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Two Outfits to wear, one each day! courtesy photobucket.com |
It was early in the morning when Lo Mei woke Cheri and told her to quickly bathe and put on her clean clothes.
After her bath she was told
to wash her dirty clothes and dry them for tomorrow. Cheri couldn’t believe that people washed so
often. She seldom had taken a full bath;
she only did what you might call a sponge bath.
She knew there was the
absence of the smell of the docks in this home and it was different, even
None of the smell of rotting
fish, and other offensive smells she was used to.
She went to the kitchen and
the cook looked her up and down with a scowl on her face and told her this was
her domain and for her to respect it as so.
Cheri politely agreed to do
as she wished, at the same time she wondered if the cook’s scowl was
permanently fixed of her face or was something she reserved for people she
looked down upon.
Lo Mei came in and explained
who Cheri was and how she was to be respected and treated.
After that the house-cook,
Jia softened her tone toward Cheri.
It was going to be a couple
of hours before Martha would begin to get up so after breakfast Lo Mei began to
show Cheri the house and explain what each room was used for.
Lo Mei then told Cheri to
spend time in each room acquainting her self with the furnishings and décor
after which she was to ask what everything was for and why it was there.
After breakfast Cheri was to
be presented to Martha and Lord Malborne.
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Courtesy photobucket |
Martha called her over and
asked her some questions that would test her intellect and her grasp of the
English language.
She dismissed her and gave
her evaluation of Cheri to Lo Mei.
She then gave Lo Mei a list
of things that needed to be worked on.
She said for a while she must
be tutored by the man that taught you to fit in our society. She must be able to move among us without
being noticed.
Her one flaw is; she is much
too pretty and doesn’t look like a full bloodied Chinese.
Lo Mei said her mother earned
some extra money when they were starving by being friendly with a ships captain
which might explain it.
“Then she is Eurasian and not
full Chinese?”
Lo Mei said, “That is
Martha said, “No matter she
will either work out or it will be back to the docks for her.”
Later in the afternoon she
summoned Cheri to her sitting room and had her sit while she observed her. With very little conversation they began to
get acquainted.
The thing Martha wanted the
most was a comforting feeling that someone was near whom she cared for and someone
who respected and cared for her as a person.
She realized they were a long
way from being there but over time - - perhaps. Their first time together went well though
neither said much.
The one thing that came out
of that was they were able to figure out when Cheri’s birthday was and how old
she was.
She wasn’t quite ten years
old as of yet.
Over the next few weeks
Cheri’s time was spent being taught the right protocol for living in the home
of a Lord and Lady.
Much of that was laid aside
when Cheri was alone with Martha.
Martha envisioned Cheri
becoming her personal secretary and her training was directed toward that end.
There were times when
communicating with Chinese society women using Chinese instead of English would
be more intimate and personal.
Over and again she thought
“What a bright child” and how quickly she learns."
Cheri had now put aside her
first wardrobe and now was dressed in upscale dress for Chinese ladies.
Martha didn’t want her to
look like she was trying to be an English lady.
A year passed and now when
Martha went out she was accompanied with Lo Mei and Cheri where before it was
only Lo Mei.
There was no conflict between
them for each knew their place and kept to it.
More than once at tea time
someone would mention how beautiful Cheri was and where could they could find
such a refined companion.
Martha would remark, “I don’t
know for they don’t grow on trees.”
To be Continued