My Continued Story "The Fourth Man: resumes
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Four close by farms were purchased to make our spread bigger ! |
is better
I had made Jim my foreman some time ago for he was a top
hand and could be trusted beyond a shadow of a doubt. He said wasn’t interested in getting married
although I had offered to build him a small house if he did.
I had him go out and talk to some small ranchers he knew and
offer to buy their spread if they wanted to sell. Their places were too small
to make a decent living on and with no room to expand. As it turned out he was
able to buy up four spreads right off. One was good for hay so I hired a dirt
farmer to raise hay on it. One of the ranches had a good harvester and baler
even though they were horse powered.
There were three hundred head of cattle on the three ranches
which enlarged my herds so I now could sell off a couple hundred or more each
We were glad to get back home after our honeymoon and Chen welcomed us back with his cheery smile and said, “New
boss enjoy cleaning lady wife?”
Sarah laughed and said, “Yes new boss enjoyed new wife very
Billy started crying and hugging his mom for some time and
Missy was much the same. They finally came to me and hugged me the same way.
Billy said, “I miss cleaning lady mom very much.”
I looked at Sarah and said, “I told you he would be talking
like Chen by the time we got back.”
She said, “He will have to cut that out.”
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Chen find nice wife from China |
I saw something or someone new in the kitchen. I asked Chen who that was and he said, ‘New
boss got new wife, Chen need new wife. Just
come from China .”
He went on, “Too many men to cook for so got new wife to
Come to find out he had been with her a lot in town and
married her Chinese style. She had worked for some people in town and learned
some English from them. She actually
spoke English better than Chen.
After thinking it over I concluded it would be better to
leave things as they were than to fire him and have to hire two cooks to
replace them.
Besides I was used to Chen and liked him.
Another thing happened after getting married and that was I
put my past behind me. I had done things
that were evil but that was over in so far as I was able to put it behind.
I had taken on a far gentler tone in my voice than before.
Sarah never asked me to change; what happened was the result of being with her
and the children.
I want Jim’s job
Two months later one of the hands Jim had hired came to me
and said, “I want Jim’s job and be top foreman.”
I asked, “What makes you think I would give you his job?”
He said, “I knew your wife’s old husband and I know some
things about her that he told me. Besides
you don’t want the kids to know what their father was all about and how you
treated him.”
This was a bit of a shock and because it was about my family
and I knew I had to deal with it. I
wasn’t about to give him Jim’s job but I had to get him to keep his mouth shut.
I told him to meet me in the barn in an hour while I thought
it over. After an hour I motioned for Jim to meet me at the barn and said for
him to wait outside where he could hear.
I went in and told the man I couldn’t do what he wanted for
there was nothing to keep him from coming back for more and more.
He started to threaten me as Jim walked in. He became nervous and started to stutter as I
asked him who had he told this story to.
He said, ‘No one… not yet.”
I said, “Tell Jim what you told me and that you wanted me to
fire him and give you his job… tell him.”
The man was trembling and said he didn’t mean it he was just
“You know you have to convince Jim you didn’t mean it for he
likes his job and doesn’t take kindly to anyone who would take it from him.”
I said to Jim, “I’m going to let you deal with this issue
for you have a vested interest in the matter. Just remember he must not be able to spread
his venom around so do whatever it takes to control that.”
I left them alone to settle this and listened outside the
Jim said, “So, you thought you could get my job and make
them pay some hush money for the rest of your life. Like a blood sucker take a little at a time so
the victim lives to be controlled by you.”
I heard a sickening thud and then a few more punches thrown
after which there was nothing but silence except for a couple of hens singing.
I saw Jim put the man on a horse and point him toward town.
I told Sarah I was
going to town and pick up our new buggy which had come in.
When I got to town I went to the blacksmith’s where the buggy was and told him to harness up the team and I would be back shortly.
I made the rounds of the saloons and finally
saw who I was looking for; the man who wanted Jim’s job.
As I entered the saloon a smallish fellow rushed the man I
was looking for and knifed him.
He stabbed him repeatedly and the man collapsed on the floor.
I didn’t find out what the argument was all about but some people just rub folks the wrong way.
He stabbed him repeatedly and the man collapsed on the floor.
I didn’t find out what the argument was all about but some people just rub folks the wrong way.
The bartender took the dead man by the collar and pulled him
outside where there was a huge fire going. He put a rope around his neck and
dragged him into the raging fire and watched him burn. An hour later there was
nothing left but ashes.
I realized that this episode was over and I could rest in
the knowledge that someone else did what I set out to do.
Sarah’s ex-husband had played his last hand and lost badly.
He had armed the cowboy with information that he would have been better off not
No one should try to mess with my family and they do it at
their own peril.
When I arrived back home, I filled Jim in on what happened
in town and that the man wouldn’t be a problem anymore.
He said, “Good for I’m not in the killing mood right now. That was the reason I let him go with just a
I had picked up our new buggy and it smoothed out the bumps
the road with its soft springs.
When I brought it home both kids wanted to sit in it until
supper was on the table.
To be continued