun all loaded up.”
He said, “I’m not quite ready for the shotgun but I’m going
to skip a grade and the next year will be my last and then no shotgun will be
Betsy smiled at that and said; “Do you want to marry me?”
He said, “Yes as soon as we are ready.”
She said, “Then we better tell ma for she is going to worry
herself to death thinking what she is thinking.”
James said, “Now what would that be?”
She said; “You know that you are having familiar fun with me
with no intentions.”
He said, “I have intentions and familiar fun is going to be
a part of it, you can tell her that.”
She came back and said, “You need to keep it simple. Just
tell her our plans and our time table. That will take all the worry from her
for she believes you are honest and will always tell the truth.”